Sweden YES


Advert from the (((Swedish Charity Organization)))

>There is no turning back. Sweden will never be what it was before. It is an understanding of what the world actually looks like – that Sweden is needed as a safe place for people who need refuge. Some yearn back to how it used to be. It’s okay to miss the past and it’s okay to talk about it – but we have to seek ways forward, and find a way for everyone to live together. Because now we have a Europe and a Sweden that is what it is: in a state of change. It’s time to realise that new Swedes will take up room with cultures, languages and customs, and it’s time we see this as a positive force. The new country is about shaping a new future. Being Swedish needs to be about more than skin color and place of birth. It needs to be you, me and everyone together. It’s not just new Swedes who need to integrate. Everyone needs to be integrated, established Swedes too. Integration does not mean that one party should adapt to the other, or that everyone should think, do and feel the same. Integration is about meetings, and real meetings are built on reciprocity. Let us create a future based on both realism and vision, in equal measure. Let’s formulate a greater sense of “we” and let’s build a country where we put hatred and fears aside. We all have the new country within us; in our views, thoughts and actions. The time has come to build a country that is proud, inclusive and sustainable – something new. The new country.

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I'm buying an ar15 tomorrow.

Hello, Bosnia, how would you like to remove kebab while dressed as Vikings.


From the manliest men in europe, vikings, to the biggest cucks in the world.

Almost all of the white liberals who want "multiculturalism" simply haven't experienced it. Pic very related. I simply think of this every time I hear these people speak.
>Why is the south so racist?
Are they racist? Or just realistic and experienced?

Pretty much
>HAHA the brown tide is here to stay and there's nothing you can do about it, sit down, shut up, and embrace the death of your social, cultural, and racial identity, stupid goys

Swedes need to fight back. This shit has escalated to an act of war.

What is Sweden's end game?


Too tired to read that. But I can say that at my job it's fucking 90+ percent nonwhites. Niggers and sandniggers of various varieties. I'm so fucking tired of these fucking subhumans. At work, in my neighborhood, everywhere just fucking niggers. Fuck them all.

what job do you do

Not Sweden's

(((Their))) endgame

Sounds like somebody is scared of losing the race war

Why does it have so many dislikes? Looking at the description it's clearly there to raise awareness. It's not like it was put up by the creator.

cleaning and refueling buses

Yeah blue collar jobs are filled with dirty mestizos and nogs here too depending on the area, though most prefer to just stay on welfare

(((multiculturalism))) isn't unique to Sweden, but your populations' desire to happily genocide itself is pretty unique

I feel for you Sven

Lol cuck nation

Wait one second, let me guess.
You and your countrymen are going to do nothing about it, right?

Fake and gay.

It was Serbia who did that, retard.

We hitting cuck levels that REALLY shouldn't even be possible

This was admission of national suicide, flat out

Can you really afford to be choosy Sven?

You work a nigger-tier job. What do you expect?


Yeah, mostly rich college bitches that were raised in white areas. Problem is, once they realize its too late. Thats why women should not vote, they can literally destroy the country forever in a couple of years with far left policies.

viking were never manliest, just bunch of pirates overglorified in literature and made more scary by cuckhold christian monks

Certainly more manly than anyone else at the time. Mostly because they actually yearned for adventure. There's a reason the vikings were the first to cross the Atlantic.

>Using "[Cuck'd Country] YES" in its actual context
Lurk moar

Bosnian Serbs, akshually

The Swedes' made their bed, time for them to lie in it. I will make sure future generations know the truth about the genocide of the Swedish people.

bitch please Genghis Khan conquered whole of Eurasia has the most ancestors than any man in the world didnt conquer more only because he died and internal strife followed. Vikings are some pirates who probably fucked each other on their lonely raids and raided some monks. Then again vikings are not a race but just a profession

At this point, Europe just needs to mass exodus fucking every non-white, no matter how integrated they are, and dump them somewhere else. The smart and worthy ones will figure it out and go back to their countries. The shitty ones (95% of them) will end up killing themselves trying to get back into Europe. They have to go back, even if they've had family in Europe for 3 generations. They. Have. To. Go. Back.

Old news, give me something new, brother burger.

why the burgers are so worried about europe? isnt ur populace like 50% shitskins?


See that flag on the left, let's be on (((their))) side to further our goals.


Islam is the greatest threat to society

Islam is a religion of war

An Islamist heart is darker than a Nigger's skin


1) Promote pro-Jewish speech that illustrates fear caused by Islamists calling for their deaths

2) Fake "Anti-Racism" messages - Defend Jews and call them permanent members of society that also deserve to live in safety.

3) Demand removal of all hate groups from society, like people who want to kill Jews, such as Neo-Nazis and Islam.


1) Integration. Ask your local Politicians to step up integration of Muslims by teaching their children our customs. Demand that they teach chess to kids, it is the demon's game after all, there is a reason why Taliban, ISIS, Saudi Arabia banned that game. They know.
(why help the fuckers? the idea is to accelerate their plan, if they see their kids are the target, they will react violently faster than if we give them time to organize and regroup. They turn violent, the political tolerance message falls, whites reign supreme)

2) Do you live near Muslims? Hang an Israeli flag on your balcony or in your window or one of their superb chandeliers & the likes. They are more likely to move than if you force feed them bacon. They are that intolerant towards Jews.

3) Always pester them about Jew's being great citizens and remind them hate groups like Islam are not welcome. Use their fear against them. For the most part, they've been indoctrinated to hate the World Jewry. Do not mention Atheism to them, they need to realize their indoctrination is shit and they are very wary of Atheists as we are the "devil trying to tempt them".


The same way Jews always did, call them Nazi's and Anti-Semetic

Genghis Khan died of disease, much like Attila and Alexander (though Alexander was probably poisoned).

The vikings cucked all of Europe after Rome fell. The British are viking descendants since the vikings raped the Celts. Germans are descended from the same people. Russians first unified because of the vikings.

And it's much harder to conquer war hardened Europeans than it is to conquer Central Asia. Europeans are really, really good at war.

12% nigger, 5% Asian (East Asian) ~0.8% Middle Eastern, 63% White.

We still have 7 or so states whiter than England, Germany, and France. Not to mention our whites are still breeding and not letting ourselves get replaced. Outside of Commiefornia and Jew York, we're fine. We have a history of oppressing uppity shitskins in our very own country. Europeans don't.

Fuck that's some scary shit, straight out of 1984

Can you imagine 100 years ago watching this, how people would react? If they knew what would happen to their country in the future? It's unreal

this guy knows his Balkan wars. Bosnia is meme country of Serbs Croatians and Muslimani

>Let's formulate a greater sense of "we"

This isn't how I wanted to end my night

Chink detected

>new swedes have to intergrate


>ends video with a hijab wearing muzzie

Seriously m8, how cucked can you get? They ride trucks into groups of people and swedes have to integrate to that

No, over 70% of the U.S. is white. The non-white ones are just very loud.


Correction: Europeans USED to be really good at war until after WW2 when they voluntarily sank into irrelevance. Or did you mean people of European descent?

Swedes were never Vikings, you're thinking of Norwegians and Danes.

Don't listen to this asshole. There is dignity in all socially beneficial work. I like clean buses that don't run out of fuel. Thank you.

I don't think he was invalidating the work. I think he was just pointing out the demographics of his level of occupation in rather crude fashion.

Swedes have always been the cuckiest among Scandinavians, and not Vikings. Hollywood made the association Viking=Swede, I don't know why.

>(((Swedish Charity Organization)))
I just hope they are going to redpill more Swedes with videos like these, where they don't even hide their intentions anymore.


After seeing something like this, I'd like anyone to explain to me why I shouldn't be killing hundreds, if not thousands of people and drafting serious plans for it. Seriously, give me one good reason? Because you were taught growing up that killing is wrong?

>thought it'd be jay fayza


I believe you know well of thegoldenone and angryforeigner, those two are just not afraid to speak up.

That's a thinly veiled thread that you you watch in the opening cinematic to a distopian thriller movie or game holy fuck.




underrated hue

Serious question for my Swede brothers - Has there been any sort of discussion or suggestion on changing the name of the country yet?
It seems an inevitable action when they talk of Det Nya Landet.

This is truly a fascinating new phenomenon... the idea that the onus lies with the host nation and its people to assimilate into the incoming population.

Imagine your neighbours decided to move in to your house for whatever reason... maybe it caught fire or was flooded or something. So you let them into your house and they all say okay well in our house we never take off our shoes, we all go to bed at 5 o'clock, we don't allow meat or dairy in the house, all of the girls have to wear silly masks, and we don't allow any television or internet so you'll have to throw away all of your devices.

What would you do? Would you be like okay yeah that sounds great we'll just completely change everything about ourselves in order to accommodate you? Or would you say okay go to some other neighbours house or better yet, fuck off back to your own burnt out shithole? That's what we used to do. Love it or leave it.

We don't do that anymore... I'm fairly certain I know (((why))) that changed, but I still don't see exactly when or how.



The problem is that people are more sympathetic to ISIS than they are to Jews


Yes, sonography s. we will see you soon faggot

Yes yes very good and all that but the final step in removing all "Swedish-ness" is the removal of the name and therefore the individual can't say I am a Swede he will be thinking "I am from _______".
They will take that away soon as a way to help integrate. Being a Swede will never stop being racially a Swede and the left hate that.

Who is "we?"

Hey burgers, I heard you have quite some MOABs left. Can you throw some on Cockholm?

Us u faggot

If I had to make a serious guess I'd say, like, Baltica or some shit. Tie it to a geographic feature (the Baltic Sea) and remove the relationship the name has with its rightful inhabitants.

its over.

its just a matter of how long it takes, but it will happen in our lifetime.

if no more immigrants come and we just use current birth rates, by 2050 germany and france will be ~30-40% slime and sweden will be 20%

europe has two choices, dystopian war/mass deportation, or destruction. have fun, bros

No because then we'll get called neocon zog puppets by this board for even suggesting doing anything resembling war on le peaceful muslims.

We'll give you guys a couple if you want, though.


dont be a defeatist. Once it gets bad enough, europeans will chimp out and make things right, i fucking guarantee it. the continents gone through ottoman invasions, maghreb invasions, the soviets and their uber kike proletariate, this is fucking NOTHING.

actually think of the positives: the EU is pretty much guaranteed to die a slow death, and people as a whole distance themselves from far left autism and become more conservative.

le pen is the key, if she wins everything will cascade

I didn't hear anything except the bullshit propaganda regurgitated nearly everyday in our society

Varangians were mostly Swedish though.

svea stormaktstid till ända

>STOCKHOLM (AP) — An international report says Sweden needs to urgently address the declining performance of its schools, a growing embarrassment for the Scandinavian welfare state.

Swedes are used to seeing their nation rank near the top in international surveys on everything from quality of life to economic competitiveness.

But the performance of Swedish students in an international test for 15-year-olds has plunged in the past decade from average to significantly below average.


>Being Swedish needs to be about more than skin color and place of birth.

Civic nationalism is a joke.

We have fennoswedes that are a separate culture despite centuries of living together. We couldn't unite scandinavians under one cause and flag, we can't make northern and southern europeans work together without crisis.

But for some reason dumping hundreds of thousands of brown people here will work just dandy and it's just racism that stops them from being 100% swedish. Sure.
The irony is that the insanity of these people is hurting the immigrants as well. They'll have no home and no culture and live in opposition to society for however long they stay.



America has 200 million whites who make up the vast majority of its land and of most states. Our minority population of blacks and asians has stayed relatively constant in terms of percentage for decades, and those groups are also all massively condensed in mostly urban areas way from mostly white areas. The only reason America is currently ~60% non-hispanic white is because of the aforementioned hispanic component of things growing out of control, mainly from illegal immigrants breeding out of control and spreading around. If just all illegal immigrants were excised I believe the US would instantly jump back up to almost 70% white. And again that demographic is mostly condensed in their own areas because of the size of US unlike Europe where any minority populations end up inevitably living among the whites due to small landmass.


((("their space"))) will be in Auschwitz Birkenau . mudraces will die .

THeyll stay forever Sven, your government does have the political will to mass deport people. Im sorry but Sweden is at this point an example to point at and say, "lets not do the same to our nations." Unless something really fucked up happens that causes the average Swede to snap, but i have my doubts.


Pff fucking really? Export all the qts to Mexico and nuke that shithole please

The U.S. is currently more than 70% white if you include white Hispanics (which you should). Something like 40% of Mexicans are white. It seems like these tend to integrate more easily as well.




>Im sorry but Sweden is at this point an example to point at and say, "lets not do the same to our nations."

Said the man from the 65% white nation that can't enforce a border to save their life.

I don't get were americans get their cognitive dissonance. You're the example of where this goes. You're decades down the shithole Europe is looking at now. Don't you understand that?

Swedes deserve this because?

Spain England Portugal France Netherlands colonized but swedes don't and they deserve this why?

Though to be fair I also forgot that "whites" include middle easterners and north africans who are most certainly not white

It's not the same thing. White people are not native to North America. White people *are* native to Sweden. The U.S. being roughly 65% white means nothing because white people are immigrants themselves anyway. Also, one of the reasons that there are so many Hispanics in the U.S. is because the border jumped them in the 1840's when w conquered half of what was then Mexico. They only started jumping the border fairly recently.

I guess we're fucked then. Because everything that happens in Sweden foreshadows what will happen in Germany in a couple of years. The Old Europe is dead and before us lies a future of savagery and barbarism.