Response to racist note left at milk bar in melbourne

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but its true how can it be racist

May as well link the Grauniad


It looks like a gook or a curry-muncher printed that.

Only white cunts can be racist.


I like how the headlines on US websites are listing it as an Australian store owner, instead of making it clear that it's an immigrant who hates blacks because they steal from him

>gook or pajeet is racist for having pattern recognition

The store owner isn't racist he probably realized more of them steal as opposed to ones who don't, he wouldn't be turning away potential customers for no reason.

obvoiously asian shop owner. When was the last time a white australian ran a milk bar?

>8 dark skinned youths
shop owner:
>always blacks steal

what the hell is a milk bar? Like an ice cream place?

>Milk bar

Did the milk come from Lon Lon ranch too?

watch the video, it's like a small local super market

I feel like it's some sort of uniquely awful Aussie thing, like people being killed by spiders.

no, that's the spider bar

>dropping man child zel oft memes
kys cuck

fuck i loe living in melbourne the only redpilled city in ausdtralia

They don't always kill mate

>Father-of-two loses legs after a white-tailed spider bite

Did we ever get confirmation that the shop owners were asians or middle easterners? I think it's fairly obvious that they are. I also think this rule is 100% fair and should be legal.

Let the market decide if niggers should be able to visit establishments. If they keep acting up, they'll be banned from a bunch of stores and be shit out of luck. Maybe they'll manage to behave if they actually have to face some consequences, collectively. Could you imagine, if niggers actually started policing one another? Instead of just leaning on white charitability and tolerance, they might actually strive to do something good for their own communities.

That's a bodega.

Australia's flesh eating spiders

No dipshit, it's the Kerouva. They sell milk plus.

In America they'd be called Malt/Soda shops. However from the '90s onwards they lost their standing as a gathering place for youths and turned into convenience stores, yet still kept the name.

First thing i thought about when i read milk bar

>They don't always kill mate
>Father-of-two loses legs
Wew lad, I'm reassured.

U guys are going soft there's no need to make a big deal out of it
Post when blacks are forced to take part in fight to the death events or getting hunted with hounds and stuff

Wow that's really offensive.

There is nothing wrong with dogs.

Video confirms it's an Asian as we all suspected.

>milk bar

Why are foreign cunts so confused by this concept?

It's literally just a convenience store that has fridges for milk.

Those comments they got from a """"""""forum""""""""


Malt shop? What the fuck is this, 1955?


>I also think this rule is 100% fair and should be legal.

Fairly sure it is legal. The police said they were aware of it and found it innaproporaite. So AKA they can't do shit.

Whether or not it becomes a civil case is a different matter.

>and dogs

It's retarded to call it that and you aussies should be called out for your stupidity for such things at every instance.

Because imagine walking into a bar, and asking for a glass of milk.
That's how stupid it sounds.

Did you read my post fully, you faggot?
That's their origin, they've rebranded to pretty much convenience stores now but the name still stuck.

Says the faggots who call a pizza a pie. Like what the fuck is that shit? A pie is a pastry

getting ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence?

How long until I can freely engage in ultra-violence?

Speak English you cucked faggot cunt.
Kill yourself

Imagine walking into Hungary and thinking it's a good country.

I heard the day of the rope is coming

That's messed up. Dogs should be allowed to grab a pint of milk when ever and where ever they feel like.

No one here calls pizza a pie

Don't care.

But blacks can't drink milk.

This is the real MOAB

>One particularly vile post said: “Its not racist because blacks aren't humans.”
Which one of you fags did this?

That's new york guido retardation, you two are peas in a pod.

You mean every single convenience store ever?

Been to California. They advertise pizza as pie.

>not realizing you can make pizza in a pie dish


>'Muh hip laneway graffiti art' = not a pozzed multicuck cosmopolitan city.
Shut the fuck up cuckbourne faggot.

>Its not racist because blacks aren't humans
Ausfailia, bringin the bantz.

But srsly, though. The real question inquiring minds want to know is:

What the fuck is a milk bar?

Pizza, literally, means "pie." It's a meat pie recipe with reduced sauce derived from Italian meat pie recipes.

Thanks, that's exactly what I had in mind.

I think it's only called milk bar in Victoria

It wasn't a common thing here up until about 30 years ago when a lot of milkshake places (actual milk bars) closed up and were bought out and converted to convenience stores and they just utilised the part of the store used for storing milk. Hence the term.

You can call it a milk bar or a convenience store, they're practically the same thing but there is a small distinction. A milk bar is a convenience store that MUST have milk for sale. It's totally plausible to find convenience stores especially in shitty areas that don't have milk fridges.

Same thing as a dairy.

Which makes saying pizza pie retarded.

You do understand we will now have to make fun of you for this right?

no we don't.
been to Australia. They advertise their bars as milkbars.

Yes, and redundant as fuck, but calling it a "pie" is not.

> milk bar
Wtf why

What's that?

You could probably ask for a glass of milk and they'd give it to you.

I know some Maccas joints here will sell you 2L carton of milk if you ask.

>Hurr Durr shit city in Commiefornia is all of America.
Kys convict.

Milk Bar is a comfy name don't you think?

Yeah mate. A deli, a corner store. Same shit


Kys traitor.

Fucking Liberals just expect people to turn a blind eye to all of societies ills and expect us to ignore the fact they they are the result of the same people over and over.

It's like getting hit in the head with a brick every day of your life and expecting the next time not to hurt. Literally insane.

I sometimes wonder what it would take for some people to wake up. The Orlando night club for example. Do you think those fags(the ones who survived but were affected by it) are still liberal when it comes to immigration? or was that the ultimate redpill for them ?

Thoughts ?

usually in melbourne it's milk bar

here in sydney it's the corner store.

Wtf i hate milk

Is milk so popular in Australia they actually have shops specifically to buy milk at? When are we gonna nuke that country. Jesus fucking Christ.

strewth !1!!

Because back in the day, kids would go there after school and get milkshakes, no different to American malt shops. The difference being, when the cultural shift made them irrelevant, rather than go out of business they shifted into becoming convenience stores en masse so the name still stuck.

Yep, same insanity as calling a convenience store a milk bar.

Lying cunt I live in California and nobody calls pizza a pie.

>all the idiots in this thread asking if the shop owner is asian
Did you not watch the video? He's clearly asian.

Hell, go into any asian infested game and just count the number of times "dog" is used as an insult. He's probably malaysian or singaporean or some sort of chinese.

>Oy m8, been a long day of work
>hop on my kangaroo
>ride to downtown aboriginal ln.
>sley muh flesh eating spiders, quick lil cunts.
>decide i want a cold one
>head to the bar
>see mates, argument about knifesize ensues
>bartender asks "what will it be?"
I'll have a 2% on the rocks

Wikipedia says they sold milk and newspapers. Doesn't sound like a malt shop for kids. Sounds like some grown ass adults who just love their fucking milk. So strange. Australia is like a third world country to me.

Confirmed nigger.

Milk is the drink of the Aryans.

Maybe just the tourists spot trying to act like New York then. Because I assure you, it was called pie.


>not homeless
>not dirty, stinking liberal stoner
>no flies
>no dead eyes
yeah nah

I think I figured it out, with milk being the symbol of White supremacy, aussies are flaunting their racism.

i guess they are trying to make if more welcoming for Sup Forums

Oh for fuck sakes, I love how the Americans ITT are trying to say they never had Milkshake bars in the 50's. Shut the fuck up you squawking fat dolphin whale rapes it's a throw back from an earlier time that has had to gentrify and modernise with the ghetto world that we all now live in thanks to Judaism.

Now shut the fuck up about the name and get the fuck back to the banter from the comments.

Black isn't a race, it's a color. It's being used in this context to identify the skin color of people who steal. To say all the people who have this color are only from one race is idiotic.

>nuke one of the last potential safe havens for western culture over convenience store naming conventions on a balinese shadow puppeteering forum
Jamal who the fk gave you internet access

What's the matter, AusCucks? I thought you liked banter. :^)

they were called dives, not milkbars

>Milkshake bars
Who the fuck says "milkshake bars"? toot toot, brits join the retard train!

Black is a race. You can't prove me wrong.

it's a deli mate

It's your claim, it's up to you to prove yourself correct.

milk and cream are different races, but the same color.

I just think milk is nasty. Idk about Australia but in America i grew up seeing these disgusting got milk ads. I still have the picture of some black basketball player with a huge milk moustache lookin like some gay porn in my head from those ads. I think the while ad campaign is what killed milk for me.

>tfw never had malt/milk shops to hang out at as a kid
>tfw the newest building in my town for years was a McDonald's that got demo'd then rebuilt
McDonald's was pretty nice but hanging out with friends getting milkshakes sounds better than chilling out Dobson-style