>a week ago
Oh noes a single airfield! Assad wuz a gud boy! Thats it #fucktrump he's double romney now betrayal! Fucking war hawks. I heard his kike son in law made su-
What the hell happened?
>a week ago
Oh noes a single airfield! Assad wuz a gud boy! Thats it #fucktrump he's double romney now betrayal! Fucking war hawks. I heard his kike son in law made su-
What the hell happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums's thirst for happenings surpasses all
That incident a week ago was the shills going on a coordinated attack. You could see it from how they all stretched the truth, with terms like
Russians don't care about NK. That's the Chinese.
Missle attack was in the jews' favor.
Kim is a commie. Commies should get hung.
this, also It was reactionary faggots. that same day everyone with half a brain was saying it was a ploy to get china scared. and lo and behold
>trump talks with china while the airstrike happens
>next day sends a strike group back to korea (publicly, so everyone will know)
>china tells norko to settle the fuck down
>cancels coal deal
>rumers they cut off the oil as well
>norks bluster that they'll really do it this time they swear
>US revs up those missiles
>norks cancel the nuke test and settle for just a parade
this is literally political chess, of the 3D variety
>cancels coal deal
They canceled the coal deal in Febuary and they'd already received their quota of coal for the year by then anyway. This was just them sending ships back.
didnt know that, whyd it take so long for them to return? can I ask for a source.
Because Assad legitimately did nothing wrong and doesn't fuck with us while tubby gook is constantly trying to start shit.
Also Assad is killing Muslims so he is a good guy.
Sup Forums is filled with hypocrites that don't know how to stick to principles. The Syrian strike was rightly rejected, but the amount of copeposting to avoid admitting Trump fucked up and betrayed us lead people to support the same thing - but elsewhere, so now they're reaching SJW level of mental gymnastics where going to war with another country is okay because it's Trump doing it.
too many dumb fucks that haven't SORTED themselves and want to relinquish all their responsibilities in nuclear fire
but also some kikes + neocohens that want to kike-ify NK the same way they did Iraq and Libya
>a week from now
>nuclear winter was always part of the god emperor's plan, Trump will get the ghoul vote!
>Wanting to actually put America first and reject foreign wars is something Sup Forums now rejects because it's Trump doing it.
Anyone who supports the Syrian strike, or a foreign war never held the principles Trump ran on and are mindless bandwagon idiots
methinks you weren't actually on Sup Forums during the strike. There was hardly any copeposting it was all just "oldfags" calling anyone who remotely defended the strike a redditor.
I was, there was massive amount of shit posting on all sides. Those defending the strike calling those rejecting it shills, and those against it calling those defending it T_D members. The entire board was shat up for a few days until this Korean incident where we're back to the same thing, except less resistance to now supporting foreign intervention with N. Korea. I still see copeposting all over this board, not just new threads. But any thread discussing Trump has people with MUH 4D chess on Syrian strike
Reminder that the only way that works and has ever worked to remove shills is to kill them, for example, with a TATP backpack bomb in the lecture theatre on an open day at a left-wing university.
>Sup Forums's thirst for happenings surpasses all
ding ding ding
Because the Norks would nuke Los Angeles and instantly deport 10 million illegals
the army of shills took a break.
Some are unironically claiming jews are not our foremost enemy
I was speaking more towards the tendency to not be capable of introspection. Another war is the last thing the USA needs
Don't confuse t_d faggots for legitimate discussion. I think there are some valid points to consider during his Syria strikes. I think to many Sup Forumsacks don't understand the politics behind this and unironically thought that Trump was going to make the US complete isolationist overnight.
If you support aggression against Syria or Russia, you aren't real Alt Right. If you are against either of those, NK or China, you're just a dumb Drumpfkin. We need to support our international allies, and Drumpf is gonna fuck this up and start WW#, like the Neocon zionist he really is.
Stop pretending to support him, and if you're not pretending, open your eyes.
>ding ding ding
Fuck off back to Red dit you failure.
>Thought Trump was going to make the USA complete isolationist over night.
No they just thought that he would keep his promises and word which he ran on.
t. faggot obsessed with reddit
They thought he meant it when he said "America First". Myself included
Shills pls go.
>Wanting Trump to keep his campaign promises and word of non-interventionism makes you a shill
>Holding someone we elected accountable when they don't deliver? HOW DARE YOU
>Nu/pol/ in a nutshell
While I agree that he is going back on his word and he should not have, I honestly didn't expect he would cut all intervention and Sup Forums shouldn't have too. I do expect him to do shit like this sparingly and for good reason. If he continues this, he will lose my support. Currently I think it's grossly unfair to call him George Bush 2.0
exactly. Where is the fucking wall, and why are we bringing the wrath of Russia down on us? Fuck this, not what I voted for.
Yeah definitely shills.
>I think it's grossly unfair to call him George Bush 2.0
I actually agree with you. He hasn't officially started a war yet. He's conducted operations considered acts of war against foreign nations. He's continued the bombing and deployment policies of Bush and Obama, but he has not started a war. Bush had Iraq, Obama had Libya. If Trump goes without starting a new war, he will not be as bad as them. But he's backing down on a few of his domestic policies too, and I'm getting nervous over here.
>Expands NATO by signing bill to allow Montenegro in despite not meeting 2% minimum
>Backs away from China currency manipulator label
>Budget chief says Trump's claim to tackle the nation debt during the campaign was 'hyperbole'
It concerns me that people are legitimately having troubles holding Trump to his word. If this was just on Sup Forums it could probably be dismissed as shills, but I see it across social media of real people. Either copeposting to avoid acknowledging he fucked up, or blackpilling. At the very least I'm glad to see that - at least from my perspective, there is a greater amount of Trumps supporters condemning him then Bush/Obama supporters who where silent
If you go back and look at how George Bush was before being elected, the similarities make this whole situation even more concerning.
Obama also ran on an anti war policy if I'm not mistaken
>use chaos god to elect president
>surprised when shit gets chaotic
this is what was asked for
I suppose so. I just think it was a show of strength. The thing is despite Neo-cons and Neo-Liberals starting a shitload of wars, we don't seem to win many. We get mocked constantly for our Vietnamesque wars in the middle east. I just hope Trump is trying to fix our shitty foreign policy from Obama and then stop before he goes too far.
>Show of strength
For what purpose though? It serves no long term goal other then to make Trump and the USA look unstable and a threat. As a result of the strike which killed Syrian military personal and civilians. Russia revoked the anti aggression pact in place, meaning any USA military that looked as if they where going to attack would be treated as an enemy combatant. Not long after it was revoked, our aircraft and drones where shot at. If it was aimed at North Korea, what was it supposed to show? That if they're going to be upset about our aggression, they should know we will actually act on it? The Norks are no threat to the USA, they want us to piss off. Every time we launch military exercises on their borders, or move hardware into S. Korea, and the latest being THADD, they REEE and say "We will not hesitate to defend ourselves if the USA choses to attack!" USA media reports it as "North Korea wants war with USA!" Everyone eats it up
>We don't seem to win many
Indeed, we've been losing the sheep herders in the middle east for over a decade. We lost to rice farmers, even the revolutionary war which granted our independence was won by the French. I strongly believe without the expensive toys we have, in conventional war the USA would lose against NK, and badly. The vast majority of our "combat vets" experience is serving on a comfy foreword operating base. Our mixed units (genders, races), our lack of discipline, and massive obesity even among military do not make an effective military. The USA has a nasty habit of overcompensating, and we need to cut it the fuck out and start developing domestically
LITERALLY Russian shills.
No meme about them hacking the elections, influencing the president, etc, none of that shit, they don't have that much power. But on this board there are so many Russian cocksuckers they can change the entire narrative of it in one day.
Case in point - Syrian bombing. The Russian shills got activated and went into full CTR mode to try and dissuade people from supporting Trump, even using memes and talking points borrowed from CTR during the elections.
Do you think it's a coincidence people start posting RIP threads for dead Russian separatists in Ukraine that nobody gives a shit about or knows? Do you think it's a coincidence around the same time the Ukraine maidan happened, this board spontaneously combusted into a Russia circlejerk?
The shills have so much influence that if Russia ever pulls out of Syria and stops helping Assad you will see the entire board saying Assad was never our guy, he's just a sandnigger, he deserves to get toppled. Or if Russia were to invade a random non-country like Uzbekistan you'd have this entire board simultaneously put out anti-Uzbek propaganda and call anyone who disagrees a liberal or a neocon.
Seriously, learn how to type proper English.
The US will continue to posture until NK hits a breaking point. This will result in NK shelling Seoul to hell and back and then Pyongyang being blown to shit. It will happen relatively quick
or we like Putin because he hates jews and is white, and is literally the only world leader with these characteristics
Syria is the kind of interventionism that helped create ISIS to begin with.
Nork land is a rogue state that actually has the ability to threaten our allies.
Is this what shareblue's new tactic is? trying to use the word shill against us? because it just makes you stand out like a sore thumb. it's like the dumb fuck lefties that say "oh you're triggered drumphy, go back to your safe space."
>Putin hates jews
This is what I mean. Board is infested with Russian shill propaganda that is blatantly the opposite of reality.
It wasn't aimed at NK it was mostly Russia and China. The NK are not the threat here. Trump promised good trade deals, and the best way to do that with an economy in decline is a show of force. It would be bad to think that China and Russia could just walk over us in negotiations. Besides currently our hegomony (which DOES make us money due to foreign markets) needs to be maintained. I would argue in the long run we should not have involved ourselves in that but the fact is we can't just cut and isolate ourselves from allies like SK yet so we have to show we will protect them. I think these missile strikes are hopefully preventing American lives being spared from that.
As for your second part I don't think America would lose a conventional war. I think if WW3 DID start our military minds would cut the bullshit about mixed wimmins and we would get serious fast. Our civil war was bloody as fuck. We haven't been allowed to win any wars either.
Here's the overall thing. We either isolate and stop interveneing (preferable but probably won't happen for a long time, hopefully Trump is the first step for this) or we stop fucking around and if a nation pisses us off we land troops and wage total war. We do neither. We go with a middle option that doesn't protect our foreign interests that well nor does it stop our soldiers dying for shitty reasons. We also fail to win wars. I'm fucking sick of it. I'm sick of our military doing all the work and still fucking losing. I like this show of force because I'm hoping that it won't be necessary to put boots on the ground. I don't know if I'm making sense but that's all I got really.
Foreign shitposters and paid shills. Nobody gives a fuck about dropping bombs in the Middle East. It presents literally 0 risk to us.
>We like Putin because he hates Jews and is white
Not much for thinking, huh?
The USA engaging in warfare threatens the interests of whites.
I'm not Shareblue you dumb Putinist shithead, I am and will always be a Trump supporter, I've been one during the elections and I remain one after the Syria strike because I'm not a fucking weekend patriot single-issue voter that switches his allegiance at the drop of a dime because some Russian manlet doesn't like it when we bomb his middle eastern proxy.
I literally don't give a fuck about russia. I've just notice a lot of shills yelling about how russia sends thousands of shill to Sup Forums and how they're the real threat.
>What the hell happened?
Also stage one of the five stages of loss, "denial".
People will invent the most ridiculous convoluted rationalizations rather than face the simple truth that Trump gave in to the neocon agenda.
haha epic thats literally me irl
That's good that you don't give a fuck, I don't either and neither does Trump. If they want to work with us they can, if not they can fuck off. That's always been my mindset.
Putinist shills on the other hand have this fantasy that Trump should literally be a Russian puppet and bow down to any thing they want, weaken America so Russia can come in and replace it as world hyperpower. They are the bigger threat on this board because it's easy to spot a Shareblue shill but a Putinist shill will often LARP as a white nationalist or a conservative patriot talking about fighting globalism and the jews, which Russia does neither.
>It was mostly Russia and China
Who are not our enemies despite us insisting they are and trying to make them into our enemies to justify the interest in war we already seem to have
>The best way to develop ourselves economically is war
>20 trillion in debt, most of which was accumulated from our middle eastern adventurers
If he wanted to help us economically he would prioritize
1. Securing borders
2. Deporting existing illegals
3. Scrap H1B visa
(this alone stops flood of labor market for low and high skilled labor
4. Enact high tariffs to ensure the revival of domestic business not using overseas low price of labor to screw us over
5. Reduces taxes across the board, and reduce regulations to lower risk of starting business, and encourage growth
There are a number of ways to improve our situation, waging war in foreign lands is not one of them.
>China and Russia could walk over us in negotiations
Negotiations for what? Russia has sanctions against them, and enacting tariffs cuts out the China problem for out competing domestic business.
>We can't just cut and isolate ourselves
We actually can though, and it would be better for us
>Allies like SK
>Implying the USA actually has any allies instead of puppets and those it bully's into not stepping out of line
SK is a puppet regime, did you read about the eight goddesses thing?
>Our military minds
One of the best 'military minds' of the west is
1. Cheney
2. McCain
Keep that in mind, McMaster is currently trying to get 150k USA troops deployed against Assad.
The USA military has no great minds, and Patten was probably killed off for speaking out about us fighting on the wrong side during WW2, just like Admirals where killed off for acknowledging Pearl Harbor as the 9/11 of it's day - either false flag, or we allowed it to happen despite having knowledge ahead of time to instigate war involvement.
Uhh... Libya, and he never stopped in Afghanistan.. And he drone strikes wherever he felt like, hardly anti war.
The USA current cullture is based around cutting away anyone with intelligence, those who rise up in our society are those with the most amount of compliance. Check out our 'elite', actors, puppets of people who are empty enough to fill themselves with a false character. We do not value good decisions in this nation because our culture is not based around valuing them.
>About mixed wommens and we would get serious fast
Check this out when you have the time
Non-white units preform piss poorly, there have been consequences to allowing so many non-whites into our military
>Our civil war was bloody as fuck
Yes, and it only happened because Lincoln wanted to keep the Union together at any cost, even betraying the original founding values of state rights
The bottom line is USA is heading for ruin, best cast scenario we balkanize and a new nation rises from the ashes. The more careless we are with continuing to waste resources, the faster it will happen
>I'm fucking sick of it
A lot of nations have no real military achievements. Want to know where a USA lead war would actually both help and benefit us? Mexico. Working with Mexican government to take our cartels, but that would require our government to stop supplying the cartels lol
Honestly though, mandatory border patrol would be good, having all service be just domestic, and not off in some other nation would be a welcome change. As would spending that money on rail systems to reduce traffic congestion of cities, to increase distribution of goods. A lot of the USA isn't populated, we could launch homesteading programs and really make this nation amazing.
I understand wanting to be proud of our nation, but war isn't the right way to go about doing it. We have a culture problem we need to fix desperately, obesity, divorce rates, drug problems, medicare and social security being bankrupt etc
>150k troops
>trusting le gorilla nigger
You need to go back.
>Obama invaded Libya
Re-read my post, and my own post I was following up on. My point was that both Obama and Bush ran an anti war platform before being elected, and both did the opposite once in office. I was saying that this makes me nervous about Trump turning out the same way