>tfw you lose an argument against a libshit IRL
Tfw you lose an argument against a libshit IRL
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Because the arguments this board can present aren't based on facts, it's based on emotion.
Like a whiny liberal.
When you actual debate a Liberal that doesn't resort to muh feelings, you get absolutely destroyed.
Debate me on Healthcare.
Maybe it's because on the Internet you only engage with strawmen arguments or cherrypicked fallacies in order to validate your own preconceived opinions, instead of actually trying to evaluate arguments objectively and arriving at a logical conclusion
that is the best looking uncut dick i've ever seen
It's because everyone is in a hugbox on this internet, and the colleges are one-sided as well.
PragerU is explicitely conservative and don't allow Liberals, and we see the Berkeley like schools as well.
The only place where I saw debates between two-sides was SFU in Vancouver, and MUN in Newfoundland.
We live in a divided world, and it won't fix itself ever.
Healthcare should be free fag
>D I C C
Then we agree.
He's got a nice peen. Digging that hood.
>mfw always win arguments so nobody wants to argue with me and they just ignore me and call me nazi behind my back irl or ban me online
10/10 Dick :-)
OP: I'm retarded
That is honest to God the best way to sit as a man. Feels so right naked.
>Debate me
jesus, didn't realize we were dealing with Einstein McMike Tyson over here
two faggots
Health care isn't a human right and human rights are imaginary bullshit made up by sheltered western liberals. You aren't owed anything just because you are born.
now im horny
Post moar
Same here mein Freund.
Not until people are taught to question their own beliefs most of all, and to seek out quality arguments against their own personal opinions.
God look at that thicc uncut cock. I wonder what it feels like inside
What was the topic being discussed?
Sometimes,just sometimes mind you, they are right on an issue. Besides all that. What issue did you lose on? Maybe you just have a weak argument?
delete this
t. jew
how many have you seen?
god that made me cum
Ben Shapiro has had two people on his show this week who are Liberal - one a feminist who thinks the Constitution is sexist and a pro refugee person.
Dave Rubin also has good guests on.
This board in a nutshell.
It's fun to call people Jews and all, but the stormfags really turn this place into retardville.
>tfw you can't argue with shtilibs because they simply scream over you
>literally scream
Free healthcare can only be sustained if the population thrives to be healthy actively. Also it needs everyone to actually work pay taxes and contribute, it can't be 40-50% of the population hauling their asses for everyone.
Also the goverment must be free or very low on corruption to actually have good free healthcare.
If someone wants to pay to go to a doctor, they can do it if the doctor decides to work privately.
Implying I ever lose arguments, IRL or otherwise, against anyone, on any topic.
This read some fucking books OP research your beliefs
Who cares, in their mind you'll never win an argument against a libshit IE: healthcare
>tfw circumcised
>the irony
stormfront is as boogeyman
i wish my dick would hang below my balls
So in other words, only in fantasy make believe land. Seven deadly sins and all that.
it shouldn't be free
Moar uncut dicc pls
are we gonna get more pics of this mans cock or not
It is literally nothing, you lost a debate. Just read up more on the topic, actually have concise views on the topic, and decide why you lost. More often than not it is either pure debate tactics (purposefully confusing language, selective goalposts, etc.) or you were unprepared.
You should pay for your AIDS medication faggot
That's because you're stupid, you're the type of person who shouts Sup Forums memes IRL without any knowledge of politics or history, if you even had half a brain you would you could redpill any libtard
>lel has the kikes
nice cock i wish mine was that big
>tfw you win an argument against a libshit IRL but she will still vote Mélenchon
>tfw this libshit is your mom
I like Rubin but hes gonna get ((())) on this board.
your mom wishes she could get that cock
no matter how much you prove the old people wrong- they will still vote for whoever they feel has the best character
>best actor
the joke flying over the shills' heads
pure gold
She probably really wants your cock user, she's just trying to play hard to get.
I would not mind putting that dick in my mouth if you know what I mean.
She aknowledge I'm right on immigration and all but she's all over "muh retirement pension fund" (although Marine has the same policy on that matter)
Also she fears the FN being elected could trigger a civil war...
You just ran out of facts, that's ok because you don't need to represent the entirety of anything.
You can basically just say "God hates fags" and that's a stronger argument than "fags hate God" because fags want to get married in God's house so saying fags hate God is a moot point.
At the end of the day, there is nothing a liberal can say that isn't negated by another liberal argument.
>women are better than men
>man wins woman of the year
>save a muslims
>muslims hate gays, women
etc etc etc
Such a weird photo
>big dong
>super manly
>super good looking
>in existential despair
yeah, nah
>Jews will never know this feel
>super good looking
You can't even see his face what are you talking about?
>Debate me on healthcare
Well if we had 100% white productive nation (comes with being white) you can have free healthcare.
In the US's current situation there is not fix, healthcare is a ticking time bomb no one want to touch because there is not fixing it.
So you debate with a liberal naked in your bedroom?