>>definition of scientist: a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences
>>mechanical engineer
>>fluid mechanics, fluid statics, mechanics of solids, mechatronics, etc. are all considered physical sciences that mechanical engineers study
Why doesn't Sup Forums think he is a scientist?
Why does a mechanical engineer put his mouth outside of his expertise and shout down any who challenge him or even simply ask questions, wouldn't a scientists for the sake of science hold everything with skepticism?
>why does d1I7mh/S think that s/he knows what Sup Forums thinks?
but also checked
> natural or physical sciences
What about computer scientists?
>bachelor degree
Shiggy diggy.
t. butthurt creationist
>Burger wastes quads by shitposting a b8 thread
Computer science is more math/language arts.
Because he is an Atheist douche whose science is always driven by his agenda as opposes to the search for knowledge.
That, and he is a fucking blue pilled idiot.
I understand what you're trying to get at: the role of a scientist is to constantly question the physical and chemical phenomena that surround us everyday -- climate change is not the exception. I am not here to defend the legitmacy of climate change or the degree of its impact. I am only here to state that engineers are by definition scientists. There seems to be a misconception on Sup Forums that in order to be a scientist one must contribute to a body of knowledge, in other words, get a PhD which is arguing antics.
Wrong, I subscribe to evolution. I think climate change is real and impossible to control as well as natural.I never said Nye wasn't a scientist, I just think he has an agenda ie paid spokesman because of nastalgia. If I want to know how a damn or wind turbine is built I might listen to Nye, but anything else I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him.
Yeah including religion dun dun dun.
And considering religion has ruled humanity for millenia not believing is the more skeptical world view.
I can gaurentee you he doesnt believe a single thing he hasnt been shown to be demonstratably accurate.
Bill Nye got famous for a kid's show aimed at teaching children pop-science trivia on the Disney Channel. And it worked, for a time. Kids loved his show. It should've stayed that way, he should've only been a children's TV show presenter.
Then the children that watched his shows grew up and became adults, but they never abandoned their sense of childishness and their unequivocal trust in TV shows they saw as children. So they geared up Bill Nye to be the wise sage of wisdom, the Based Science Man Who Never Lies, and since Nye had no other way to generate income, he happily accepted that role.
Basically the kids that Bill Nye taught in his Disney show for children, never matured properly, and as a result Bill Nye himself never had to change his presenting style, he still treats his audience like children and his audience still treats him like a teacher.
If you have post-doctoral qualifications and currently conduct research, I think that's a pretty fair standard for calling someone a scientist
bill nye the perfect gas law guy
>engineers are by definition scientists.
Actually, no they aren't. Engineering is applying science to solve problems. You can use knowledge produced by someone else as an engineer without ever advancing a field of science and thus functioning as a scientist.
Are there engineers that advance science in order to solve otherwise unsolvable engineering problems? Yes, but being an engineer does not inherently involve functioning as a scientist.
>Engineers are scientists
No-shit nuclear engineer, here. No, we are not scientists, and Bill Nye is a gullible dipshit.
>>Marriam-Webster: a scientific investigator
Engineers are scientific investigators, when there is a problem at hand we use science to investigate and solve said problem.
>not putting words in our mouths
Being a scientist or an engineer does not make you automatically correct. Knowing something, or in some cases the presumption that you know something, is not the same as correctly applying it or using it in a productive manner to make social / economic decisions. That's entirely why we have things like peer-review, code checks, etc in the first place. Humans are not infallible.
Bill is a knowledgeable guy, but that does not mean that he is applying that knowledge correctly in all circumstances. As he strays further away from concrete and well-defined sciences and attempts to rationalize social behaviors and trends towards his own political opinions, he's only going to find himself grasping at more straws and unconsciously resorting to fallacies, which bastardizes himself from the very sciences that he wants to propagate. Sad.
Bill nye the science Goy is just a TV performer
Who the fuck are mathematicians? Priests? Wizards?
He's kind of an entertainer.
I mean, he used to have a show about teaching kids science....
But then again, so did beakman.
Neither hold a candle to Carl Sagan though...
He's not a scientist. He's a comedian from Seattle, one part of the High Fivin' White Guys.
Which is not a scientist, nor what scientists do. Look up scientist in that dictionary.