How many of you actually call black people niggers to their faces IRL?

How many of you actually call black people niggers to their faces IRL?

I never see niggers, maybe once every few years

Nobody here does.

This is the average Sup Forums user

i would, if i ever saw one

Does niggas count?

Is that boogie?

why would i talk to one?

I say nigger around them.

But I don't think ive ever called a black person a nigger around them.

That would be rude, and frankly a bit classless


i do it all the time


>that whip cream can

Hardly ever see one in NZ but I would if the situation called for it...why/

>speaking english in a thirdworld shithole

go out and kill a nigger burger

is this what happens to sam hyde if he doesn't get out and shoot something every week?

Didn't you see the last 50 threads?

Here's your average plebbit user

I did when I was in 3rd grade to some ghetto rude shit black ratfaced nigger who skipped the lunch line

I then proceeded to fight off all the niggers in the school one by one until they either submitted or were expelled

nobody skips the line when im getting tendies filthy nigrats

I still occasionally call my friends nigger friends niggers in their face after a few drinks but I always get away with it.

Is there unironically a difference between Reddit and Sup Forums? I've never used Reddit.

all the time

wtf do you expect me to do?

treat them like human beings?

You shouldn't see them ever, what the fuck are they doing on a frozen arctic viking settlement anyway

get your shit together Iceland

reddit = liberal
Sup Forums = trump supporters

>this confuses the american trumpanzee

I bet you never ask white people that in real life, coward.

That's like saying "how many of you put your arm through a fence containing a rabid dog?" No one wants a bunch of nigs chimping out on them and threatening a sucker punch. My best advice is to stay away from niggers every possible chance.

I have....when they act like niggers. Or when they've called me cracker. Actually put ones tooth down his throat last summer.

hi nigger


I don't call them that, I call them "I ain't got a light" and "I don't have any money" depending on the circumstances.

>being near niggers IRL

all the time but a open carry, I shoot 2x a week.
only had to pull it once and they ran like roaches
funny how a gun changes their minds so quickly.

But I'm liberal though. There are tons of liberals on the rest of Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums.

Why do they keep attacking police then kek

>not keeping your enemy close
>not building your rage meter up for when the race war finally starts

get out shitskin

Then fuck off back outside of pol

>Why do they keep attacking police then kek
because they have something to gain
if i shoot them they don't get shit.
if a cop shoots them they get to sue for millions.
you haven't figured that shit out yet?

>get out shitskin
I'm white.
I do, sometimes.

This guy sure does

search the catalog faggot, too many of these same threads got this place is fucking shit Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!

I'm smart enough to avoid niggers at all costs.

Even worse, you're an effeminate cuck

stop drinking tap water faggot

pretty sure it's because its because they can't control their violent impulse like the animals they are.

I did when I was 10. It didn't go well but at least he got mad, which was what I wanted at the time.

>stop drinking tap water

i have, but i generally dont need or want to

or you know i'm not there to arrest them and i'm around 90% white people
it was just a group of punk nigger kids that thought they were going to be tough guys.
they said something stupid to my wife and i said " don't you niggers have something better to do "
they got up and i pulled my gun out. they ran.

Alex Jones reference to tap water having fluoride which makes you a sissy.

Buy the fucking filters you newfag cuck

newfag normie detected

no, you're looking for the difference between a namefag and an anonymous poster

Yeah...90's boogie

>reminder that if you punch someone while calling them a nigger it becomes a "hate crime"

give a hoot, don't pollute.

It was only once. I had to draw my ccw and kill one. While he was bleeding out on the pavement I said "You fucked up you stupid nigger" and just watched him die. If you guys want Ill tell the story

I actually beat up a nog in a bar a few months ago, he was sexually aggressive towards a woman who was trying to get away from him and I stepped in to throwdown. After he submitted I called him a nigger and spat in his terrified face

Why are you on Sup Forums?
It's a generally right-wing board where they lie to confirm their right-wing ideas.


Tell the story please.

I only see niggers three times in my life and they were immigrants selling shit at the beach. They also didn't understand Spanish at all

Hold up let me get the lube

go on

Boredom. I come here to shitpost sometimes. That's it.

> Living in Michigan with my wife and 1 year old daughter at the time
> Live in a bad part of town, it was all we could afford, but our street was pretty good.
>Summer comes around and a lot of people have had their cars broken into in the driveway
>Install a flood light
>One night, I was up hella late playing a new hearthstone expansion and heard the distinctive noise of my wives door handle being pulled.
> I looked out the window and saw a dindu shuffling around in the font seat.
>grab handgun
>flip on the huge flood light
>the nigs eyes about popped out of his head
>I told him to drop the stuff in his hands
>it was like 5 bucks and a gps unit
>he doesn't
>tell him he is going to die if he doesn't
> get between him and the street
> he tries to run
>shoot him
>he goes stiff as a board while in mid flight to the ground
>walk up to him and get my stuff, hes looking at me but cant talk, breathing heavily
>he is just staring at me and starts to mumble
>Lean in and say "You fucked up you stupid nigger" and smiled at him
>fades away and dies in about 5 minutes
>tell the cops that he charged me and I felt threatened
> no charges
>moved across town next month

Fuck off and don't come back.

Good for you. One for the good guys.


Im from Texas I call a spade a spade
and a nigger a nigger son. Been doin it
for 0ver 35yrs.

Yes, and fuck you. I'd shoot anyone taking my shit as well.

cheap bait.

>Be black
>6th grade
>Constantly bullied by this racist 8th grader that wore a leather jacket like a greaser
>Beat downs for no reason, called me a nigger every chance he got
>He and a mixed friend of his also jumped me

Feelsbad. Fuck that faggot though, he went to prison multiple times and came out as gay years ago. I'm sure he can still whip ass though

I have a few times, I used to be quite the douchebag.

Say negro. Acceptable but equally dark.

Honestly I still think about it sometimes, guilt creeps in and I start thinking about if I should have just let him go. Maybe if I was single and not a family man. But a guy who comes onto my property and steals from my family is a fucking dead man.

What are you talking about ya abo cunt?

I call my black friend my nigga all the time.

Other than that no because I live in rural Maine and only see black people once every few months.

No, you were right. Fuck him.

Have done in retaliation when I was called a cracka. They were not amused.

I don't even know. I'm drunk.

I used to call my step sisters bf a nigger but he was half white and hated niggers also so he really didn't give a fuck

Now why the fuck would we do that

I have no great problem with those with black skin, but i also see no trouble calling someone a nigger when they exhibit niggish traits. I live in Manhattan, have some money, i look out together, and if some ape says something to a girl im with at a club or whatever, calling them out as a nog catches them off guard, and since its coming from an aryan featured man who clearly views them as an animal, this seems to remind them of their place in the world. They'll chimp out, but keep staring at them like the wild animals they are. They'll fold eventually.


the only "niggers" around me are brown people. most of the black people around me are chill and act like white people.

you have no idea how lucky you are

Yeah, well you're in canada not detroit or DC.

>high on whippits.


thank christ. I'll take being around cucked liberal pansies anyday over those jungles

Me. I used to do it all the time and when they got upset, I told them to shut the fuck up "Jew/Cracker/Chink/Gook". Every single one of them would just stand there, just lost unable to speak then would just leave.

I'm a Gook. Not one attack and this was an area a block from section 8 housing. I don't do it anymore because I moved to a neighborhood that no nigger could ever afford. I do miss doing it though.

Good job lad, nig parasites deserve it.

I value my safety and those of those around me

Uttering the rage word in public is never a good idea

Watch out everyone, we've got a badass over here.

Only once, but to be fair I already knocked the nigger out cold for trying to mug me. I also took his shoes off and threw them down a storm drain so he can understand the feeling of loss on his shameful walk home.

proud of you user. you probably prevented several hundred crimes and thousands of tax dollars by doing what you did. cops are probably thankful for it too.

If it's true, you're a hero.


You've done a great service for your nation, user.

know based negro who asks me to call him nigger

well you see it's easy to lose your job if you do.

Yeah, don't blame you bro.

Just offering some IRL, non-autismo advice friendo.

Amen to that brother

i call them hamites so they don't chimp out

Once I think, it was a couple years ago, to a friend so he didn't think much of it.