For Catholics, Coptics, Anglicans, Orthodox, and Protestants alike, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Christian Alliance General
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I like Christ Chan. Too bad the creator is a cuck.
What do you mean, user?
Not a Gnazi thread desu.
Not Calvinists, since determinism excludes the possibility of making the choice to accept God's Grace.
If you can't make choices you can't be saved.
am i allowed here too
>runs away from toxic shitposter
>stops making OC
>I-I don't really care...
>I-I just didn't want to draw more anyways because I got bored of it...
Oh, so that's why we never see new Christ-chans being drawn.
of course not
Reminder that if you are a Protestant you are going to burn in Hell for defying Christ's authority.
I'm really really trying my hardest to find faith and believe in God. I'm saying prayers and going to church but I'm just not feeling it. Will some of you pray for me to find Him?
>tfw asking Sup Forums to pray for you
I don't think it's about feeling anything desu.
I can tell you I don't feel any different after my conversion than before - what the real difference is is in commitment and conviction, which is a matter of will.
>Modern Catholics
Pick one
Reminder that Catholics are top-teir heretic hypocrites.
Your post alone proves to Christ himself you are both ignorant and not a Christian.
>Hurr people who worship Christ differently than me are going to hell
That's the most un-Christian statement I've ever heard. Better start repenting, Rapha, you're the only one on the fast track to hell with that attitude.
I prayed for you. As said, it's not about the feeling. Christ was resurrected from the dead. That is the truth, period. Whether you "feel" it or not.
Read the Bible every day. Read from the gospels every day. Go to church every Sunday. Pray without ceasing. You will notice God in your life after a good amount of time walking in his light.
Actually modern Catholics say the same thing you do. Modern Catholics are increasingly like Protestants, so I do agree with you.
I really love the smell of burned churches
Then pray for God to strengthen my will, please.
Are Jews invited? I'm err umm asking for a friend
Is there such a thing as "judeo-christian values"?
Sure, but I think that's something you can talk about.
Are you looking for rational consistency and don't think you have it or something?
Get this, buddy, not all Protestants are the same. There's no "Protestant doctrine."
Non-denominational churches fall under the purview of protestantism, but are completely devoted to the scripture alone and acting as the original church would have.
But according to you, those people go to hell. You aren't a very good Christian if you truly believe that.
So you admit there's at least one thing they all agree about. That's exactly the thing I'm talking about. Do you actually think about what you write before replying to me with something someone taught you?
No, Judaism and Christianity are opposites. Christianity worships the living God, Jews are the synagogue of Satan.
There are Christian values, and there are (((values)))
Kind of but not really. The commands of Christ and Jewish law are not terribly similar.
Your post makes no fucking sense. May God have mercy on your soul
Posting on Sup Forums is a mortal sin - 20 Hail Marys as penance!!
>So you admit there's at least one thing they all agree about
That Catholicism is wrong. I'd hardly call that a doctrine though.
Christians ought to spend less tine arguing and more time trying to be more christ like and helping those in need. I don't think god would reject sincere protestants or catholics
I agree. Too bad a large number of brothers in Christ condemn their own as "non-Christians," which is easily one of the most un-Christian things you can say
No, actually I think actually being granted more willpower and discipline is exactly what I need. My life would be a lot better if I could manage some self-control.
Finally found a king james version of the bible. Just happened to be that radio show's printing of it that goes through the bible verse by verse.
Fucking stoked to get my study on!
Also reading mein kampf. Absolutely fantastic writing. Top notch.
>My life would be a lot better if I could manage some self-control
Do you find not doing things harder than doing things?
Read proverbs, and pray for guidance.
God hears the prayers of the righteous, he who works and is glad to work for the Lord. Don't sit around and wait for Jesus to wave a magic wand, work for it.
In case you've forgotten the fact that you jewish motherfuckers killed Jesus.. welp, that's a big NOPE. ,,/,, (-_- ) ,,/,,
Depends on what we are talking about. It's easy to read the Bible; it's not easy to actually pray. It's easy to drink and hard to maintain constant sobriety (which I believe I need). Its hard to get off my ass and clean, it's easy to do so to go help my old man mow his lawn. Etc.
But that's exactly what puts them in Hell. They put humans first, not God. They explicitly ignore the command given to St. Peter, even though they claim to "follow the Scripture".
Essentially I feel like I know what I need to do, but its hard to follow through with them. So I suppose it's harder to do things. But it is not a clear-cut dichotomy.
Wasn't trying to be a smart-ass, the former post helped me formulate my thoughts correctly.
How so? Give me a specific instance. From what I understand, Catholics put an emphasis on humanity, I.e. the pope, praying to saints, Mary, etc.
Also, who are you to say who goes to hell and who doesn't? You have no such authority, and it's not possible for you to understand that level of judgment. Only Christ has that level of understanding
I want to accept baptism but I don't know how to choose a church or denomination. I live in rural America
>Its hard to get off my ass and clean, it's easy to do so to go help my old man mow his lawn
Well there's a really easy explanation for that - you're not interested in doing certain things for their own sake. You don't actually think cleaning is valuable in some cases, but can find value in doing something if someone else does find value in you doing it.
And that's actually fine. You should always try to recognize what in life is valuable in itself (e.g. being good to others, which God asks of us) and what in life is only instrumentally valuable (e.g. cleaning).
Try a non-denominational church. Wonderful people, wonderful congregation, a capella singing, lots and lots of potluck dinners :)
>They put humans first, not God
That is *EXACTLY* the opposite. The BIGGEST reason I'm a Protestant is because Catholicism exalts men.
>we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
This is the way I feel. Jews and muslims are a much bigger threat since they deny Christ. Kikes and fedora's are gonna flase flag the shit out of this thread to create infighting though.
I don't judge anyone. It is a claim that can be either true or false. I'm simply saying it is true.
What you're saying implies nobody can say anything is sinful ever, user.
You were conned.
Illuminati Exposed - Know Your Enemy (Part 1 - Introduction)
I recommend watching all 77 parts. Good Christian videos.
Lutherans are nice people, I'm catholic, but went to episcopal school, so I identify with that. I don't think Jesus would approve of the Catholic Church at all. My cousins are baptists, they are very religious and nice but I don't think they are very happy. Methodists are too liberal. I still have no idea what an evangelical is.
Im not implying that at all, Im saying you do not know who goes to hell and on what grounds they go.
Also, protestants are austere and inwardly worshiping people. Rather than focus on humanity, large, lavish church buildings and priest hierarchy, protestants focus on the light of Christ through praise and reflection on the mysterious wisdom of Christ. How is that "putting humans first?"
What? Are you going to sit there and tell me all your saint bs, all your apostolic succession dipshittery, all your Mary talk *ISN'T EXACTLY* exalting men?
Thanks brother. This was actually well explained and nice to read.
So I'll go on then. When I say I 'don't feel it' I mean I have serious doubts about whether the stories espoused by the Church are really 'truth'. I like Christianity a lot, I enjoy the stories and think it is good for society. I believe in God, or a god I suppose, and a singular monotheistic God at that, but I have problems believing in a personal God. And I have serious doubts that Christ was his Son, who rose from the dead etc etc.
Faith is mysterious to me - people speak of having faith as if it is an object one can pick up off the ground. It is not like that for me. I cannot pretend to believe, and 'fake it until you make it', so to speak.
There's more but I will leave it at that.
I read your posts from the last thread. I am interested in your seemingly anti-Pauline views. Therefore I am looking forward to any other advice you may have for me.
I know committing mortal sins is the pathway to Hell. And that what you're doing is one. And don't worry: it is not God that sends you to Hell but you who walks in willingly.
No, you focus on warping the contents of the bible to fit you preconceptions. That's why you put humans above everything else. Protestants don't reflect on anything: your theology is crap tier made by soccer moms and ridiculous staged super star pastors.
You claimed the Church was putting shackles on you, so you had to be set free. That is the path to Hell: to literally disobey the institution ordained by God.
Read what I wrote to the other user in the post. That is exalting men.
Hitler was extremely woke when he wrote Mein Kampf.
>Faith is mysterious to me
It isn't actually at all when you get down to the nitty-gritty of epistemology (study of knowledge). Every person who isn't a solipsist has faith in things that they can't actually confirm as being true.
People don't usually think of some of those things as being faith, but insofar as faith is just synonymous with uncertain belief (e.g. a person has faith that their missing child is still alive), I don't think a soul (again - who isn't a consistent solipsist) gets away with a faithless life.
Happy to chat about anything anytime senpai.
Wouldn't Calvinism entail everyone receiving God's grace and nobody being worthy of it?
t. Genuinely curious Catholic outsider
I don't think nobody can ever say something is sinful, so why would that be relevant to my point?
>Protestants don't reflect on anything:
This isn't true. I've met many thoughtful protestants. Disagree or not, many of them have well thought out reasons for the things they believe.
>your theology is crap tier made by soccer moms and ridiculous staged super star pastors.
This is only true for zionist mega churches. Doubt you're talking to any of those folks here. Why be mean?
How's the weather in Portugal right now? I've always wanted to visit the northern part of the country.
That's a lot of implications there, pal. Almost like you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. A lot of pride and arrogance, the devil must love you very much.
My doctrine is the word of God, not the words of a priest that have so woefully warped your perception of your brothers in Christ. I pity you, because you drive people from the light of God, not toward him. You believe you understand people whom you ignorantly and defiantly misrepresent and misunderstand.
It's people like you who divide the church, not build it up. It's people like you that drove Luther to write the 95 theses. It's people like you the devil loves to use to destroy the church of Christ. May God have mercy on your soul.
No, because there are no real people in a Calvinistic world. Things with no wills can't be described in moral terms, which is what framing things as "worthy" or "unworthy" is doing.
In the same manner we can't talk about a watch, a rock, or an ice cube being worthy or unworthy, good or bad, or knowledgeable or ignorant, neither can we talk about anything else without a will as being those things. And certainly there is no such thing as a will in a Calvinistic world.
No I do realize this. For example, I have faith that my car will move when I step on the accelerator. I have faith that my family will help me in any time of need. I have faith that when I take the next drink of water I will not become horribly ill from some untreated disease.
I have faith that the floor will hold me up as I walk on it, and I have faith my dog will come when I call her.
But it's harder to have faith in a personal God. I like to read theological arguments, and find myself appreciating the 'bigger picture' that Christianity (and other religions, I will admit) paints. But the smaller stuff, the day-to-day praying and observing the little rituals and actually BELIEVING Christ was/is whom He said... I just can't convince myself.
Hey there friendos, not Christian here but I was wondering how a Christian would answer this. I appreciate that the shitposting frog board isn't the best place in the world to get an answer for this, but I'm still curious.
If Christians believe that Faith is a key component to being saved (with or without good works) and that everyone must freely make the choice to accept God as their creator, then why did God wait until ~2000 years ago to give everyone the chance to be saved? Are there a bunch of cave men and generally nice people running around suffering in Hell eternally because they literally did not have the chance to accept God?
The question extends to isolated tribes today who 100% do not have the chance to know about God, and by Christian logic cannot be saved.
Answers appreciated, happy Holy Saturday.
You think Jesus would approve of the Catholic Church if he came back today? I doubt it and I'm a Catholic. There was a South Park episode where the world ends and everyone goes to hell except the Mormons, seems legit.
If you are accepting the entire bible as Gods word then you're just a fucking Jew, the Old Testament is all Jewish mythology and DMT trips. The gospel is all I need.
I love the smell of flayed pagans after they attempt to steal the church's bell.
To connect this to my original point, I feel like if I had self-discipline, and some temperance of thought and of action, I may actually find a way to believe and find faith in Christ. But it is hard to build such things without a faith to ground you. I have floated too long in aimless. hedonistic degeneracy to do it on my own, and yet I cannot find and perhaps accept the aid, without help in that respect as well. If that makes any sense at all.
There is no hell. The idea is laughable and a joke, invented by early church founders to scare Romans into joining.
Inb4 we are all sisters and brothers of hebrew shekel hybroids, gtfo christfag
[Jesus] answered, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear."
Matthew 13:37-43
The bible is not the word of God, at least not in the sense you talk about it. You are like radical islamists when it comes to the bible. But there's a difference: they are very strict when it comes to translations and you aren't, which makes you a hypocrite.
Indifferentism is as unchristian as it gets, user.
I've yet to met Protestants who don't think about theological issues in the reverse order, from conclusion and implications to beliefs.
It's way too hot for April but I'd say foreigners would like it.
>If you are accepting the entire bible as Gods word then you're just a fucking Jew, the Old Testament is all Jewish mythology and DMT trips. The gospel is all I need.
Typical protestant saying. If you bothered to read the 4 gospels, you'd know you are directly contradicting Jesus' words. But it's fine, Protestantism is all about trying to find out of context bits of the bible to support your preconceptions, so at least you are consistent on something.
>For example, I have faith that my car will move when I step on the accelerator
Yeah, that is exactly what I meant. You're a lot more reflective than most people on this then - that's a very good thing. I actually feel moral disquiet when people supposedly convert to Christianity without anything I'd call real intellectual examination of the faith and what it entails.
>But it's harder to have faith in a personal God
Hmm. Maybe so. I came from a rationalist as opposed to an empiricist philosophical background, so I think my own experiences may not be terribly reflective of what other people go through when it comes to grappling with faith in God. I'm terribly skeptical of most anecdotal propositions about the past and take them all with a grain of salt, but that never really stopped me from nevertheless putting some credence in many of them.
Jesus was a Jew himself you monkey
Just yesterday you were praying to a donkeys ass and now youre Jesus' white knight?
>Indifferentism is as unchristian as it gets, user
What are you talking about?
Again I'm not Christian, but it would make sense for Hell to exist.
As far as I know; Hell isn't some place where the devil stabs you with a pitchfork all day or God allows you to be tortured; it's seperation from God - and that would make sense, because when God asked you to join his club on Earth you said no thanks, so you don't get to go to it when you die.
>"But who will help me eat the bread?" etc
I am a catholic and I dont know how to find god.
>nobody can ever say something is sinful
That's indifferentism.
This is probably true
Especially since Christians believe the Old Testament rules dont apply and Jews believe they do and then some
Read my post.
There's a double negative.
This is probably the true Christian view even though its phrased in pol memes
Judaising was always considered a heresy
>I don't think Jesus would approve of the Catholic Church at all.
but it's literally the church he told peter to make
>Christian Alliance General
>For Catholics, Coptics, Anglicans, Orthodox, and Protestants alike, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
Please remove the protestants heretics.
>The words of Christ isn't the word of God
Catholics everyone. Opinion discarded
But, but, muh feelings?
>Especially since Christians believe the Old Testament rules dont apply
Not most Jewish law, but I wouldn't say all rules. There are certainly some carry-over principles. For instance, it's not stated anywhere in the New Testament (at least explicitly) anything against sodomy, but at the same time nothing in the New Testament retracts that as being sinful.
And it wasn't just Jewish written law that condemned sodomy - it was God Himself who judged it so.
But yeah - I think there's not a terribly huge volume of congruence in principles, and only happenstance overlap when it comes to certain moral issues.
jesus went to hell during the 3 days between his death and resurrection and took all the good people to heaven
>why did God wait until ~2000 years ago to give everyone the chance to be saved?
He didn't.
>Are there a bunch of cave men and generally nice people running around suffering in Hell eternally because they literally did not have the chance to accept God?
Nice people in thew past before Jesus? No they aren't in hell. People are judged based upon what they know. The biblical principle is established here: Matthew 10 14-15
>14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
>15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
Some may disagree with my assessment but this is pretty clear to me. So a caveman that didn't know about Jesus won't be judged harshly for something he couldn't know. That would be silly after all. However, someone who rejects Jesus now will have a very hard time. Let me say that now being a nice person isn't enough. You must accept Christ.
Christ told Peter he would be the pope and that the other apostles would be bishops, and that every time any of them died other people would vote to replace them with somebody else?
This is a n00b question maybe but how did Christians decide which riles from the Old Testament still need to be followed (e.g. sodomy) and which don't (e.g. eating pork)
I wait for the day you find the bible wasn't written in English and that you're reading completely adultered version of it. At least be consistent. Why don't read the word of God in its original language?
And I said the Bible isn't the word of God. Don't you jew me.
Bel vault.
If a church isn't Gnostic it can't actually be Christian.
This is a n00b question maybe but how did Christians decide which rules from the Old Testament still need to be followed (e.g. sodomy) and which don't (e.g. eating pork)
My question is
Can you be a Christian and love Hitler/hate Jews?
Oops double post
Protestantism is Satanic designed to lure people away from Christ.
Millions of Christians did during world war 2 and some still do
I've given this a lot of thought my friend. A lot of people tell me to just pray and go to church and read the Bible. I do those things. And I am not finding faith, which hurts because the Bible says I should be (James 1:5, for example).
I'd definitely call myself a (former) empiricist, but I'm slowly broadening my mind and expectations of reality to include things that may fall outside the realm of empirical expectations. Hence my recent foray into Christianity. But its hard to keep going when God seems just as far away as when I was completely irreligious.
Yes my Jewish friend America was build on Judeo Christian values.
Then I don't understand what you mean.
Not all knowledge comes from empirical evidence. To believe in such a thing is to self-refute one's claim.
Seems pretty obvious from context. God didn't judge anyone for eating pork, while He did nuke a city expressly for sodomy and other sin.
One was Jewish law - which was mutable and supposedly instantiated for the sake of keeping the Israelites alive - and the other was God Himself saying "this is sin and will be treated so by Me".
>jesus was a jew
>even though he argued with all of the Pharisees and used John's doctrine.
Some say it was built on Christian values and Jews bought their way into the phrase in the era of political correctness.
But I agree with you cause the founding fathers were reading the old testament too
>Disparages Christ
>Gets conquered by Muslims
Really makes you think