Can I get some more of these?

These "Your teachers lied" pictures are freaking me out. I need more. also yes im a newfag.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't get it.

I don't have a picture, but there's lots that your teachers lied about.

Adam ruins everything is basically all about it.

Some common ones:
>nobody in Columbus' time thought the Earth was flat
>you have more than 5 senses, and the only reason people think there are 5 is because those are the ones Aristotle identified 3,500 years ago
>blacks and whites are genetically distinct
>speciation occurs in humans

I think means this

>linking liberal propaganda idiot

It's a good way to see some of their lies from their perspective.

Many teachers lie about there only being three states of matter. Solids, liquids and gasses. There is actually a 4th called Plasma.

No one had seen footage of JFK being murked until Geraldo premiered the footage over a decade later; when people saw that he was shot from the front it was a dark time and they were helpless; imagine if we only saw 9/11 footage, and a mere weak stream of photos in years between, 10 YEARS after it happened: 2011.

That's when Baby Boomers lost their shit: 1963-1973

And a 5th called the Bose-Einstein condensate.

Educate yourself, nigger.

This is true. There was a black athlete that competed against Hitler's athletes and btf ou of them. Hitler acknowledged him and even shook his hand and such however when the guy returned to America the president at the time wouldn't even meet with him or send a few words his way.

And another one called Bose-Einstein Condensant. I may have spelled it wrong, but it is real.

Do you honestly expect an island monkey like me to know that? You're overestimating my nigger intellect.

Physics here. If you didn't learn about plasma in third grade then you went to a really bad school, but there are actually much more than 4 phases.

The rest are fairly exotic however so you get a pass not knowing them.

Don't be so hard on yourself bro.

The first broadcast of the Zapruder film was on the late-night television show Underground News with Chuck Collins, originating on WSNS-TV, Ch 44, Chicago in 1970. It was given to director Howie Samuelsohn by Penn Jones and later aired in syndication to Philadelphia, Detroit, Kansas City and St. Louis.[citation needed]

On March 6, 1975, on the ABC late-night television show Good Night America (hosted by Geraldo Rivera), assassination researchers Robert Groden and Dick Gregory presented the first-ever network television showing of the Zapruder home movie. The public's response and outrage to that television showing quickly led to the forming of the Hart-Schweiker investigation, contributed to the Church Committee Investigation on Intelligence Activities by the United States, and resulted in the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation.[17]


But the Warren Commission reviewed the Zapruder film before that.

those people in the picture don't look happy for some reason

Look, I just call you nigger because it's Sup Forums and that's what we do. I think you're quite intelligent already to be correcting the lies teachers tell. You just need to go further and not stop at half measures.

Hi Physics, nice to meet you. My name's History.

Its probably hot out there

yeah read about General Plan Ost you mongoloid dumbfuck

Last time I had to study physics, there were 11 or 12 states of matter, or 20+ depending on how you define those.

Oh shit man, I've been wanting to meet you since forever. I've got a huge question for you, really important.

Do you ever remember seeing a proton decay into subatomic particles? Think real hard.

Yes, and don't forget the six zillion.

i am not even racist imagine if all niggers and whites united against jews

I meant these pictures but this was a great discussion anyway.

>General Plan Ost
how about you kys, you mountain kike

Claus, go to sleep.

Well, no man, but I'm only 8,000 years old. You probably need to talk to my older brothers, Pre-History and Cosmos.

Audibly kek'd

It's truly astonishing how much hatred of jews can bring people of all races together

Hi Dane physics, Brit physics here

The only thing I have not been able to debunk so far about hitler, the holohoax and WWII is the claim that he exterminated disabled or retarded people. Does anyone has something on that? Or did the jews tell the truth for once?