So I'm 18 years old, fresh out of high school, full of angst & cum and I'm travelling to Europe.
I'm visiting The UK, France, Norway, Germany, & Spain.
I want to experience European culture before its ruined by
You jelly Sup Forums?
So I'm 18 years old, fresh out of high school, full of angst & cum and I'm travelling to Europe.
I'm visiting The UK, France, Norway, Germany, & Spain.
I want to experience European culture before its ruined by
You jelly Sup Forums?
You're 50 years late
Hope you get brained by a (((refugee)))
Make sure you wear your best gear.
>He didnt even go to Paris pre 2000
yeah you aren't seeing shit leaf
I look forward to reading about your truck related death.
So there's nothing left? )':
Internet totally fucked up everything OP.
let us know your thoughts when you return
Come to south brazil, nowadays we are whiter than Europe
if you stay awy from capitals and problem cities you might have a good time.
>before it's ruined
At least you'll have an eye opening experience
I've got some bad news for you OP.
Are Italian-Americans welcomed?
You can still experience what you're looking for but don't expect to find it in the cities.
People always make that mistake and miss the best part of Europe which are the rural areas, France especially.
Did the same as you a few years ago
go to the rainbow gathering and goa parties
>>full of cum
You're probably going to be mugged.
You're too late faggot. You missed out.
30 years too late buddy
I'm in the same situation man. Me and a group of friends are gonna do the tour this summer.
>I'm visiting The UK, France, Norway, Germany, & Spain
what a waste
asia would have been a better choice.
Are you also full of cum?
Your asshole is gonna be full of cum by the time Achmed and M'Booti are done with ya.
If you really wanted see white people gawking at chimps you coulda just gone to the zoo
I did the same thing. I backpacked Europe for 5 months when I got out of HS. (My mom was already dead and don't know dad, I earned all the cash I used on my trip by working, so I'm not a rich kid fag)
It's a lot of fun OP, I had more fun when I stayed in SEA but Europe is fun too, especially Amsterdam and Prague. FYI get a Euro rail pass and fly on Ryan air. It's so much cheaper to fly on Ryan and land in a non major city then take the rail into the city you really want to go.
Europe is fine if you stay away from major west-european cities. All the old eastern block countries are fine.
I was in the military. Not a bitch.
Thanks, I am getting a Eurail pass and I'll look into Ryan air.
>wants to experience pure European culture by visiting Eurostans
>Omits Poland, Czech, Hungary etc.
Fucking rope yourself dumb leaf
No one will go near a smelly canadian
kill urself slavnigger
oh yeah with what money you spineless bag of dicks?
>I'm visiting The UK, France, Norway, Germany, & Spain.
>I want to experience European culture before its ruined by
Youre literally missing off all the cultured places in Europe and going to all the WOW SO CULTURED I LOVE CULTURE DUDE THIS PLACE IS SO CULTURED HAHA IM A TOURIST BTW XD places
Settle down Ahmed. Don't you have a carpet to kneel on or something?
>Implying im not just trying to bang euro sluts
>also implying I'd find drugs in small euro towns
Are all leafs full of cum? Whose cum?
But if you're going to be filled with cum, wont they be banging you?
Fucking queer
Are you staying in hostels? And you should really see Prague, Amsterdam and Rome if you can. Three of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen and Amsterdam and Prague are fun as fuck if you like to party and get your dick wet.
Watch traffic plz
>says he's going for culture
>i just wanna bang sluts XD gotta get me drugs XD
You must honestly be a fucking moron if you think you cant get drugs EVERYWHERE YOU GO in Europe
Europe has had drugs longer than canada has been a fucking country you asspie
If you want drugs, say youre going for drugs, ask locals for drugs, dont ask the police for drugs and dont hang around with shady people
you fucking melt
Sorry but you're a bit late, your great grandfathers generation killed this continent.
Not all leafs are the same burger. We don't judge you even though your leftists are just as cucked as ours, and after all, all degeneracy comes from your country, LA in particular.
I too live outside the city, dislike queers and keep my rifle handy.
Btw, please annex Alberta and Sask and nuke Toronto.
We wouldnt mind taking Alberta. The rest have to go. Especially OP's cum filled rectum
how the fuck can brazil ever be white? seriously, even the fucking pajeets are whiter than brazil. Even if europe goes to shit, it will still be whiter than brazil because the people of brazil are pure shitskins
I am from Alberta you fucking Mongol.
You're a fag whose mind revolves around cum.
where are you from? if you're not from a major city you might like medium sized cities more. Spain for example, Cadiz was so chilled vs Barcelona which is chilled in parts but like walking on the most most famous street or at night is so fucking annoying everyone wants to invite you to their shitty club, million pakis trying to sell you cheap shitty beers, walk past the beach at night its lined with junkies. If alone at night u might get mugged by africans or gypsies. Its miles safer than American cities the same size so whateves.
Why are you not visiting us you cuckboi?
Like it or not, Paris contains the greatest share of the Western world's treasures, be it architecture or museums.
Spend a full day in the Louvre amidst the most wonderful art in the world, depicting the history and mythology of Europe. I didn't fully understand the gravity of the burden we bear until I did that - the absolute necessity of keeping Western culture alive at all costs.
No. I did the same shit 4 years ago and was sorely disappointed. Most disappointed by Paris and Amsterdam.
So basically you will see another Canada, only in different languages:
>The UK
Muslim ghetto
Muslim ghetto
Muslim ghetto
Probably Barcelona, so it's a tourist hell
The most ok of these, still a muslim ghetto
I suggest you visit real european countries like
>The Baltic trio
>posts mlp garbage
>makes case for Canada
Why is every Canadian fucking insufferable holy shit
Please take Saskatchewan too burger user.
Saskatchewanians despise Trudumb as well, have redpilled premier and lots of oil.
I went there to the UK and Ireland about a decade ago. No blacks only whites. Was nice.
Doubt its like that anymore. Enjoy a watered down Europe full of Muslims eye fucking you with anger.
Watch out for Trucks.
As long as the aren't cum dripping queers
How by Amsterdam? Do you not like weed, beer, beautiful architecture, canals and pussy? Amsterdam is a good time. But to be fair I went in 2011, it could have changed.
This isn't bad advice, stick the the eastern countries too. Mainland Europe is dieing, france is fighting a good fight though.
Sorry user, just find this pic hilarious.
Here, have this cute pupper instead.
how is the wagon burner situation? can life be free of stressful interactions with them?
After my meme 'euro' trip, I will definitely check out Eastern Europe after I have more experience abroad
Rome is expensive, but it's worth seeing before it's completely destroyed. Also lets you put a face to a name. I also thought the Greek countryside was worth seeing. Athens is shit though. But I liked travelling Africa more. It was more dangerous and more unpredictable.
Yeah. Eastern European cum is delectable
good luck navigating the train stations! stop for one second to figure things out and the arabs and gypsies will be attracted to you like black guys to a white woman carrying a bucket of fried chicken
I don't know about Sask. user. In Edmonton they are just harmless hobos in downtown core. They are effectively removing themselves. Nothing needs to be done. Injuns are a relic of the past.
I'm a 24yo vagabond traveler currently in Japan
I have 10 grand in my savings, a backpack full of outdoor gear, a one year visa, and no strings attached on me anywhere.
I can go wherever I want, do whatever I want. I take one day at a time.
Step up your game.
How did you get a one year visa? Isn't the tourist visa 90 days?
Want a genuine European experience? Get a shitload of blow and boozer and go to huge techno festivals. That's about it.
work/travel visa for young people under 30.
It's good for a year.
How's the cum?
I'm from Denmark. We have a working holiday deals with a lot of countries.
Considering going to either Australia, Canada or China after Japan.
>6 years ahead of me
>in fucking weeb central
Yeah, okay. I'll be in a better situation in 6 years
Isn't fentanyl great?
Are you going to spray your cum all over those places?
That stuff was relatively fun, but the street crime was pretty shit. It's just a dirty city.
Inside a snatch from each country
I hope it spreads and they start lacing every street drug with it. That would get rid of hobo problem real fast, and other scum too.,
Isnt the cum already in his butt though? Is he gunna fart it out?
That's exactly what I want to do
I've thought about quitting my job when I save around that much and just seeing how long I can travel before I run out of money, or maybe try to do some work I can do from a computer.
Not japland though fuck that place.
England, Ireland, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Baltic...places like that. I could go cheap as well but it would be too expensive for genuine Europe and I could never fit in.
Benefits of having one living family member and no gf, I guess. No strings except for the beconing noose.
Guys where should I study abroad next summer?
>Short list
-Czech Republic
>Definitely not list
-anywhere south of the US
All suggestions welcome
are you going to Tomorrowland? (every festival to me is tomorrowland)
went to europe in late 90's. germany was still pretty german. lots of punk/goth looking creeps in the big city scene. france had a lot of brown people but i saw no burkas. italy was filled with blacks selling shit on the roadsides/tourist areas and venice smelled like a sewer. austria was still nice.
i'm never going back.
It all depends what you want to study.
Just do it man. It's great. The fear disappears once you realize how relaxed the lifestyle is.
what movie is that from I must see it
I'm an Econ major chem minor I don't give a shit about the courses I take there
If you go to Canada, you'll spend a lot of your savings quickly. Shits expensive there. Also, go to Alberta if you want views like that. Otherwise you'll have to deal with god damn "Frenchmen" to see nice parts of the country.
what accent do you like most?
medium sized student cities or just college towns in the countries you wrote off could still be 90% white
But money...10000 ameribucks would last like a week unless I had connections or something.
I'd kill to be a Dane at least. Americans are just slaves for the zog. Work. Eat trash. Stress out. Work. Pay taxes. Die.
I guess it's go full Into the Wild or tying myself to a light fixture at this point. So I'll go to rural Europe and blow my savings.
Then pretty much anything you fancy the most. Russia also has some of the top universities in the world. You'd also be safe under uncle Vlad's protection.
I'll be 24 on the 19th. When I was 18 I spent 5 months traveling Europe and from 21 to 22 I lived in Bangkok and just bummed around Asia. You gonna get you a soapy while you are in Nippon land? Getting washed with oppai is nice.
Start browsing /out/. Those faggots know a shit load about living on the road for next to nothing.
They even have a Hobo General where the resident hobos chat and meet up. A couple of them are traveling through the US in an old school bus.
Czech Republic
legal age of consent is about 15 there
Nah I'm not here for the girls. Besides no one would date a vagabond.
I lived in SEA for a year and traveled to a lot of Asia with 7k in my pocket after rent for the year was paid. Rent was 200 a month for a 1 bedroom in Bangkok. You don't need a lot of cash.
You'd be surprised what jap girls can do to get some white dick action and get away even for just a second from their boring squinted eyes robot boyfriend.
>full of cum
you fucking faggot.
Eh your loss. You ever been in SEA? You could use that as a home base to travel Asia like I did. Flights out of Bangkok are pretty cheap.
Why don't you go to Rome and Paris while youre out there you cuck fagget? Sounds like baby's first trip.