>we would not have been conquering the west through our intellect and coding.
>And don't forget about the Indian doctors .
Indian coders & doctors go to school on their government's dime and then come here to undercut the wages of those that had to go into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, right off the bat, to go to an accredited school.
Conquering? Even with this massive advantage, you still need to speak English, you still wear western-style clothing, every job you steal was created by an invention by a white man.
If you're so goddam smart, then why is India a destitute wreck of a country that smells like shit all the time? (been there).
You aren't even smart enough to limit your own reproduction, so you think the rest of the world has to take in your overflow, and the only reason you shitskins are even IN western countries is that our own governments are traitors.
You had best pray to your Hindi gods that we don't get a REAL pro-west government in any of our countries, or you'll be shipped back to India so fast it will make your turban spin, along with the millions of other parasites we've allowed our filthy, Jew-infested governments to saddle us with.
You're sub-human, and the proof is the state of your mother country.
Why do you shit-skins constantly follow Whites around like mongrel dogs, always insisting you live with us and be around us? We don't want any of you in our countries, just go home and leave us alone.
If any of you were worth a pinch of the shit your colored as, why in hell would you have to leave your own countries? Why wouldn't your own countries be worth living in?
You shit up everything you touch, and your shitting up our countries, too.\
Get out, before your beaten down and shipped out.