ITT: Post a country you have gained an appreciation of through Sup Forums
Not the US definitely...
That's ok Hans. You are going through a lot. Try to keep you chin up and look towards a brighter future.
This, ten plagues on the USA.
Based Poland who can't into space but can into removing kebab
Israel can shitpost up a storm when they want to.
I'd proxy their flag if I was a nerd virgin.
Hello Ahmed. The next MOAB is on you.
finland and estonia seem pretty cool
>tfw I hope to a refugee in Norway someday
If you're having any luck you mght hit you own obese black ass.
Argentina,the only white country in America
Don't be so upset Sven. You might be feeling down right now but look, the leaf noticed and appreciates you.
Poles are bad immigrant and their woment a coalburners
Ahmed, you can say a lot of things about the U.S. But removing sandniggers is nearly a national pastime. We're good at it
Oh, and sweden is not that bad
you're a fucking joke, sven. but i still rate you higher than a german.
Gained Appreciation: Aussies, Estonians, Danes
Lost Appreciation: Cuckmany, Cucknada, Sweden, Britcuckistan
I couldn't care less about Estonia but I do think they have the best-looking flag in the planet.
India and it's intellectuals
eat shit sven, i enjoy burgerposting. Since im in /pol i have way more respect for them.
Funny thing, i think now that all leaf and svens and krauts are cancer.
>removing sandniggers from their native countries
>exporting them to the rest of the world
*scooters revving in the distance*
possibly denmark
fuck serbia
>The level of my dick:
I LIKE THE FINS!!! They're crazy bastards.
UK clearly has the best flag
More country's should adopt the fellatio approach to Americans.
This is how you get America to help you with your Falkland problem...
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland and Hungary.
Was trying to think of the best response and I think it's this. I didn't have any real opinion of them before but I sort of like those chinky fucks now.
At least they're trying now
Her name is Khaddi Sagnia.
10/10 would racemix with
Neither Germany nor Sweden...
Poland more so any other. I admire their self-determination and the future of Europe belongs to them.
You do it to yourselves. Your fee fees and natural cuck tendencies. Sweden has always been cucked, by the Danes and Norwegians. Pathetic desu.
Estonia is awesome
Dai;y reminder that Estonia and Finland and that region is more blonde and blue eyed than the rest of europe
You zika ballboys are alright
America we got trump in...
India but at least they hit back with bantz and actually enjoy pooing in the streets like the meme states
Not a single one, in fact I started to hate all of you
But who do you hate the most?
No one. The non-english countries are always going to have an overrepresentative sample of based people posting here because even being able to communicate and find this place is a barrier of entry that keeps their unwashed masses off the board, unlike US, Canada, and to a lesser extent the other Anglo countries.
That's why the US and Canada have so many shit tier posters, there's zero barrier of entry to post here, allowing mouth breathers to post. The average Swede, French on here are bro, but it would probably make my soul die listening to one of their 90 iq running their mouth, like it probably does when one of our finest starts running his mouth to them.
You're an embarrassmen, stop choking on circumcised dick and read a history book.
I have only lost respect for all of them.
Except maybe Poland.
homos r on benis
I've gained respect for Portugal didn't realize how bro tier they were. Poles are pretty based as well.
I've noticed nearly all swedes and krauts are literal self hating cucks. And Canadians despite memes are a mixed bag. I swear there's like 5 Toronto based fags shitting up that flag for their more based countrymen
thats some nice ass, would fuck it like a savage
I enjoy Japan and Australia the most.
I can't stand Canada.
England is a bunch of pussies.
Germany is a bunch of sand rapist.
Everyone else falls somewhere in between. Except Turkey, fuck the Turkroaches.
Canada, Turkey and Australia
Canadians, I wish nothing but ill things to those shitposting, dog fucking, weed smoking losers
Canada mainly
they seem like some alright lads every time they post here
Right now in another thread kek
I can honestly say I've never come across a swede I liked on Sup Forums. You're all horrible and I wish for nothing but the absolute worst for you. I hope you get raped by a migrant. Same with Germans.
On the other hand, I've found that posts by members of the Anglosphere(except for canada) are consistently good. Finland is also a great country.
Look at the stupid faces of dumb bitches when they hear something that doesn't fit their Disneyland perspective.
Women really are the niggers of gender.
This. Germans and Swedes are subhuman cucks in mine eyes now.
meant for
and i, you.
Nice digits, friends.
Sweden does an amazing job
Not really. Not even Top5.
And Finland
Genuinely Canada. They always amaze me with the amount of (you)s they get
true but it's hard to tell sometimes if they are shitposting or completely legitimate
>Gained Appreciation
>Gained some appreciation
>Lost some appreciation
South Africa
>Lost Appreciation
Hungary, poland, switzerland, denmark and bestonia. Croatia also
goddammit Hans, don't ever speak, just shut the fuck up when grown ups are talking.
Australia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil
>American starts a country appreciation thread
>Europeans immediately take the opportunity to shit it up
The two countries I've learned to dislike more and more with time are Germany and Sweden, so this is rather symbolic. I used to kind of feel bad for you guys, but only like 1 in 10 of you do anything but shitpost or talk about how the US is so non-white as if you aren't suffering from the same problem.
If we could get along as whites, that'd be great, but you're probably just going to call me Jamal or Pablo anyway, so have fun when Somalis break into your house and you can't legally defend yourself.
Oh, and to answer the OP: Denmark and Australia. Danes seem pretty right-wing for Europe, and Australia seems pretty reliable. You both need better gun laws though.
Sup Forums ruined my opinion of Brazil. Every time the country is brought up all I can think of is hue hue.
Why are you all saying estonia?
The only time estonians contribute to a thread they are just edgy, borderline suicidal and joke about killing themselves
I like the aussies.
The bantz are real and they can shitpost like a a retarded finn. Pretty gud
You're in for public necklacing in five years tops, mr 46%.
Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, and India.
France, it's a diverse paradise.
This is shitposting
Baltic cuntries and röökibros
you would think
Fuck off we are full
Don't make me come back up there
Italy, after they shot that one terrorist that the Germans let go I've noticed them being more acceptable in general.
Definitely Australia, yes they are shitposters, but they obviously love life and are full of humor!
Not because of anime, because of them not taking in refugees
I share this opinion, most Saudis are very polite and actually contribute to the topic at hand.
I still hate their country with a passion, though.
Canada and Australia, I love their shitposting.
And it's
22% percent poverty rate
Their latest military recruitment ad is a MTF makeup makeover.
You can't make this shit up.
are you high or just illiterate?
Autralia as well
>all these American vassal states crying about America
>they are typing in english only because of the deep dicking their country has taken from
>can't see their crying is like children complaining that grown ups get to make all the rules
>oblivious to the fact that they are nonfactors in global politics
it really feels good to be American