Why do black people look down on being educated and civilized?

Why do black people look down on being educated and civilized?

cuz dat shit fo' whitey, foo

us real niggas don't need dat shiiiiiet

they don't. black people are not all american dindus from the inner city.

Being educated and civilized is a white thing. Blacks are proud of their own culture, even though it's a fucking trainwreck.

You clearly don't live in the South.


Din wan du nuffin
Food should be free

Because it's not cool to them. They pride themselves on their illiteracy and hood-ness.

blacks aren't humans, you can't expect such things from them. it's like wondering why hippos aren't into shakespeare.


Because they've been conditioned that way by a mixture of factors, social, geographic, biological, and otherwise.

When has being smart ever scored them a thot?
When has being civilized ever been considered "turnt"?
The real question is, what is it that niggers value?
The answer is degeneracy, in all forms.
Degeneracy is easily marketable so the Satan worshiping Jews put a value on it and life on earth has suffered exponentially because of that. Virtue on the other hand is priceless so it has no market value to a Satan worshiper.

It's a defense mechanism to help them cope with the fact that at their very best they will only ever be bumbling retards that can't read or count to ten so they get angry and throw punches at everyone else that aren't genetic errors.

Inferiority complex. They know they can't be even if they tried, so they say they never want to in the first place.

Because the civilised man is a domesticed race mixed weakling that would not survive outside of his suburban life support system

Why don't you understand basic linguistic theory, you uneducated perscriptivist.

As a black guy it honestly took my a long time learning the difference between these words, not because I am stupid I consider myself pretty smart if I wasn't a lazy slob. Probably because I didn't pay attention in English class that much.

That's racist and absolutely untrue and retarded.

I agree with this emotionally driven and moral individual.
Asians also pride themselves on being educated and civilized. They even have honor! So saying it's a white people thing is racist, untrue and retarded.

fuk u and your smarts wite boi we rapin yo kids yo

What even is the deal with "thot"?

lez see me yo wallit nigga

what does "turnt" mean? or "thot"?

just keeping it real homie Ayyo

What the fuck do "thot" and "turnt" mean?


that hoe over there

thot is when you dun do sumin but really didnt.
turnt is when ur nigga get so damn uppity he can't do nutin but sleep on your couch and down your grape drank til the tomorrow day

I thot niggers used thot to refer to ghetto male children? I remember hearing it used by negroes in some fight video of two nigglets, then another time two niggas were recording some Mexican kid by himself ruining a convenience store

>Why do black people look down on being educated and civilized?
Low IQ


Read Thomas Sowell's book Black redneck White Liberal. It talks about how what many thunk of as Black culture here in America is really the now defunct poor white southern culture which originally came from northern England and Scotland.

Seriously where do you think you are? You are supposed to cite counter examples. Chances are Historically black colleges in America wont cut it either.