Afraid to date outside race

There are very few whites left to date where I live (DFW). Competition is high among whites due to scarcity. Hispanics are now the majority. My white co-worker says that Hispanics are the best (he's married to a Mexican woman) because they're feminine, traditional and caring.

I'm afraid to date outside my race due to cultural differences and because I'm a white nationalist. What should I do, pol

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find a mexican or move
you will most likely be cucked by any white women there

Have personality or physical traits that white women find attractive. Problem solved.

>cultural differences
>implying you have a culture
come on gringo, embrace the aztec (not) in you and wife a thick mexican 5'6 and be part of a family, and get a culture.


Stop using this word

Call the fucking beaners "Mestizo" "Mexican" or "Beaner"

Stop calling them hispanic

There's no no need to blame spaniards and cubans for the actions of mexicans

I would rather die a virgin than date outside my race

>or cubans
HMMM I wonder who could be behind this post.

Back in my day a man just bullshitted and trucked them and ran up on their kitten.

fuck off cuck

Stick with your own race white boy

Cubans are mestizos too, not at the rate of Mexican but they are Mestizos nonetheless

Find a shy girl with no tattoos.

Burger joint,pizza place,library ect.

They are out ther you just gotta find 1,faggot.

>says the cucked whitey that would most likely get punched in the face if called a someone a nigger or beaner

get mad nechbeard

I am Mexican pendejo, you are the cuck who has a fetish with white men fucking our women

You have to go back,punto.

You have to go back too wet feet Paco

Nobody except losers want your greasy women.

Next time you see a white guy with a spic gf, feel pity instead of anger.





good lets keep it that way, we are supposed to be out breeding you guys not mixing with you cucks

Canaduh is tapping trees and getting raped by moose. Cold as fuck. Tap tap tap eh?

Be American
>Get shot

>I am Mexican pendejo
Don't be so hard on yourself ese. I think you're great.

>There's no no need to blame spaniards and cubans for the actions of mexicans
>and cubans

You are still a fucking mestiço or even worse, a mullato, you fucking Fidel piece of shit

Kek there isn't more pathetic than a brown cuban pretending to be racist to keep his white ovverlords happy. Well, maybe a racist american nigger.

Stay with your coalburners

No Latinas for poltards

Thanks homez

>mexicans and every other latin american country only exist because white spainards rape indians
>be proud of aztecs even though they were short little spear throwers
>half their blood is caucasian

Why do you people think your not white ? Lol how stupid do you have to be I bet you think aztecs just spoke spanish huh?

>and cubans


don't mix with us. Go find a white beauty somewhere. Leave us alone...

Move to west Texas. Amarillo or Lubbock.

>because they're feminine, traditional and caring

Why are they so cuban still?

>Be Texan
>Shoot back

Well said, amigo.
If we don't tolerate race mixing, neither should other races.

Latinas are basically white, there's no difference. Some mexicans have really bad hygiene but if you find one that isn't like that then she's basically white

Kys shill

where do you live? California? Texas? Arizona?

DFW=Dallas/Fort Worth.

>bad hygiene
Nigga we were showering everyday when whites showered once in a year

daily reminder that even if you outnumber us 2:1 it's still going to be a bloodbath in our favor :^)

how can you not find a white girl in DFW? bait thread

Wikipedia says DFW is 50.2% with a population of 6.3 million per the last census (2010). So there are at least a million and a half white women. Maybe you're just ugly?

>uses cartoon as proof

Definitely not white

How can I turn my skin black and lower my IQ 75 points, sempai?

If you are going to pick a battle to try and show superiority over us, than at least pick one where Mexicans did not fight on your side faggot.


I'm half white-half mexican you can ask me questions lad or anyone else who want's to know anything.

Did I say I was white?

Can't you just go to some white nationalism site and look for someone to help you as scared and angry as you?

Quick question OP, you are planning to date someone born and raised here in Mexico or in the USA ?

OP should find a white guy and have gay white nationalist buttsecks. Gender is only a social construct and men, as we do everything else, make the best women.

No you didnt. and neither did I.

Stops Soros-posting, pls.

did you have identity issues growing up? sincere question btw

and here is your proof bitch nigga

Plenty of whites in Dallas, you just need to move out of the hood or Little Mexico. You can't really live in oak cliff and try to complain that everyone is black.

our superiority is self evident, i'm just pointing out that any idea of 'out-breeding' us is as deluded as a cow thinking he's going to 'out-breed' his farmer.

You live in US not Mexico you fkn idiot scrub

Yes, maybe because my father was an immigrant from Croatia.
My sisters didn't though because they didn't care about that and well they look white lol.
I'm talking colored eyes and white skin.
I was embarassed of my Mexican heritage at first but than I realized that's fucking cuck shit and everyone in Canada has their culture so I stuck to mine.
How tall are you and what's your eye/hair color.
Hispanic women are pretty great, just when they get angry. They go fucking INSANE.
Some of your kids will have identity issues, just raise him the way you'd raise a white child instill the American culture in them and you'd be fine.
Watch out for short kids though lol.

stop backtracking now boy, you posted that battle to try and say that you will kick our asses once you become a minority, but you wont you fucking cuck.
I bet you are not even from Texas kek

>Implying there is a difference between Mexicans in Mexico and those in the US

>implying there isn't a HUGE difference

>implying the graph is based on ethnicity

I grew up in the border, I would go to Mexico every weekend, there is no fucking difference. I am a Customs Agent and deal with these people everyday, so you cant fucking go and tell me we are two completely different people.

cortez kicked the asses of an entire mexican empire with a shipful of spaniards, and spaniards aren't even white. you think you're a threat to actual white, anglo/germans? MIS LADOS, AY AY AY

>i grew up on the border
>was molded by it
>you simply adopted it

They totally are, mexicans in the US are more faggy in their "love" for Mexico.

Sorry i miss read your post. but anyway

Uh that and thousands of rival tribes who hated the aztecs...get your history right...also bringing up this fact to La Raza types pisses them off (im hispanic btw)

This men speaks the truth, but, keep in mind when you are a foreigner in anothers one country , you long for an identity, so maybe thats the reason of it.

What about me I am Arab?

>cortez kicked the asses of an entire mexican empire with a shipful of spaniards
You mean 80,000–200,000 Tlaxcala, Otami, , Tliliuhqui-tepec, and Huexotzinco warriors.
Read a history book everyone in a while white boi

I dont love Mexico, I served as infantry man in the US Army and I am currently a Customs Agents, but I am proud Tejano from Southern Texas, and want to keep Southern Texas brown

Oh fuck off
as a decendant of mexican migrants who benefited from the US During ww2 with the GI bll and the Braceros program...the US did more for my ancestors and family then shithole mexico has...Perhaps mexicans shouldnt have such blind nationalism to the point of letting their politicians rob them.

just do it mang, there's nothing wrong with dating a hot latina

>dat account on how good latiams are
>fag of OP

>or cubans
found the ""refugee""

move you fucking retard!

really makes ya think, huh...

Why... You have no love for Mexico but arbitrarily want to keep it brown for?

You know already.

this, if one does run into one like that, damn it'd be like finding a fucking unicorn

>they don't realize tricking the natives into fighting internecine wars is part of the battle.

If it's so easy how come you never sailed over and turned the catalonians against the castillians? lol

it's just an uncomprehended mexican, that's all

I said I want to keep Southern Texas brown, I never mentioned Mexico dumbfuck leaf. I want to keep Southern Texas Hispanic/Mestizo/Tejano whatever you want to call us, because we been here in the Rio Grande valley years before the Anglos arrived.

Don't even try sven, our women won't date an effeminated, emasculated lanky white-cuck. The same goes for every euro with the same idea

No, don't waste your blood by race mixing look at the others society that is what you are creating.

T. Iberbro

>before the anglos arrived
so that means new spain, which would be later known as mexico, great famalam, keep texas mexico forever, sheeeeeeeeeit

jews haven't fully turn other nations into brazil 2.0 and yet shit tons of whites are degenerates and their countries get into trouble for listening to them. You should go after them first.

they sure do love white men though :D
Mexicans may or may not have big dicks since indian half and indians are from siberia and asia :3

only get lucky when you get the euro genes for that..

White with white black with black Indian with Indian.

Meteoplex is turning to shit. Find a girl on the fringes of the area at least. Plano, frisco, wylie, etc. Still majority white - there's been a long history of white flight to the burbs, just follow them.

>mex girl will not date a white dude for his money
>implying women, especially ours, won't do it
who the fuck you're kidding man...

>>they don't realize tricking the natives into fighting internecine wars is part of the battle.
Was making Tlaxcalans part of the Spanish nobility part of the plan?

>If it's so easy how come you never sailed over and turned the catalonians against the castillians? lol
>LOL Why did people with no knowledge of Europe sail to Spain and start a civil war among the Spaniards?
Not only is this fucking retarded but it has nothing to do with the fact that you tried to paint the Aztecs as some weak warriors defeated by a handful of Spaniards, when it fact it was just a Native insurrection against the Aztec empire that Cortez benefited from. The conquest of Mexico was not just a battle between Cortez and the Aztec empire. It lasted 60 years against all sorts of tribes and empires, the Purepechas, Chichimecas, Tarahumaras and Yaquis, many of who were never defeated till this day.

spainarids are not fucking anglos lol

there's a reason spain doesn't have nobel prize winners, nuclear weapons, or a functioning economy

>Dating Beaners

When I say "Cubans", I mean Cuban Americans that are genetically spanish like Ted Cruz. I'm not talking about nigger cubans in cuba


American married to a Mexican here. AMA.

Do not race mix you faggot. Move if
You have to

No one is trying to part of you pendejo.