You guys said there would be happenings

you guys said there would be happenings
where are the happenings?

Are you really a fair-haired girl? Why did you attach that image to your post?

we can make a happening in my pants if you want

do it

first post
also best post

The happening was NK not test firing a missile. Effectively showing the world
A) Kim is soft as fuck to his people
B) when we say not to do something, you listen.

ok im about to bomb my abdomen with chemicals from the missle sillow in my pants

Rule of Sup Forums:

If faggers are saying it's about to happen; it's not going to happen.

>test tube in pants

Kim was too cucked to do anything. Don't blame us blame Kim. We were ready at every step. Kim was too much of a pussy to do anything.

satirical board dumdum

what were the results did you find the weapons of mass destruction lmao


-- here is your shekel for making light of our feels with the "satire" curtain overhead.

Fortunately this, boring as it is, the us won a victory today

>missle sillow
I don't usually point out bad spelling, but god damn nigger.

Apparently North Korea has both ICBMs and Sub ICBMs

so yeah we're now much more likely to attack them

tfw am really north Korean using a us ip to trick you all. im actually a shill you got me.

the post number of this post affirms it


frig off /stormfront/

I wish you niggers would leave. You're give us a bad rep

guten tag reddit