Why do you care so much about your 'race'?

Why do you care so much about your 'race'?

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BTFO leaf.
Lurk 2 more years.

because innate nature creates boarders and separation

preserving our race and not wanting to dilute the colors of the world is a good thing, not just for whites but for niggers, chinks, kikes, wops etc.

I care a lot more about those tits

Why don't you?

>because I'm mixed


Because it's the only thing I've got.

we don't have anything else in our lives but to hold on to the success of previous whites. We must preserve it

>preserve the diversity of animal life
>human melting pot, diversity is racyss

kill yourself faggot


Whites are the pinnacle of human evolution, and if whites go extinct the chances that the species makes it off this planet and survives the inevitable life-ending meteor impact go down to just about zero.

Also white people are by far the most attractive. It'd be a travesty if the beauty of the Aryan woman ever perished from this Earth.

I am attracted and trust people who look like me (evolution) . I don't want people I trust and am attracted to die off.

Of course it's a leaf

Because that's your only purpose on Earth, assuming there is no afterlife.



I'm mixed and I actually do celebrate my heritage. In fact, I get to celebrate three instead of one.

because it's the only one that's actually human.

Only losers care about race. Usually racists are poor or dumb so the only thing that have to be proud of is skin color.
Honestly there is a reason every racist you meet is dumb as fuck and poor.

white girls on average look like meth-faced trannies. if you like white women you're probably like 40 percent gay

Those are some big fucking asian titties. God damn I'd trade in my dumb lazy white girlfriend for that puss puss any fucking day.


I dont. I just dont want to hand over our lands to other races for some dumb ass liberal feel good agenda.

Our ancestors struggled and fought so much and for what for us to bend over backwards and hand it all over? I couldnt look at myself in the mirror if I wasnt against this. I know this isn't what they sacrificed for and feel like I have their weight on my shoulders.

Beta bitch white boys don't like the fact that they are less desirable than literal chimps, so they find a scapegoat for their insecurities

Majority of "racists" here actually losers who have never accomplished anything in their life nor created a personality, so they cling to their "race" in order to not commit sudoku.

its easy to say males are beta and weak when the system is stacked to make them appear so

Bevause you can't have diversity if everyone is the same.

My race carries the world on its shoulders

>liking low estrogen boy-like gooks isn't gay
what did he mean by this?

I don't. If whites want to commit suicide for some shekels or because of ridiculous faggotry that's their decision. I'm done. If I am racist towards anyone atm it would be white people. Im sick of the dumb fucks.

the fate of man has always been an obsession with identity

who am i?
am i?

thus all great movements of unity whether they stem from commonality of faith, race, sexuality or nation are all pretensions to the same need

a need to identify, a need to belong and a need to understand

the ones who reject the hedonistic degeneracy of the day to only substitute it for the semblance of order in the unity of yesterday are no more freed from their ignorance than the pleasure seekers

all simply floundering for answers

Fuck off roach

>roach thinking he has an opinion
someone get the bug spray

I do care about our race, the human race. We will never colonize the stars if people keep being racist. Racism and nazis are setting humanity back for more years than the crusades.

Load of shit. Leftists are usually the losers with the inferiority complex. Racists are always good for working physical jobs or at least lower level tech. Leftists have a terrible work ethic, which is why they are always on about muh unions so they can get paid way more than what the job deserves.

Yes I do.
Also i said "majority of racists", some racists here actually nice people who know a lot of stuff about antropology and genetics in general
you're just subhuman.

what is masculine about her? she doesn't have a masculine jaw like most of the white girls you guys post

>calling someone subhuman

Irony is your strong suit

>Why do you care so much about your 'race'?

Two reaons.

1. There are some people who want to exterminate the white race.

2. I'm white.

3. I don't want to be exterminated.


>White calling anyone subhuman
i'm more experienced than you kid.


What do you think will happen when the West turns into some sort of Brazil?

Moral of the story.

This will pass too, nobody stays on top

Those tits. Thats why.

Jews obsess over their own genetic purity while forcing multiculturalism on White nations.

>why don't you only live in the "now"?
>you only live once!

No one is denying your experience in carbombs and rape

Wow that's cool. You really opened up my eyes to the benefits of racemixing, and now I am more willing to accept someone like you.

>Be white.
>Be smart.
>Conquer most of world.
>Make millions of scientific discoveries.
>Make advanced technologies.
>Decide since we are superior we take inferior slaves.
>"Don't work harder, work smarter."
>People feel bad for slaves.
>Still successful.
>Mfw african's aren't slaves anymore.
>Mfw now we're the bad guys even though we freed them.
>Mfw 90% of technology they use comes from whites.
>Mfw they discriminate against us now.
>When other races are breeding like fucking rabbits.
>When we're starting to become the minority.
Fuck, I dunno OP.

Everyone else cares a lot about my race.

>Conquer most of world.
umm you just killed some irrelevant native american tribes and asians.
how come we could enslave your race? how come we could wipe your race out from Anatolia and Istanbul?


this is u turk boi.

I don't i find white women boring most of the time.

I am proud of who I am and I believe that more people like me deserve to exist. Race is the basest expression of "like me" I can offer

nice cherry-picking...

The only hope the white race has is mixing with fertile brown girls and creating superior castiza offspring.

Oh sorry, I meant the important parts of the world.
Sorry for the confusion.


Yes or no?

>doesn't include atlantis from 10,000+ years ago



Insecure retards who continually reply to bait threads that are trying to slide any topic all the time. You fucking retards have no connection to collectivist society that is why you're here and projecting this extremely un-nuanced retarded shit "WHITE WHITE WHITES" all the fucking time, they don't even like you there is no whites there's different heritages and a nations that must be preserved for the sake of western society which has to do with "white" people being a majority and a lot more nuances within that, it's fucking pathetic, sage.


>built by Justinian I
>converted into a mosque
>you didn't even build your most significant monument


>1000 AD

How the fuck is that ancient?

Yeah wtf. Lemurian crystals tho

1 post by this ID, slide thread


I don't. It's just niggers that I hate.
The overwhelming majority of black people who I've interacted with have repulsed me by every one of my sensibilities. The middle aged and older women look almost comically grotesque, with oily skin and double chins. They're shrill and proud, even if they don't strike you as someone who has any place being proud about much of anything. Whenever I was in one of their offices, they always had some black power/civil rights bullshit lining their shelves. Imagine if every white woman whose office you were in had some books about how beautiful and strong white women are. It's fucking obnoxious.

The black males aren't much better. It's usually middle age and obesity that drains the retard out of them and turns them into Steve Harvey fucks who are actually kind of tolerable. Before that, they're materialistic, stupid, aggressive, and talk to everyone like they're close friends that they can fuck around with. I'm not the type to whine about bullying, but I don't think I've ever actually seen a nigger boy get in a fight with a non-nigger without about 3 or 4 friends (or one of those lumbering giants that I would occasionally see. gigga niggas, if you will) helping him. Even when said nigger is on a growth spurt and the kid is some bookish or skinny fuck, he doesn't want to risk the slightest chance of getting any licks. I'm fine with bullies, but I hate bullies who are fucking pussies. Usually when they fight among themselves, their friends are too worried about it coming back to bite them in the ass to help either one.

By the way, some advice for your non-nigger children. If you ever want to get a particular nigger to never mess with you again, you just walk up to him in the middle of class, with a teacher present, and hook him. The chest, the lip, whatever's convenient and whatever he doesn't see coming. It'll probably be the first time he's ever properly faced some kind of consequence for his stupid shit.


a fucking roach

Because pol wants the entire right and hopefully the entire western world to be slaves to their sexual insecurity.


Because the only logical conclusion of globalism is race-mixing and white genocide.

I value my white ancestors and their contributions to the world and I believe that whites as a people are the best and most ambitious race on this planet. We must secure an existence for our people and a future for white children because we care about one another like a massive tribe. You will always have more empathy for someone of your own race because sub-consciously you recognize them as genetically closer than someone of a different race.

Different races are better at different things as is dictated by evolution. If you took all the races and mixed them it would be like taking all the different colors of paint and mixing them together until only one remained. Real diversity is about protecting our people, our culture, and our nations so that they may last and prosper. This means white people should have their own nations free from "cultural enrichment".

Whats wrong with that

That doesn't count because "only whites can be racist, they can't be victims of oppression"

btw the turk is covered in shit from asshole probing wrestling


A lot since society is a racial construct.

Being white does not automatically make you a good or superior person. There are plenty of retarded and stupid whites out there. However, compared to other races, as a collective, we have plenty to be proud of, and wanting to preserve.

Take me back to my place, take me where I can find some gasoline, cause you know my way.


This whole fucking thread is irrelevant.

Once CRISPR is mastered and we become pros of genetic engineering race won't fucking matter anymore.

We'll be able to modify our children to be super geniuses with Olympic player tier bodies. Not to mention that we'll start seeing people create children with dark skin and white hair with European features along with elf ears.

stupid fucking roach. if we killed them, we wouldn't still be putting up with their bullshit today

The Blue Mosque was particularly built to be just a tad bit taller than Hagia Sophia; for particularly the reason of having the biggest monument in Istanbul be a Turkish one. Hagia Sophia is just better recognized by Westerners.

Though I gotta say, I really don't like Turkish mosque architecture all too much. Everything is big, cold, abstract and emotionless. I'm much more fascinated by a European town square. Even better is NYC, of course.

Its healthy to care about everyone and everything, including yourself.

>1 post by this id

Nice -c cup on that chink you got there. Would be a shame if it had a penis

Race is just a sub-category of culture.

I care deeply for my culture, therefore I care for my race.

Why don';t you care for it, OP?
Oh, wait, you're a leaf.

>c cup

Go to another thread then fag.

Because certain haplogroups are more likely to produce advances in science, technology, arts, and culture, and others are more likely to rape and murder.

It's about the future of humanity.

How is that "your children" though?

> Egg and sperm is taken from individuals with best cell characteristics
> DNA traits is "your choice," but with heavily streamlined packages you are not allowed to change
> Genetic engineers splice "your child"s DNA
> Fertilized egg gets placed in an artificial womb designed to best host the egg
> The baby is "born" in a sterile incubator, you are not even allowed in there
> Government takes custody of the baby, and makes you pay a "baby tax" to even see "your kid" for one day
> Oh, by the way, by signing the Waiver of Extra-Uteral Conception Consent Form Article III.B-528, you also forewent your right to conceive babies (snip-snip) naturally with your wife, who fucks Jamal anyway.

Sup Forums likes to think they are white, but they're actuallly not. The majority of people that browse Sup Forums ARE NOT white, but have a 25% white heritage that they overemphasise in order to feel a part of PROUD ARYAN HERITAGE

It's kind of embarrassing really, seeing those clearly not white being indoctrinated into trying to uphold white nationalism whilst belittling the races they clearly belong to. Sup Forums is a great textbook example of cultlike groupthink.

Not that any of this actually matters though as race has, and always have been, a social construct. Mohammed Cletus to fingerbangs his sister to "preserve my 7.2% white race heritage" need not apply his 2 cents to this fact.

Why do you care about your 'family'?

I don't, really. I don't plan on reproducing.

Great minds think alike aussie.

But you haven't actually done any of those things

Everybody who did those things eithrr died before you were born or doesn't even know you

For all you know, if you met them in person, you may have thought they were a huge asshole

Why lay claim to accomplishments that you haven't directly contributed to? Where's the pride in that?

> You fucking retards have no connection to collectivist society
I have a connection. It's just like your mother's sex life. It's surrounded with an overpopulation of black people.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Who gives a shit, as long as humanity progresses idgaf

We've been conditioned and programmed to. Keeps us fighting among ourselves.