Is race-mixing really bad, or is that just a meme?
Is race-mixing really bad, or is that just a meme?
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Of course it's just a meme, but in a few minutes you'll find hundreds of posters eager to tell you otherwise.
Mixed master race.
I'm 33 years old and look the same age as the students I teach.
you look spaniard
you look white to me famalam
do you teach surfing or glassblowing?
>is a baldfag
If you're gonna post your picture everywhere, at least rotate it correctly.
Really live beside a coalburner and try and prove me wrong.
It's disgusting and passes degenerate viruses into the white population
"Glass" blowing
My mom is a Spaniard and my father is Libyan.
I teach world history, American history, and European history to high school students.
I'm also a TA for a philosophy professor.
That Mexican dude is hot af. Too bad he had mongoloid kids because race mixing with that ugly blonde whore
>*checks lag*
*breathes in*
>not knowing the benefits of the bandana when having long hair
I feel sorry for you.
You look like a faggot
White genes get overwritten so easily? It's like they are a blank piece of paper
Kelly Ripa is cool IRL.
Do not race mix. It's very bad. It's why the spaniards lost control of everything in Latin America. Now everything is controlled by Jews, European immigrants and Lebanese.
Do you teach interpretive boy band theory, and hair band style etiquette.
Purity gets tainted easily
Yes I do. It is very hard to get into my classes and almost no one passes them.
I was thinking about this earlier today, and I hope people won't pillory me
Countless threads say black people are savage. Black people are too blunt. Scientists who study African culture and language determine they have no understanding of the 'abstract' or abstract thinking
On the opposite side, what happens with high IQ societies with highly abstract thinking? Feminism. SJWs. Low birthrates. Cucks
Is it not plausible that, perhaps, white society could stand to be mixed with more savage, less abstract genetics?
I'm really not trying to shitpost here but think about it. If you were trying to breed the best guard dog for your house (western civilization) and you had only imperfect breeds, would you not take a mixed breed? One is very intelligent and listens to commands, but is far too timid. Another is strong and athletic and viscous, but hard to control. Even with the many disgraceful shitty mutts that would result, surely some would be a good mix to guard your home?
Of course ghetto/SJW would have to be erased and replaced with conservative, patriarchal culture....but seriously I am looking for counter arguments. I would llike to be enlightened on this
>Caring who people have families with and interfering with people's lives because of some shit you read online or learned from your parents.
You guise are shitty citizens if you make life harder for mixed-raced people. Nobody cares about you little white enclave mini-societies, just keep your degenerate shit to yourselves.
Worse than murder it's being traitor to your nation ancestors and people
>dark hair
>dark eyes
You aren't mixed, you're a pure nigger.
>I'm 33 years old and look the same age as the students I teach.
thats called neotany, it makes sense that you have it since every non-caucasian gets it. It's why 2 year old blacks look like 50 year old blacks and vice versa.
imagine a global brazil or mexico
Depends on the race.
Everyone in OP's image is mainly European, so it's okay.
Some ME/Euro combos are also fine. JonTron for example is 1/2 Iranian.
I'm mixed. I don't belong anywhere. To answer OP, yes it's bad. it's gets even worse the less mixed you are because you''ll identify with what you look like when you're young but youll wish your ancestors had never fucked up when you get older.
The guy looks pretty white, not full white, but the man has a beard for crying out loud. Native Americans are not able to grow significant amounts of facial hair for the most part. I bet if his kids married white girls, their offspring would be distinguishable from most whites.
FUck off jew
It's fine as long as the kids don't come out ugly
he's half mexican (who knows how much spaniard) and half italian. Also, he doesn't look white in other pciture apart from most of his facial structure.
Asian-White = Best
White-Black = Low Quality
White-Spic = Low Quality
Asian-Black = Waste of Asian Genes
Asian-Spic = Terrible
Black-Spic = Worst.
i hate to break it to you my dude, but your soft, weak features aren't doing you any favors
How am I a Jew? I never said it should be done, it's just that this is not that much of a bad case of race mixing. This is not two people of completely different races.
Children grow up confused and without an identity usually. Only way it works is if one of the spouses has become completely disconnected from their culture and family, ie willing to embrace the other's culture.
YES, it is bad. If you race mix with niggers, asians
You want look like us?
No, you don't want to look like us in 2050.
You can mix if you want with others like: French---German
They will look better.
So racemixing
What are you a retard?
nah, this only half works when youre young if you look like the ethnicity youre identifying with. It falls apart when you get older.
Those are all caucasians.
All of those people are unwhite. Fuck I am so sick of racemixers.
With Asians, forgivable but not okay. Anything else is an ultimate sin, except for maybe Italians
Those are still Caucasians, so it's still fairly European. They should have stayed within their own peoples however.
hispanic and japanese is elder god tier
this particular instance, if your referring to the picture, it isn't so terrible. its not a complete nig or jew spreading the bottom tier genetics. the man looks latino so he could have spanish ancestry so thats a plus over pure shit skin.
Interethnic isn't interracial. Germans and Hispanic could have kids and they'd still be white raced. It's when you Actually mix in caucausoid with any other race be it negroid, mongoloid, austrauloid where it gets problematic.
of course not, user.
Jordi Wild?
Its the original (((trick))) to destroy genetic heritage. Practically all your supermarket vegetable seed packets are purposely put through a horrific race-mixing process called the F1 cross. Produces a single vigorous generation, and subsequent generations are close to infertile.
So you have to buy a new packet of seed and can't just use your crop's seed. (((Pattern))) here?
Middle eastern is not Caucasian. Fuck off cuck.
Which race?
I am myself half jew and wish I wasn't jew at all
There is nothing wrong with race-mixing. I know a lot of successful people who are a mix of the different European races. Hell, the English are all a mix of Angles, Saxons and Normans. When you start mixing species you run into issues however.
caucasian doesn't equal white. Well according to the US it does (middle east and north africa are considered white in the US).
Fuck off cuck.
Nah, you fucks are going to get purged.
This. It's out of control at this point. There's more unwhites than whites in the new generations.
Only if it's a mestizo and and white women or a white man and Latina.
If it is, what are you going to do? Because it is.
>half italian
>half sand nig
How fucked am I?
>racemixing with white subhumans
don't do that
t. cuck
So you're 100% sand nig? I don't see the problem.
even your bait are too obvious
If it takes cognitive dissonance to keep you mongrels away from our women then I prefer it.
>White Americans are Americans who are considered or reported as White. The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East-North Africa."
>60% """white"""
I'm a mishmash of jews, black people, native indians and one small spec of portuguese.
It's shit. It's absolute atrocious shit, my genes are a fucking mess, I got a black dick and asshole, a potato nose crooked like a jew's, my hair is neither flowy like an Native's nor curly like a jew's, and I can't grow beards. Unless facial pubic hair counts.
I wish I could argue on that, but you're right
Take 3 types of apples. The Red delicious, Granny Smith, and the Honeycrisp. Now if the Granny Smith apple has a high percentage of failure, and your daughter really loves them, what do you do? Do you explain to your daughter that she's setting herself up for failure? Some apples are just bad apples. Know you apples... niggers. Have a nice day.
you're physically inferior to browns and blacks.
I wouldn't want my kid to be a sissy faggot.
You look like a girl with a beard.
Not surprised, all that estrogen and flavor enhancers in american food can't just all get shat out.
Tbh I don't care who fucks who, it's just a meme to me
Yes, for your family, community, race, genetics, country, and even your offspring mongerls themselves. Mixed children have a terrible time with medical transplants and what not.
>just a meme
Hellow reddit.
>race is a meme
Severe all ties from Islam if you have any and you're ok. Middle East is bad because Inbreeding + Islam, you've dodged one just make sure you dodge the other.
Hispanic and Turkish is objectively the most perfect mix of genes that are possible. This is a fact
Sup Forums is satire.
We can all agree that actual racists can fuck off.
Well, beautiful people spawn beautiful offspring,
regardless of race.
It's only natural.
us mixed people do race mixers ruined our lives before we were even born
Me neither, but anyone that thinks it's okay to mix needs to fuck off.
middle eastern is literally caucasian, you complete retard.
Why there are so many attractive gay Brazilian males on instagram then?
>>*checks lag*
I understand this part
Half of these are mulattos, the other half are black dudes and white rich pricks that visit the US often and consume all the estrogen needed to turn into twinks.
This guy is obviously very European hardly even mixing
Very small genetic difference between Middle Easterners and Europeans
Are they afghans?
I don't know if Sup Forums is a good authority for deciding this considering the vast majority of Sup Forums is not white, but actually a byproduct of racemixing.
Not a meme
Deff look some kind of part Middle East
>I'm 33 years old and look the same age as the students I teach
Do all your students look like queers? Is there some sort of all gay schools in america? Are you teaching them how to suck cock?
Really? This is white for pol, kek
He is white you autist
Being race-mixxed between two non-low-iq families has its benefits. But you might become much uglier than both of your parents.
Mexico is not a good example. Mexican here. We are like 70% amerindian and 30% mixed.
Hehe, keep telling yourself that, reddit boy, muh white heritage!
Am racemixed. Yes it is bad.
The people you are genetically similar to are rare (which reduces quality mate opportunities). Culturally you don't feel quite at home at either one.
I'm not sure if psychological is part of it, but I have more trouble than other people.