Le god emperor TRUMP won le election hahah cucks BTFO!!!!

>le god emperor TRUMP won le election hahah cucks BTFO!!!!

Um, no sweetie. The American people voted for Hillary Rodham Clinton. It's just the corrupt archaic system from 250 years ago that put this even fascist in power.

why isnt she in the white house then

OP is obviously trolling.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!

On a serious note though, how can anyone actually think this is an argument? Even Colbert is still saying shit about how Trump didn't actually win the election. It's just embarrassing really.

The point of the electoral college was to prevent high population cities from having too much power.

This (and 2000s) election prove that it works as a concept.

Oh honey, its okay. Just sit down and I'll get you a paper bag to breathe into okay?You'll stop hyperventilating and feel better (((: It will be all fine!

....he already does retard

>tfw electoral college

she can still get in