Humpty Drumpfy did not build a wall

Humpty Drumpfy did not build a wall

Humpty Drumpfy had a great fall

All of the redditards and the klansmen

couldn't put Drumpfy together again

Drumpfy broke his promise on wars

The lion of Syria cut off his balls

Putin and Xinping laughed at his dick

Bill Mitchell settled on his asshole to lick

Drumpfy's presidency turned to shite

America's now less than 50% white

Niggers and spics, the kikes at the top

Didn't we vote for the bullshit to stop?

Drumpf he tried washing his shame out with water

All while a jew was fucking his daughter

And making the choices on every adventure

And you thought I suffered from dementia?

Oh little trumplets, look at you now

You were all duped and we all know how

Your IQ so low, we should just pull the cord

When will you realize, Sup Forums isn't your board?

Burgerland's passing now into the grave

The world will not miss you, the gay things you gave

Pretty soon you will look like Brazil

And that little trumptards, is the true redpill

It's now getting late, so I bid you adieu

Hilldog's the name, with my guitar too

And as you are niggerfied, one thing you'll see

You're already wishing you voted for me

thank you for listening



Imagine a female politician who is SO STUPID, that they are still trying to win, 5 months after they were utterly defeated.


The orange womyn known as "SLUMPF" got belted!



Shills are getting creative.
Good for you shill this post isn't definitely worth like
>.04 shekels deposited into your account


That made me so sleepy. I think I will go to bed now.

So close!

This Drumpf evolution is my favorite thing

This is quality bait right here. I voted for Bernie Sanders who would have perfected American society.

By the way everybody, racial and national diversity is national security.

Let's go kill a kike.
Do it, you know it's right.
Light the crematorium,
Send ash soaring.
Zyklon until they're dead,
Pumped through the shower head.
Let's go kill a kike.

Why do you post Le Pen pictures senpai?

Always a roach

she won the popular vote
drumpf is an illegally occupying white house

is illegally occupying white house*


fuck off you genetically inferior subhuman cockroach

>genetically inferior subhuman
does that mean i'm white?

Basic bitch

Shut up, George Soros in drag.

So much work was put in this post, so I give you a (You).