Is Sup Forums sick if kekistan?
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Dumb forced meme initiated by sargon
I wasn't before, but then cuckad had to claim a pol meme as his idea just like the jew fag.
I think it's nu-Sup Forums tier
>muslim name
Whoever came up with it was trying to turn kek into a muslim god.
The E part of the symbol doesn't work in the horizontal direction
fucking gay flag, always hated this version
stupid ass shit flag
kike stole /pols memes shilled it on all his platforms normies liked it then it leaked back into here and the newfags thought it was funny and man i hate nu poll just nuke this board and bring back the horse fuckers
So then you just let Jews trick you into playing yourself...bruh, bruh, bruh
Kek is funny and organic. Kekistan is a forced rebbit meme
Only neocon trumpfags like that shit. Also the "stan" makes me think of sandniggers.
I'm not done with the Sup Forumsland idea, just sick of this word.
Why would sargon create a meme with 4 Chan clovers?
Do you mean Sargon hijacked and stole a pol meme?
I always preferred the Kek Republic for this reason
It's the kek republic,no niggers allowed
>Oldest Christian country in the world
>Has -stan in its native name
Yes, it's obviously an exception but still proof they exist
yes, it's nu/pol/ incarnate
>Has -stan in its native name
You know what else has istan in its name? Countries we mock because they're turning into muslim shitholes.
my pet panther checking out our flag
Jesus Fucking Christ. Every time a company says the profits will go to charity it makes me not want to buy their stuff.
please kys
>The suffix –stan is Persian and Urdu for “place of,” or “where one stands.”
It has nothing to do with Islam
>Free kekistan
>Buy my shit, goyim
>Everything to charity, dont fret
nigs and a jew wearing chinese kek branded clothes in a slum....coolio
Is there a single white in that image?
>le EBIN Frog memes Awoo Awo XD
Srsly kys
How does the free market work goyim?
lol someones getting cranky
Yeah, I know. But people here tend to lose all reasoning when they have those wacky Mooslims on the brain.
another edgy faggot, i mean saying kys anonymously is pretty deep mane
we need to start cleansing Sup Forums
>le praise keke
>awoo xD
>free le kekistan
>muh shareblew
>mgtow for lyfe white wimins r bad!!1!1
no seriously get the fuck off our board you cancerous reddit scum
What the fuck are you even doing on this board?
There are sites specifially targeted for you:
Sargon, your wife's son is crying again
Go be a responsible stepdad and take care of "your" child
I don't have a specific hatred towards it but now that it's becoming an all platform meme I'm starting to really be biased when I see it. It's almost too serious but a good attack weapon for sjws. I think following it unironically is trash but if it's funny to you then cool.
Reddit meme
_ K _
_ K _
Yes. Sargon mentioned it a few times in a video or something or tweeted about it, and his follower base regurgitated it because lolol epic kek XD
Yes. Stop this stupid shit.
I still don't understand why so many posters here aren't familiar with Dr. Pierce or Commander Rockwell. Hell many aren't even familiar with Dr. Duke's teachings and he's about as mainstream and outsider friendly as you can get.
stfu you shill nigger
Stop posting concentrated autism like that. The shitty frog jokes aren't funny and don't spread the cause. They are just an outlet for you to be politically incorrect because you feel like pushing the debased societal norms of today.
Stop doing this for the attention and support the future of our people.
kekistan was ALWAYS autistic as fuck. i blame the endorsement of NEETdom and autism coupled with the influx of normies. kek is shock culture to normies, and what we're seeing might just be the residuals of that influx. that being said theres a noticeably different contrarian nature to the board lately
its different than the 'frog poster' anti meme meme. whats going on now is far more self regurgitation and far less creative. all the memes that were openly supported for their autistic nature are now being shunned for the same reason. when normies tried to seize pepe back (before the election) the meme evolved into the anti-meme. what we're seeing now lacks the creative meme magic that just screams normie. and kek forbid i use the word 'shill' or 'agenda' lest i be accused of being le reddit or /nu/pol or whatever the divide tactic going on is.
to any legit shills, i offer this cautionary message of sincerity. this place is chaos. it may seem like a prime target for propaganda, and at times you'll think you're making headway. but it's an illusion. the second you think you have a footing, some new habbening will occur and all your progress is lost under a flood of nigger-hate, anti-zionism, and flavor-of-the-week threads. this is not a gathering of political activists, or a think tank of fortune tellers. this place is chaos and we are the damned. what you witnessed in the 2016 election was the pinnacle of collective meme magic; a perfect store of autism. even as we teeter on the brink of war, threads don't reach nearly the same reply count of energy levels. what happened here was special, and i promise that anyone riding the wake trying to recapture it will fail.
It was a good gag that is lasting too long
Know of any good sites where you can actually throw politically incorrect statements around? I've heard Stormfront is a bit lackluster. Or better yet, do you know of any good groups to join? I've been wondering about this for a while now.
Would you agree that keeping cringe things on the Internet for us to laugh at is acceptable?
It was originally a /dvg/ battle flag iirc
No. It may come as some surprise to you that I do not come to this site to have a good time. I must say I hate every minute I spend here, but the word needs to be spread. The movement should not act in such an infantile manner with their lack of social skills and refinement. We should attract and be the proud men and women who are the vanguard of the West and white civilization. Instead we get these dregs of society. Oh well. Rockwell did make Nazis out of jailbirds. Perhaps we can do the same with internet losers.
United Kekdom
kill yourself loser
I like the idea. We need an ethnostate.