Prepare yourselves

I'm stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I'm a pilot and have just been briefed that me and my squad are heading to Haeju, North Korea. 16:00 JST. Be prepared

Other urls found in this thread:,126.46/7

military larping goes on

Always a leaf

I agree timestamp with sharpie in pooper on plane or its a larper

If OP were legit, he would be looking at severe UCMJ repercussions.

Sage the larper.

What are you flying, if I can ask?

Oh noe, Jippoon larper

Please drop the bomb on North Korea. Remember, burger, there are two Koreas, North and North. North is bad and South is friends.

Come on, nip. Grab something other than the first image result for an F-2 cockpit if you want to make it more believable.

Daily Reminder: Keep your eyes on,126.46/7

If their start diverting planes away from South Korea then you'll know shits about to hit the fan.

no youre not

USAFag here

i know for a fact youre not


old fag detected

good to know youre around here bro

literally forgot yourself.


Graduated highschool on kadena air base. Besides the scenery Okinawa was boring as fuck. Remove the gooks OP.

Reported to Donald Trump and FBI for OPSEC violations


Good going Google.

Post timestamp on military equipment so we know you are not an american english teacher LARPing as kamikaze

Squad, service number and pay grade please

if reel, loadout OP?

What's yours?

d-do you accept memebadges?

Why would I post mine when I'm the one leaking this information. Think about it

kys larper

Shoot down some of those squinty eyed communists cunts. And that fat fuck Kim

weapons loadout?

Go kys please. If shit was happening north in south-korea would be evacuated

Photo is of the testbed Raptor cockpit.

If that were an active combat Raptor and OP was a Raptor driver, we would see a Permissive Action Link controller.


wouldn't it be "flight" for airforce?

That's their like, name for company/batteries?

We aim good

>there are two Koreas, North and North
Damn fucking straight!

This. C'mon then

Amraam loadout

>Be prepared
for what?
what can we do with this information?

Okinawa is F15c's. The base that would launch the first strike is Misawa. They have two Squadrons of wild weasel F-16's. That and Anderson would have forward deployed B-52's to cruse missle the living shit out of their C&C and early warning radar. OP is a LARPing faggot. Any pilot who divulged classified information like an imminent atack on a foreign country would go to jail.

I think it's squadron.

>Remember, burger, there are two Koreas, North and North

A Flight consists of four birds, a squadron consists of three Flights.

Kim Jong has fake nuke test. America uses it as excuse to launch missiles targeted at radar installations and infrastructure. NK attacks U.S. ships. NK attacks U.S. bases with missiles, fires artilery at the south and invades South Korea. U.S. retreats and launches bombing mission. China invades and makes a land grab, faces heavy losses and retreats. Stalemate. U.S. prepares international coalition to retake Soul. NK fights to the last soldier. China and U.S. split Korea and take the resources.

This is a LARP fuck off

Standard fighter loadout, no bombs. So if real mission, interception or recon

Allocation of Civil Authority
70:12.1.The great struggle in the evolution of government has concerned the concentration of power. The universe administrators have learned from experience that the evolutionary peoples on the inhabited worlds are best regulated by the representative type of civil government when there is maintained proper balance of power between the well-co-ordinated executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
70:12.2.While primitive authority was based on strength, physical power, the ideal government is the representative system wherein leadership is based on ability, but in the days of barbarism there was entirely too much war to permit representative government to function effectively. In the long struggle between division of authority and unity of command, the dictator won. The early and diffuse powers of the primitive council of elders were gradually concentrated in the person of the absolute monarch. After the arrival of real kings the groups of elders persisted as quasi-legislative-judicial advisory bodies; later on, legislatures of co-ordinate status made their appearance, and eventually supreme courts of adjudication were established separate from the legislatures.

when did you lose your legs and how do they still let you fly

don't worry we have a huge soft spot for you faggots

we'd defend you like we would one of our states

It's real. We're being dispatched on sorties soon. I'm in McChord. We're being loaded up with extra fuel and fuel bladders on our C-17's.

Get ready guys. OP is not lying.

Sharpie in pooper is old? lmao

I hate larpers

Running checklists.

I'd rather fight to defend RoK and rather turn my back if someone nukes New York, California or Canada.


>le sharpie in booper
He's probably a newfriend like me.

Is일베 talking about happenings at all? My Korean isn't good enough to do anything - only been studying for 4 months.

Ah right.
I mostly dealt with guys from the Navy when I was in the Army. Barely met many Air Forces guys to know their system.

All I remember was years ago at Ft Sam they'd shout "Flight, march" or something when the school airforce guys would march out. I'd usually chuckle.

>expiration date
learn to read faggot

Holy shit! Bruce Willis lurks Sup Forums? Shit must be really about to habben!

Whiteman AFB is normal. I don't think it's happening.








>best kilo

We got your back Non-Dick Bong. You're in the care of Blumpf's tiny orange hands now. Fret not.

The fuck you are, Seattlefag, we only have one C-17 at JBLM in our strategic airlift. And nice stock CAC card.


Stay tuned to 8992, you'll be hearing more traffic soon. I can no longer post more pictures due to OPSEC load. I am a loadmaster enroute to the Korean Peninsula.

Learn to read a date, Mohammad.

Isn't that an F22 raptor?

Trump has balls and scared the shit out of Kim. Kim won't do shit now. He won't test his bomb today. He won't launch missiles today. Trump also struck a god tier deal with the chinese and china is tired of Kim's shit.

If Obama or Hillary were president Kim would have tested his new nuke and tested more missiles today.

We are back to a Reagan era of american foreign policy. Pax Americana.

You try to fuck with us? You'll be destroyed. So don't even attempt it. We aren't afraid of using our military. We're not going to do what Obama did and just whine to the UN when you do shit. Kim realized hes not dealing with a pushover and he knows he has nothing to gain but to do what we and china say. I say today is the end of the NK threat... at least while we have trump/mattis/mcmaster. (and Mattis more than anyone knows how to shut these people up before they even act out-without firing a shot)--- trump put the military in charge of these things. obama wanted to oversee everything, like he knew better. that was such a mistake. those days are over.

There was some unusual activity with 4 Mercury bird confirmed by transponders to leave Offutt, heading west, and the possibility two Nightwatch went airborne sans transponders.

Dog bless myself, im going to italy and norway the next few weeks for work. Those are less dangerous targets than belgium at the moment.

Biondo Stock Photos & Biondo Stock Images - Alamy

Fuck off faggot


kys LARP fag

One more. Photo redacted to protect identity of crewmember.

>. I'm a pilot and have just been briefed that me and my squad are heading to Haeju, North Korea.

Fuck off LARPer. ...Attached picture of F-16. Kadena doesn't have that aircraft. No self respecting pilot would make that mistake.

You're not very good at this.

his pic is higher resolution and file size than the one tineye found

No air puke driving a Viper would call himself a pilot.

>U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Kelly Bollinger
Kek, google is getting pretty good with this shit.

Look at the dates for the other entries on Tineye though retard.

Gliding leaf here. Double flight staff Sargent, second rank. The flocks' are out and our geese will be under target area by next brunch in North Korea territory. I repeat, THE FLOCKS ARE OUT. IT'S HAPPENING.

and to continue ----

That MOAB strike. It wasn't necessary. We could have done it in a more surgical way. But the entire reason it happened was because the media asked trump if he approved it and he said "I told my commanders to do whatever is necessary". That is a complete 180 from how Obama ran things. That is what scares the hell out of our enemies and guys like Kim Jong Un. He is letting the military make decisions from their area of operations. not from the situation room in the whitehouse. That fact was overlooked by a lot of people when they were wondering why it was used. But folks like Kim and our other enemies will take notice. The next Iranian ships who harass our ships in the gulf might think twice when they realize this change in doctrine.

Just fuck off will you.



>no timestamp

sure faggot

Now that all of you get the gist of my postings, I will let you know that I was not a LARP, but protecting OPSEC and myself. There will be a happening. The photographs were for reference.

Pleasant dreams, everybody. We've got the watch from here.

i was only in DEP for USAF for 1 week (leaving for lackland on tuesday)

is this why my recruiter's boss 'pulled some strings' to get me shipped out so quickly?

Yes. Sharpen up on your SERE.

Oh wow look a Tech sgt is here! He must really be "in the know"... fuck off faggot you don't know shit

kim jong un already backed down. nothing is happening.

Fuck off sage

>my squad
stopped reading there

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

Who told you this? DPRK's media?

Whatever happens, keep the sweatshops open. I need my new Goylaxy 8+ day one. No exceptions.

nah. your IP can be traced easily so if you were really a pilot you wouldnt risk spilling the beans. quit LARPing in the basemant

I was pushing sandnigger's wigs back while you were popping zits on your mother's ass, kid.


You aren't even people. USAF doesn't allow your kind to open doors because you'll fuck it up anyway. I'd trust airman basic than a TSgt.


What does DOUBLE TAKE mean?

Oh yes, DPRK media is reporting Kim Jong Un is backing down!!!!!


you're an idiot.