Fuck you Spain it's your fault the shityy mestizos exist and it's your fault for letting them into my country, you'd better apologize for this and fix the mess of your ancestors cocks why the fuck would your ancestors impregnate all the native women and leave. You guys are such pussies you couldn't even beat what was once part of Spain and is now Mexico fix this shit now Spain and APOLOGIZE FOR SHITTY MIXED WHITES
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Spain's a pretty cool country, even if they stole Britain's rock.
Are you that guy who's been spamming that picture of yourself for 2 weeks asking if you're a Spaniard and got told to get the fuck out?
Get the fuck out of our continent wh*te scum
No I'm a pure white man who's wanting an apology from your wannabe taco asses.
Fuck of spic
That's why when you genocide you have to kill everything in sight, conquistadors failed.
You are the chosen one
Does anybody have a source?
Well, you are not getting an apology from me. Feel free to fuck off anytime.
Fucking apologize, sandnigger trash.
Once whites die someone has to take the torch. We're your rightful heirs :DD
Manolo says: No
>Spinks are reds
No shit.
bring me the blood of the aryan
Look Rodrigo I'm warning you
all races are a mix, like you, maybe your acestors fucked with red skins, or slaves
Why did the spaniards fuck all these indios? They must have been desperate.
go on instagram you can see how mexico s racialy segregated. indioos are not considered
Based Spain
Or they were chads who cheated on their wives instead of taking them to the new land
Gracias por favor. Love these indios. They pick all of my fruit and clean my turkey barns.
I live in mexico, and we are a giant mix of "races".
If you go to the south of the country you will see a lot of "indios" or better called: natives, those people looks the same as a person of 1000 years ago.
But in the center or north people is more like white or "european".
Yeah, maybe the 80% of the population here is like the classical stereotype of a beaner. like the people who goes to the US "for a better life"
Pick any single village in latin america.
It has more culture in a kitchen than all of what USA has to offer to the world.
You are a disgrace to the planet.
Subtitles plz. I don't speak bean.
butthurt mestizo detected
you are not a giant mix. mexico is still very racially segregated idiota
You guys had to put your nose up the middle east, causing the influx of immigrants to EU. on top of being the Jew's greatest ally. So yeah. I think we owe nothing to each other.
fuck you, get raped by our rape babies
whatever mohammed
yes, las fiestas de mi pueblo
we are so sorry, we will find him and redpill.
You better thank the damn conquistadors for mixing or we would have a bunch of pure Indio fucks to deal with. I taught some beaners to hate Jews and admire Hitler here locally so the little bit of white in there makes a difference imo
He's saying roughly "Long live Spain, Long live the King, Long live the order and law"
He's drunk af
God damn, that looks like my father when he was younger. Am I the song of a vampire?
Fuck you UK!! It's your fault that fat ameriblobs ruin the world for everyone else! you should have crushed that tea rebellion when it started. Now look at them behaving like niggers looting the rest of the world.
Spain is the washout dad of the world
Spain was the Chad and most popular guy at one point. Spain could have fucked whoever he wanted and nobody stood in his way. Spain conquered the football fields of other schools. The anglos and nordics were fucking nothing to Spain.
Then time hit
Spain is now fat and out of shape, Spain has a shitty job cleaning bullshit, Spain has a bitchy wife Portugal. Portugal often fucks Spain's rival, the Anglo.
When Spain was fucking all those exotic Supermodels, his pull out game was very bad
Now those Supermodels are hags who bitch to Spain for alimony money for Spain's criminal degenerate latin american sons like Mexico and Columbia.
Spain is the washed out dad of the world
>pure white man
Your flag says otherwise, Tyrone
you are right spain is a shit hole we should restore al-andalus and bring glory back to iberia
Better to have known greatness and fall, than to never have experienced it at all.
I thought they killed all those pendejos back in 1939
Thank you spaniards for making us at least a little bit white.
>Army size
>12k active members
Wew, you've got enough for a cuck parade.
this desu
we don't need a large army because europe and america love us and will rush to our defense in case something happens
De nada amigo
Portugal was fucking Spain's rival since the beginning. And Spain knew about it.
>Anglos fuck used goods
>Portugal is a cuck
kek, Spañistan wins
Portugal was britains puppet state to destroy Spain, that's it.
>Wants to invade Spain to make it Al-Andalus
>EU and USA coming to your protection when you're the belligerent
>Being proud of needing a sugar daddy
You're the NordCuck version of your stereotypical Jew.
Who played this dracula and why do he have thin lips
He's a nigger moor.
No, when there is a dynastic and military alliance between two countries, both sides gain from it. That's what's supposed to happen. The British only had too much influence in Portugal after Napoleon rekt'd Portugal's state between 1810-1817.
Spain is the defender of christendom, they saved Europe from being a muslim caliphate.
Portugal also created a lot of mestizos. Or are mestizos by definition of Spanish descent?
fuck you spain its your fault our country is being over run by your people. you fuck like rabbits. uncivilized trash
America already beat Spain's ass in 1898 if I am correct so you guys can read about it and feel good. Just put more walls spikes and stuff on the border, no good crying over spilled milk.
Ahem. That would be mah boi Charles Martel, actually. He was French.
Whats a nice place to visit in Spain besides Madrid or some place nigger infested?
>when you see somebody from Spain post and realize they just another shitskin.
Are thinlips a iberian phenotype?
Define shitskin, because most native Iberians are brown eyed and dark haired, with some being blonde only up to their 20's, like my father.
Blame Christianity. They conquered the world, then foolishly thought they could carry the burden of the lower races - and that they had a religious obligation to do so.
Spanish people are white yo.
Wow never realized.
Pancho, go make some tacos. You're mestizo and you know it. It aches, isn't it? There's no way back.
There are only two things I hate: those who are intolerant of other ethnicities, and the Dutch.
>those who are intolerant of other ethnicities
How did you end up in Sup Forums?
By quoting Austin Powers' dad in Goldmember.
wew lad
The .jpg is the source of the hue.
To do?
You have places for everything.
I love the north, especially Asturias and Galicia, and Castille from Toledo to Burgos. A lot of art, beautiful and quiet cities, the best beaches and for me the best food.
If you travel to the Mediterranean coast, you will find the low tier vacation places. From Cadiz to Barcelona is all shit. Bad food, a lot of drunken bongs/krauts...
Barcelona is a beautiful place full of shit people and inmigrants. But, it's so big that you can find interesting things if you have patience to remove the garbage crust.
In the center you have some nice places in Extremadura, Aragón and La Mancha (pic related, Conan fucked a witch in Cuenca).
kind of agree
we barely have mestizos here so that's not our problem but the spaniards are horrendous leaders anyway
i wish the Brits never left when they invaded and we could be a decent country today
You're right. Sorry that we couldn't keep it in our pants. We made a mess. Please forgive us burgermaster
>when Spaniards rescued your barbarian, pagan culture from sacrificing your own people and throwing their heartless bodies off of pyramids
You should be thanking them.
Wife and I named one of our daughter's after Queen Isabella, who exiled the Mahometans and Jews. Great queen. Her husband, Ferdinand, not so much.
I mean, I hate mestizos too, but I will not apologize for my ancestors using their dick.
Imagine being a spanish weaboo and finding a new world, sure it's not anime but you would still fuck. That's what happened.
This long ass face doesn' even look Iberian
So much Mediterranean facial features are rather Italian/Greek, gtfo
Fucking despise you iker manolo, but you are right, blaming dudes for things long done is bullshit.
I bet the OP burger is such a cuck that by the same logic he/she/xhyr or whaterever is also asking for forgiveness on being white and causing slavery.
and do you hate us the criollos too?