AUS/pol/ Melbourne is redpilled edition

G'day cunts
The events of the past few days have proven to me that Melbourne is the only red pilled city in Australia. What other city in Australia is unafraid to btfo niggers?

Anyway, let's get to the news of the day:

>sudos btfo by brave gook shop owner sick of their nigging

>based png army shoots (((asylum seekers))) at manus island refugee centre on our behalf because looking after them is getting expensive

>fat autistic neet gets btfo at his work for the dole program, mum cries

>cucks in nsw are reopening rail line for some stupid reason as if anybody lives in nsw amirite

>regional vic wants to waste cash on commonwealth games

>tasmania apologizes to faggots for some reason

>crazy cunt drives through mall in wollongong, btfos bogans and iceheads, apparently a terrorist and not doing a public service

Anyway cunts, looks like that fat gook cunt in NK pussied out
Looks like WW3 has been averted. I think it's safe for me to join the army and enjoy getting a 61k per year salary as a rifleman. Fuck yes cunts.

Anyway, let the shit posting commence.

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probably a better idea to become a cop mate, at least then you can get away with beating the fuck out of some people occasionally without 12 inquests and a dishonorable discharge at the end of it.

nah cunt i want to be in the army because i want to be a proud goy for australia

Stop being so insecure and get a real job

fuck you i want to shoot gooks reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

aussies are basically pol users minus the nazi shit

>minus the nazi shit
you aren't a true aussie until nan starts going on about how the jews are at fault for everything around you and you only

Can any of you aussies explain to me what's going on here?

by the looks of it that's out in NT or WA, some truck has just hit a kangaroo.

>shoots kangaroo
>puts a tag on it to indicate that it's dead

how fucking fucked up by corn syrup are you yank to not understand something as basic as this?

>yfw aussies are nationalists in a socialist countries essentially making us nazis

we also hate minorities which makes us even more nazi

It's not our country anymore.

61k, that's not too bad. Sounds like a hard life though. You could probably get more than that lugging bricks around making apartments for shitskins.

You just wanna shoot some cunts don't you OP. Psycho bastard.

The roo is a regulation write off

i kinda do
now that our metadata is being logged i want the ausgov to know that im a borderline psycho who lives to gun down gooks with one of those new shiny ef-88's


melbounre is the most red pilled city in australia

Ausgov knows that about many people, if you're not on the watchlist you must be fucked in the head

why dont you want to gun down norks and gooks? are you a soft cunt? do you prefer to fuck gook sluts?

you mean to say "lush is the most red pilled graffiti artist"

lushsux do you lurk aus/pol/ threads?

yeah and he lives in melbourne and the council allows the graffiti to remain which means the city is also red pilled

No shit he does, I don't think he'll dox himself for you though

Das rite. They enjoyed all those suppositories.

yeah he's a cool cunt i'd shout him a chop

You shouldn't be smoking

i dont understand

How do you deal with crippling depression?

why not m8-o?

are you one of those sober non australians?

You shouldn't be breathing, stop oxidising your body.

improve your life
you're depressed because you're a failure and have accomplished nothing
you don't deserve to feel good because you've accomplished nothing to feel that way

earn the right to be happy.

Shotgun to the bum.

do sheilas like American boys?

don't meme him he actually has to make effort to earn the right to be happy
you're unhappy because your life is shit
a meme pill will only make you feel good temporarily - your life is still shit tier and it won't improve until you improve your life

>you've accomplished nothing
I have accomplished plenty by normal standards. But I don't feel like they are accomplishments because I just don't see the point of it all.

People praise me for things but I just shrug and say who cares none of it matters in the end.

Okay. Shotgun to the stomach.

>tfw to moving to Sydney in May to start Masters Degree

What should I expect lads?

dont come. im sick of shitskins in sydney. FUCK OFF WERE FULL

unless you can make siq kebabs lad

Full of Muhammads cock and semen.

>normie standards
how about meeting your own standards? they're the only ones that matter

>tfw making my bitch cook me diiner

feels good man who else has a roastie to make you snags and macaroni?

should expect to fuck right off you muslim cunt

>no dogs in my shop
Zhang must be dieting

dogs = narcing white cunts like you
why the fuck are you turning against out redpilled asian bretheren?

You need to chill out mate you've all but doxxed yourself to us, we can tell you're talking shit

Sorry mane. My 573 visa is already line up.

Yeah. I can cook kebabs


I am an atheist. Alcohol is one of the biggest reason I am coming to Australia.

>asio telling me to relax
why are you being a gay cunt

>from pakistan
no cunt you're not welcome you'll undercut us locals on the shit tier jobs with your "student" visa
why don't you go to school in india or something?

Why cant we do both?

no only fuck white women
put babies in them
make beautiful white babies not ugly hapa babies



You've got to be kidding, right? Melbourne is Cuckistan.

>implying I'll do those shitty part time jobs
>implying I am poor
>implying my parents aren't rich enough to pay my fees.

University of Sydney cunt


>Implying you can't put a gun up their pussy when you're done

we have redpilled Sup Forums street art everywhere and we btfo niggers
what the fuck have you done lately? whereever the fuck you're from you filthy gay cunt

just go to india you'll fit in better we like to bash brown skins here for sports

that's a bit homocidal cunt you need to get your brain checked by a jew psychologist

Why are Melbourne house prices still so high when the city is full of blacks? Don't they have an automatic effect of reducing property values? Even with the Chinese money laundering factor it's better to be atom bombed than have blacks. Detroit or Ferguson would be better if they had been atom bombed


but also SAGE because strayaposting is cancer

>University of Sydney
lel enjoy having communists asking you to sign their petitions every 5 minutes.

heya, cobbers!

gook speculative investors
boomer speculative investors
negative gearing

need i go on? I wont because i cant think of more reasons

please love me yankadoodie friend

>just go to india you'll fit in better we like to bash brown skins here for sports

Don't give a fuck if you whiteys bash me. I can't blame you guys. Shitskins are the worse desu. Also, It's not my country anyways. And, fuck India. It's much bigger shithole than Islamistan.

What kind of petition? Engaging in extinction of white race?

fuck i'd love to smash a fat retard yank in the face. Our country is objectively better than yours, in ever way. We run pol cunt, fuck off we're full

Why are Australian youtube videos always poor quality and badly if at all edited? Is professionalism for poofters?

Get some exercise. Go for a long walk, biking, or run.

>sudos btfo by brave gook shop owner sick of their nigging


what are the legal repercussions if the shop owner decides to use his kung fu and beat those niggers half to death? sadly i already know the social repercussions so no need to explain those to me

I want a nasty little Jewish Princess
With long phony nails and a hairdo that rinses
A horny little Jewish Princess
With a garlic aroma that could level Tacoma
Lonely inside
Well, she can swallow my pride

I want a hairy little Jewish Princess
With a brand new nose, who knows where it goes
I want a steamy little Jewish Princess
With over-worked gums, who squeaks when she cums
I don't want no troll
I just want a Yemenite hole

I want a darling little Jewish Princess
Who don't know shit about cooking and is arrogant looking
A vicious little Jewish Princess
To specifically happen with a ?-pee that's snapin'
All up inside I just want a princess to ride

Alright, back to the fop... everybody twist!

I want a funky little Jewish Princess
A grinder; a bumper, with a pre-moistened dumper
A brazen little Jewish Princess
With titanic tits, and sand-blasted zits
She can even be poor
So long as she does it with four on the floor (Vapor-lock)

I want a dainty little Jewish Princess
With a couple of sisters who can raise a few blisters
A fragile little Jewish Princess
With Romanian thighs, who weasels 'n' lies
For two or three nights
Won't someone send me a princess who bites
Won't someone send me a princess who bites
Won't someone send me a princess who bites
Won't someone send me a princess who bites

So they won't let you in the army then. Looks like they just want braindead fags with decent bodies.

Fuck off we're full you cunts


We need more aussies like Frank Zappa. Top bloke.

>knowing shitskins are shit tier
>not killing yourself

why haven't you killed yourself?

wrong americans are our friend m8

aussies are just dumb all over

>the exercise jew
just smoke weed dont listen to this poofter

prob get put away for life as the niggers get a sorry

perverted cunt

i am braindead with a decent body come on cunt what makes you think i'm not?

That is fuckin sick. This guy should come up to Sydney. Retarded whore with Pepsi sign on the beret. Love it.

No cunt he's a Melbourne cultural icon
Not that Sydney would know anything about cultural icons
kill yourself for being an uncultured beer swilling meth taking sydney bogan

You're not a true Australian until you've shot one of these bushy tailed lamb killing niggers.

But it's also acceptable if you hit one with your car

>why haven't you killed yourself?

Already tried it 2 times. Ended up in hospital. I can't die before drinking Jack Daniels

Shut up ya poof I was feeling like shit and all anxious today, went out did some exercise, got some vitamin d in my dick, feel pretty solid now.

Weed is fun but it's faggy after the age of about 19.

Just because we have Lush and a chink milk bar owner doesn't mean we're redpilled. Go to the CBD. Go to Degraves and the Southbank arts precinct. Go to Fitzroy, Collingwood, St. Kilda, Carlton, Brunswick.

We're still in hipster hell and the thing that I hate the most is that our reputation for being a hipster sanctuary has attracted the shitcunts from regional Vic and interstate. Now we've got a disgusting breed of bogan/hipster.

Sydney is dead to me. It is renamed New Kowloon.

Maybe but you're not PC enough don't you have to say how much you love gooks and other shitskins to get into the defence force these days? I've heard it said many times on here.

jeleous cuck, hail estonia

>shit skin fails at killing himself
no surprise here
well at least we got these things called "trains" here so throw yourself infront of one after you've had a taste

weed never gets old
all other drugs are degenerate
goon included

wrong cunt you also have plenty of redpilled 4channers in melbourne
we're just hiding

melbourne is the only redpilled city in aus prove me wrong protip you can't because you're a gook

Well I have no argument I respect that entirely.

smoke weed and lift cunt, you'll get better activation. It's all about that mind muscle connection

>Not talking about the chopper dropping Easter eggs at an oval with kids being trampled by adults

Kys, also rural NSW reporting.

I dunno m9, but I'm great at larping as a normie
Almost too good

Sydney cultural icon. We were a Coke city, no we prefer meth


Fuck off we're full

Never taken meth I'm too old, always in bed before 12. I drink beer like a cunt though.

>degenerate easter
>not sinking piss instead
nobody gives a shit about that faggy meme holiday here cunt

>>Not talking about the chopper dropping Easter eggs at an oval with kids being trampled by adults


SA reporting

Can't be arsed then I gotta get 'mates' that will sell me weed.

Cunt it's just funny, easter is shit because the chocolate at Aldi is still the same price as chocolate at woolies.

>australian coke
drug noob detected

Fuck off we're full!
-Sincerely, a Floridafag

Actually fuck off. All you subcon cunts are disgusting ugly peices of shit that cant function socially.

you're a cunt cunt don'tt call me a fuckingg cuntt or ill knife you

Have a swing cunt, I'll fucking give you a left right goodnight and Staples you with my fucking ice needle.

black cunts amirite
