Is Kushner the antichrist? Lets consult the digits.
Is Kushner the antichrist? Lets consult the digits
Digits fucking consulted.
Stop believing jew fairy tales.
I believe he's a kike piece of shit working for (((them))) but I don't think he's a supernatural son of satan. He's another kike in a long line of kike bastards.
Kushner is Thoth in the form of man
He's definitely a high level, if not final boss for ((them)). As far as him being the literal antichrist, there have been a few interesting rundowns done by anons about all the connections that would point to him being the antichrist, however I tend to think that he's a generally unsettling person with a disposition that is just a little too easy to meme into the literal antichrist but he's probably not the real deal. I've always thought something was just 'off' about the guy- maybe in the eyes. But the literal antichrist? Maybe not.
His right eye is very intense. Its as though its been trained to be as evil as possible. Cover the rest of his face in one oof his more high res photographs, especially where he's smiling. Its unsettling
There is something not right about him for sure...certainly a sociopath.
He might be. He's definitely a suspect.
This is the most realistic conclusion. >Appears charming and charismatic >Emotionless and cold in photos taken candid Not to mention his quote about his liberal friends needing to "Exfoliated" and that "People are very fickle." Just seems downright off for a normal person to say.
I like to think thoth is on our side as well as kek. Maybe they are one in the same.
Jared Kushner is the fucking antichrist.
Whether the literal antichrist, a sociopath, a high level Jew, or any combination of those three possibilities- Jared Kushner has something wicked up his sleeve and a lust for power. Pic related is Jared Kosher during Trump's confirmation speech just after the election results.
Trump is the anti-christ and Hillary is jesus.
Jared Kushner is a sociopathic Jewish antichrist, Hillary is a murderous puppet of Israel, and you are a shill.
>there have been a few interesting rundowns done by anons about all the connections that would point to him being the antichrist
did you happen to screencap one?
You guys are alright...don't go to 4/20
>thinking the anti Christ is a person
>taking Revelation literally
Somebody on a David Icke forum or some shit was claiming to be an insider and said Kushner was high up Illuminati back in 2008 before anyone knew of him and that the antrichrist was going to be the child of him and Ivanka if I remember correctly. I was on my phone and didn't save it. Was creepy to read but I'm reserving judgement as it is pretty far out. I'm sure some people around here have it.
Who owns 666 fifth avenue?
Nimrod is the antichrist. When the people building the tower of babylon had their languages mixed up, Nimrod suddenly had 20 different names like gilgamesh, Dionysus, etc
Now I get where all the anti-Bannon shilling was coming from.