The Jews killed Jesus, all Jews should be held responsible

>The Jews killed Jesus, all Jews should be held responsible

>Also white people shouldn't be held responsible for slavery

Defend this logic

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I don't blame modern Jews for killing Jesus

your imaginary white people are the only people in history to stop slavery.

Middle East
Eastern Europe

Still practices slavery we are trying to confront remnants of human trafficking in the western world but the africans like slavery after all they where the first slave owners and the ones to bring slavery to the USA after they sold their own people into it.

>Fun Fact I am Irish you nigger my people suffered far more than yours and if you dare call me white another time I will single handidly genocide entire races.

Slavery wasn't wrong, but killing Jesus was.

No one will care if we bomb africa.

Consider black people on Notice.

Black People have one year to vacate the planet if they cannot comply they will be subsumed.


Go call up Yakub.

But consider also Jesus was the one to say not to blame the sins of the father on the child.

You can HATE them for what they do in this life.
>And theres plenty of examples.

slavery was an economic necessity in the wise cuck words of destiny

killing jesus tho, well every kike should hang for this theyre all guilty in my book

>jews and slavery, how does it work

arabs and jews traded those slaves to the whites after enslaving them/buying them slavery is still going on in africa and the middle east it isnt like white people invented it they just refret participating which no one else who did does

well, the jews basically screamed that he must be killed, but they didnt want to be the ones to do it, because they are kikes and whatnot. most churches chalk this up to "the power of the crowd", but real churches just call it out as it is... kikes being kikes.

passover, read that shit

>Now the LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 2“This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you. 3“Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, ‘On the tenth of this month they are each one to take a lamb for themselves, according to their fathers’ households, a lamb for each household. 4‘Now if the household is too small for a lamb, then he and his neighbor nearest to his house are to take one according to the number of persons in them; according to what each man should eat, you are to divide the lamb. 5‘Your lamb shall be an unblemished male a year old; you may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 6‘You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month, then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel is to kill it at twilight. 7‘Moreover, they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses in which they eat it. 8‘They shall eat the flesh that same night, roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9‘Do not eat any of it raw or boiled at all with water, but rather roasted with fire, both its head and its legs along with its entrails. 10‘And you shall not leave any of it over until morning, but whatever is left of it until morning, you shall burn with fire. 11‘Now you shall eat it in this manner: with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste

in other words, "for just this one fucking night, stop being such total fucking kikes and i will spare your worthless fucking lives"

Jews were the cause of slavery in the west too you dumb nigger

Follow the bible or get Destroyed.
>And not that judeo christian anti crusade crap actually read the fucking bible yourself.


>fixed it for you.

Im a white jew you fucking moron.

Also i agree with you.

Why do you think they HATE anti-slavers SO much.

>because its hurting their business.

Good Man, God Bless.

Jews and Islam started slavery. Whites are simply the dirty rag/fall guys.

Learn some god damn history. Faggot.

To be fair amongst Jews its at US civil war levels 50% hate it 50% love it and work with Isis.

in other words
>no you cant kill a fucking day old lamb
>no you cant kill a sick lamb
>no you cant kill a worthless lamb
>no you cant use a lamb you killed yesterday or last week
>no you dont get to save the meat for later
>fine you can fucking share.. you fucking kike
>eat it all like the filthy fucking kikes you are

now celebrate the genocide of your hosts who did nothing wrong (gee that theme sure seems to repeat)

I also don't see Shia Muslims often taking slaves its always Sunnis

>Or did I get that backwards?

>someone got hurt
>you should replace and ruin the future of you're race because of it
Stop being a traitor. We have opposing dialectics. One must win and therefore they attack our sense of misplaced altruism but we counter and keep the cucks on our side by reminding them that the Jews are hypocrites and therefore we preserve the cuck's weak psyche and keep them on our side.
If you aren't willing to secure the existence of your people and make it assured that your genes will live on for eternity you have misplaced your priorities in life (and are likely a hedonistic degenerate that seeks pleasure and comfort above all else like a common beast)

Oy vey shut it down!!!!

Judaism is a choice, being white is not

Whites never enslaved blacks. They enslaved themselves, we simply purchased the goods they were offering. Although the purchase was selfish and short-sighted. We could have avoided the nigger problem today if we would have just pushed for automation faster instead of pulling the pin and holding the hand grenade.

Sunnis enslaved niggers and whites.
Shias enslaved Indians.
The worst were the Mongols who accepted Islam.
It didn't matter what kind, they were crazy mofos.

The Orthodox Church is the only Christian Church that hasn't forgiven the Jews for killing Christ
Food for thought



desu I can't blame the Jews, they were only following the teachings of Moses to the best of their ability and a lot of the stuff Jesus was saying (being cosubstantial with God) was pretty heretical in their eyes.

Judas on the other hand, a man who witnessed all of the good works done by our Lord and saviour yet nevertheless decided to abandon him for material gain, that is pretty near inexcusable.

Jews are of their father the devil.
John 8:44

Jews are simply using Islam against the west. It isn't brain surgery psychology.

We blow the middle East the fuck out and everyone hates us as a result.

But One must ask themselves who benefits in the end?

at least he had the sense to kill himself. better than all the other kikes

I won't defend it because it's a strawman.

There are hundreds of good reasons to hate jews besides "hurr dey killed jebus!"

You mean the entire initial Christian church?

Whoops, wrong reply


As an observant Jew myself, i condemn the killing of Christ, even if for no other reason than that it goes against gods commandment of Thou Shall Not Kill (even if they tried pushing him off to the Romans to kill, its still guilty by association). The Jews never should have killed Christ and many modern Jews agree.

The Elections over the Alt-Right can go back to being registered Democrats now.

>killing God is the same as enslaving a bunch of niggers

we wuz jesus an shieet?

True, I can't absolve them of murder, but I don't think they should be charged with deicide.

Rev 2:9
Also the TALMUD is pure evil

Hey man, blame God, not me.

Also, I don't have a choice to be right, jews have a choice to quit shaming Jesus and get on board. Jesus was a jew after all.

*white, I'm a fucking dumbass. But, white is right, so you know how it goes.

jews did 911 and ww2 suck my dong

> defend this logic

I dont blame either group for either action, it's illogical

Jews belong in the oven

Jesus didn't kill himself. Infact, he proved a point. He didn't deserve death.

Most modern Jews, even the majority of Orthodox Jews don't believe Christ should have been killed, even if they don't believe he was the Messiah. G-d has told us not to kill, and we did and we are ashamed of it.

talking about judas

wise man, g-d bless

>Also white people shouldn't be held responsible for slavery

didn't the jews write some book about a group of people who held them as slaves?

lets figure out who those people are and blame them for slavery

>Not White

>Sup Forums

Something is off, here.

Ah, yes, but most people believe that Christ was killed and that he did exist. By the way, calling him "Christ" is calling him the Messiah.

So that leads to an interesting discussion. Being that most of his disciples ended up being killed brutally, all but one in fact, and being that they could have at any time renounced him, that means one of two things. They were either all crazy or they all saw some shit that made them believe with all their heart.

And Jesus, too. He's objectively a good guy no matter how you look at it. So he's either crazy or he's who he is.

Jews are responsible for the destruction of Alderaan.

>Also white people shouldn't be held responsible for slavery
it was forced on us, we didnt fucking want it. we killed 600,000 of our brothers to free sub-humans that were brought here and forced upon us. not even that many people owned slaves and even then they all died and most likely their family line has ended so how can you make them accountable? throw money at poor niggers who do nothing and refuse to do something with their lives with all the fucking oppritunitys given to them at tax payers exspence, or how about all the welfare they eat up, is that not part of the reperations? sage this shit ass /thread. niggers have been given more than enough for their ancestors who werent slaves, most niggers dont know their parents let alone their grand parents so how will they know if they were a family line of slaves. heres your (you) faggot


It isn't even a proven historical fact that Hitler killed himself. Infact it was probably the exact opposite

>implying the Galactic Empire isn't based
Fuck off (((Rebel))) scum

Im reffering to Christ as his name, not as a label as the Messiah.

There is a man who lives in my town who is a nut job and calls himself Christ reincarnate. He is genuinely a nice guy, and he has a handful of people who believe him.

FBI escorted him via submarine.

All we did was buy the niggers that were on sale

Hitler brought himself to life?

Hiter=Jesus everyone, I've solved the puzzle. Let's start another Shoah

>Judaism is a choice

Not according to Jew's it is. Which is my number one problem with them, they are the only religion that believes that only people born into it can be considered true members.

Well considering they still advocate killing Christians...

Who makes that argument?
Literally who?

His name is Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth (I don't think last names were a thing back then). Christ means "anointed one" or "chosen one".

It's semantics, at this point, but it's true.

False. There are religious Jews and non-religious Jews. Say you were born to Jewish parents, you would be a Jew even if you were an atheist. However, you can be born to atheist parents and convert to Judaism if you have a Jewish soul (which is why conversions can take 2 - 3 years and be extremely intensive - to prove yourself worthy of being a true Jew).

Yeah, 2 different "types" of Jews - religious (observant) Jews, and "racial" Jews.

if you convert, however, you are considered both


If you go at them as if they are wicked and you are punishing them God fucks you up They are under his Curse, Do you think you are a God to supersede God Almighty ?

Consecrate yourself and Be Holy.

their are only 3 types of jews
1) the lampshade
2) the bar of soap
3) the pile of ashes

1 Thessalonians 2

14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Do orthodox Jew's consider converts to be true Jew's? I thought it was something passed down from the mothers side.

grammar, user, grammar

Hitler killed as many kikes (Jews,) as he could with the limited time he had available to him.

And reflecting on the state of the world today....

Hitler did nothing wrong. As did Jesus in his time.

>>Also white people shouldn't be held responsible for slavery
Why should we? A large portion of us had immigrants as parents, mine didn't immigrate
to America until 1914, how in the fuck am I responsible for this nonsense again?

Also, The Jews funded the trans-atlantic slave trade, AND killed Jesus, fucking kikes.

Indeed. The Synagogue of Satan must be held accountable.

I dun respuct a piece of dogshit such as urself to rite formall

Then I don't respect you faggot

>jews selling out and crucifying their own is somehow comparable to white people attempting to house train niggers
Get fucking real Khazar. These "jews" today aren't even the real israelis from the Bible which is why Israel today hates Palestine so much because they know palestinians have more Israelite DNA. Jews today are Khazars, literal mongoloid turkroaches LARPing as Israelis.

its kind of a tricky thing to explain, but generally you are right - "genetic" Jewishness is passed down through the mother. But say your mother is "genetically" Jewish but she is an athiest - you are still a "genetic" Jew.
But there are observant (religious) Jews as well, and Judaism is only meant for Jews. So if you convert and follow Judaism religiously, then you must be a Jew.

They see it as, if you have a Jewish soul then you are a Jew ("A Jew is a Jew"). So if you are born to Christian parents but you have a Jewish soul, you will be strongly drawn to Judaism and work hard to become a full Jewish convert, "connecting" your Jewish soul with your body.

make sense enough?

However, there is a rough but small minority of grumpy old men who dont wanna consider converts Jews because they are old and senile, but this is not the true Religious interperatation.

Respect is not granted it is earned.

I ain't ur momma boyo

hey, check out this book i wrote myself, this is source proof of the point im trying to make

Isn't it interesting only a white man and an ayy can see eye to eye?

Why are ayys all naked faggots.

But really you think we hate Jews for killing Jesus? You really think that is the reason? Because I really don't know if Jews are fucking with us when they say "I don't know why some people hate us?"
You harp on whites for our "sins", we apologize then you condem us more. Yet mention something your ethnicity did wrong and you have Jews from the left and the right jumping on your back trying to destroy your life.
What would happen if an American or god forbid a German started talking about Jewish involvement in communism and how many Jews in the movement were involved to advance Jewish ethnic interests? Or the atrocities committed by these heavily Jewish Communist regimes? And I'm talking fair criticism not "Gas the kikes".
But all day and night people like (((Tim Wise))) openly push for European genocide and they are given platforms to speak even promoted by Jewish owned media.

Do you know how many people on here would be non racist (actually we don't want to be) if all this or at least a lot of the "Jewish conspiracies" weren't true. Or even if there were Jews speaking against the replacement of whites in their own homelands, but all I see are Jews cheering for it from academia to the media.

And at some point people have to take notice, you blame us for not wanting your elite to destroy us while the majority of Jews cheer it on?

Their outfits are skin tight.

How about you do us all a favour and kill yourself.

blacks started slavery
whites stopped it

before the europeans came over to africa there was slavery

Because it proves a point.

2 different faggots who respect each other.

You should have lurked the thread longer, i've already covered all these points.

Except this point - even though 30% of Western media is controlled by billionaire non-religious Jews, 95+% of jews live in poverty or middle class.

read all my previous posts for further explaination.

Status of Individual Jews
175:2.1.The fact that the spiritual leaders and the religious teachers of the Jewish nation onetime rejected the teachings of Jesus and conspired to bring about his cruel death, does not in any manner affect the status of any individual Jew in his standing before God. And it should not cause those who profess to be followers of the Christ to be prejudiced against the Jew as a fellow mortal. The Jews, as a nation, as a sociopolitical group, paid in full the terrible price of rejecting the Prince of Peace. Long since they ceased to be the spiritual torchbearers of divine truth to the races of mankind, but this constitutes no valid reason why the individual descendants of these long-ago Jews should be made to suffer the persecutions which have been visited upon them by intolerant, unworthy, and bigoted professed followers of Jesus of Nazareth, who was, himself, a Jew by natural birth.
175:2.2.Many times has this unreasoning and un-Christlike hatred and persecution of modern Jews terminated in the suffering and death of some innocent and unoffending Jewish individual whose very ancestors, in the times of Jesus, heartily accepted his gospel and presently died unflinchingly for that truth which they so wholeheartedly believed. What a shudder of horror passes over the onlooking celestial beings as they behold the professed followers of Jesus indulge themselves in persecuting, harassing, and even murdering the later-day descendants of Peter, Philip, Matthew, and others of the Palestinian Jews who so gloriously yielded up their lives as the first martyrs of the gospel of the heavenly kingdom!

Go away Kike (((())))

Just wait until all the hatred is focused on you once again

Focus on the Jew.

yea and I bet Hollywood is 10% Jewish.
Also 45% of Jews in the US are in the top 1% of earners. But that still isn't my problem, my problem is the push for the genocide of Europeans and there being 0 push back to stop it.

I do not condone genocide of the Europeans, or any race or person. G-d specifically tells us not to kill. I think people get Religious Jews and Zionists completely mixed up. I am an Orthodox Jew and i condemn Israel and Zionism 100%. The zionists are not religious Jews, they are only "genetic" Jews, which is not the type of jew most people think of.

The Zionists are not religious, and if the Zionists and Globalists have it their way, in the end the religious Jews will be no better than anybody else.

The Zionists and Globalists use us religious Jews as a sort of meat-shield to take the beating while they work away at world financial domination. So while people focus their attention on 100% of the Jewish population, the 1% of Zionists and Globalists twiddle away behind our backs while you are distracted

Invert reality = you

Play victim as a sheild.