Why does this pussy runaway to Mar-A-Lago whenever shit gets serious?
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>a fucking leaf
He's a nigger.
because the White House is bugged you stupid fuck
You think Obama didn't leave listening devices in the walls? protip: he did.
>a pussy burger
florida is a jew hotspot
he has a temple beneath his golf course
The shills have gotten to me boys. I am slowly starting to find fault in just about everything trump is doing (besides Muslim ban and a couple others)
Why did trump have to lie so much to us?
Because hes farther away from Canada at Mar A Lago, thats why leaf
Mar-a-Lago bka the (((White))) House
he's old and sleepy
why would that be a problem? unless Trump is trying to hide something....
hmmm, what's Trump hiding?
Have you seriously not heard of Trumps pedo shit at the mar a lago
I'm so high I thought that was an underside view of an island floating in the sky with a river running over the edge
Drumpf is gone start a civil war and Maralago will be his base of operations where he will arm all of his DRUMPFELSTILSKINS
>What's Trump hiding?
From ISIS? Everything, halfwit. From a previous president who should have no pull whatsoever? Same answer. From retards like you who would clap like an inbred seal at any leaked information played on CNN before his plan comes to fruition? Well, he's hiding the retard gas chambers from you. Fuck right off.
Trumpanzee triggered.
Apparently calling retards retards is being triggered now. Amazing how little grasp shills have of basic terms, exposing themselves as jokes at every turn. Enjoy another 8 years of crying and failing. ;)
I don't know how you do it up in the socalist shithole that is canada, but here you aren't supposed to bug the next person taking your job.
Especially if he won it in an election.
It's not a matter of not having anything to hide, it's why the fuck is anyone ok with a nigger listening to them?
It's just not safe.
because the white house is non secure, all the leaks come from when he is there
Have fun getting cucked by the kushners.
They belong to a secret society that spans the globe, and their sole purpose is to piss other people off. They're called The Secret Fraternal Order Of High Functioning Retards.
i can see it too
>a leaf
>Clueless of the history of Mar-a-Lago
Maralago was intended to be a presidential getaway similar to camp david. Then trump bought it. Now it's being used as intended.
he is seriously lazy af
why do you think bush spent so much time on the ranch
nice try shill
White house is full of deep state spys. Trump is not a brainlet like you op.
white house sucks, he likes to use his own property
Observing Good Friday away from nigger stank White House....hnmmm
Didn't she get a breast reduction?
Fucking shame is what it is.
So are we basically a canadian colony now? The canuck infestation isn't going away naturally. Should the mods just start banning people who are openly Canadian? I think saying "Sup Forums will defend this" or "Sup Forums btfo" should be an autoban. Answering correctly should be a permanent range ban of their IP range. Their canadian opinions are basically off topic bait trolling right now. "Dude, if Trudeau does it that means it is a good idea." This is anti-pol thinking, and is no different than posting interracial cuckold porn to get a reaction and a flood of (You)s.
These canadian immigrants are unassimilable like European shitskin Muslims because they don't commit to chan culture. They are like the shitskins with satellite dishes on their apartment roofs. They still watch canadian news, canadian politics, and have that cuckold Canadian Mindset (in fine bookstores near you).
Contrary to what faggots say, discrimination actually helps assimilation. If someone speaks in the Canadian dialect of English, chastise them, tell them to kill themselves, and sage their thread. Discrimination works: people.stanford.edu
Hiroshima Nagasaki wants to discuss how to improve boards, so this is on topic.
Do some research.
Obama ordered "Renovations" to take place in 2016. Guess what else, he ordered them to take place in 2011 as well as personally pay for them.
Months before the 2012 election.
Trump's not a gullible dumbass.
It's his home base you fuckin hoser
Why do you think Thomas Jefferson had Monticello? Or Hitler had the Berghof?
Frig right off
Mar a Largo was initially given to the US as the presidential winter home. When they didnt use it much, Trump bought it. So for once, a president is using it for its intended purpose.
Trump is such a fucking nigger, I hope he get's a heart attack soon.
Oh snap how rude
Find one with an accurate size for Ivanka's fake tits.
Reminder: We no longer support (((Drumpf))) and his neo-con agenda. Fuck Drumpf. We have a real leader for our movement.
I love the fact that shills like you actually think there's a hive mind here on Sup Forums. That or you need to lurk more.
Trump's vacations to the Mar-a-lago this year have cost more than all of Obama's vacations in his 8 years of his presidency. And the money is all going to Trump, since he owns it.
Trump voters got conned bigly! Sad!
exactly, these "actual" Trump supporters don't care, they got their hats and got to do a little dance on election night to that stupid fucking song, "never come down". The whole time, they had no idea this was a JOKE. We got Trump in, now it is time to take him out so the alt right can rise up
And who do you suppose would win such a war?
We're not buying it faggot, we've had enough of your leaks. The white house is compromised
Trump is, and always has been, full of bullshit.
With floating trees?
fuck trump
I also saw it first, but the river is kinda skewed so my mind reverts to the normal version after a second of looking at it
I'm that high
this is plausible.
how do you know kay j'bae didn't bug the margo?
> 8 years
his clock is running out of time and he knows it
He doesn't trust the white house to be secure after all the leaks of things that happened there.
How does it cost money for him to hang out at his personal home?
trump has never gone to church except the day after his inauguration. even before his candidacy he was never a member of any kind of church and rarely attended unless it was a social function. he is on pace to attend church the least of every president ever (including Barry O) it takes some serious mental gymnastics to come up with your excuse, user.
Where are the sources for these numbers?
no wiretaps
Jesus fuck people in Apirl 2017 are still falling for the "le RUSKA PUPPEHT" meme?
Fucking dumb leafposter I sort of wish he were a "Russian puppet" at this rate it would save us another bullshit regime change war in Syria
You need to attend church to be religious now?
Why is everybody afraid Mar-a-lago
Who gives a shit.
>Trump doesnt do a single thing at Mar-a-lago
>trump met the Chinese president in a swamp
Canadians, everyone
>Implying Obongo didn't bug the Trump tower and white house on his way out
yes, that's generally been the measure for thousands of years.
Fuck off faggot
Cuz White House is compromised.
i get this is leaf goofin around
but 8 years of being told obama would destroy the usa
and 1 year of being told trump would make it great again
have brought me to the point where i just hate all of you.
sorry. fuck all of you.