There is a short documentary on Youtube
Empire of Dust i believe
about chinese businessmen investing into the african infrastructure
in return for mining rights, etc.
Literally the whole documentary is this poor asian man watching his business and materials collapse around him as niggers destroy his business and he just rants in disbelief of their stupidity
He is amazed at how previous Dutch investments such as a rail line were utterly left to rot as the people dont seem to understand the value of saving today for tomorrow's benefit.
The movie does a good job of showing the mindset between africans and asians/westerners (not that they are the same)
its just no wonder they are in the shitholes they live in today as american niggers act almost identical, looking for the short buck in exchange of destroying ones city/life/country/people
The Black Mindset Sup Forums help me understand
>as american niggers act almost identical, looking for the short buck in exchange of destroying ones city/life/country/people
You convinced me until you went full retard with your last sentence there.
>investing into the african infrastructure
they are just giving gold AK 47 weapons to the military.
user is correct, stfu leaf.
I can admit I did not word it appropriately
how about this my Canadian friend...
"The movie does a good job of showing the mindset between africans and asians/westerners (not that they are the same)
its just no wonder they are in the shitholes they live in today as american blacks act almost identical, looking for the short buck in exchange of destroying one's city/life/country/people in the process"
ever been to detroit bruh?
You have to go back
Can we never have a normal discussion on Sup Forums anymore?
Your reply is the equivalent of "hurr durr i don't know what im talking about, but i know they have golden AK's in africa cuz TV told me"
If Africa is a hellhole, does that make africans demons?
Newfag trying to meme...
I like where this is going...
it's Occam's Razor
Africans are simply too stupid (low IQ) to manage time efficiently, understand the value of things in both specific and abstract terms, and uphold a reasonable system of laws that respects property and contractual rights.
This thread makes me want to listen to /cpd/
>male black
Empire of Dust was one of the most eyeopening documentaries I've ever scene.
Anyone else catch the poo in loo cameo at 39:57. Makes it even funnier for me for some reason.
Minerals companies have been fucking with African nations like Congo for generations. They fund armies and destabilize entire regions to buy up the rights dirt cheap.
Its astounding to see how these two races see a problem from such different angles. It seems like no matter how the Asian put it, the Africans could not understand the concept of the "future benefits from today's work"
Vae Victis
>help me understand
Here ya go. Now, don't read this and go make 20 more threads asking the same thing.
My point wasn't so much on the ethical issues surrounding the mineral companies but the concept of working towards a future goal versus making a quick buck at the expense of society.
will do!
In the Black Gentleman Hate Thread yesterday there was a post about how after Apartheid ended blacks invaded buildings in Johannesburg, started squatting in them, and they went to hell. They just don't know how to live in civilization. What they did to those buildings is exactly what would happen if packs of baboons took them over.
Natives had walked the land for 1000s of years and never once thought to mine the minerals beneath them.
Natives had lived on the land for 1000s of years and never once thought about taking a seed and dropping it in hole and - agriculture
Natives had lived on the riverbanks for thousands of years and never once thought to harness the power of the wind and make a sail.
Natives had thrown rocks at each other for 1000s of years and never thought to gather the rocks, hone them, and build with them.
>its the Mineral Companies fault.
>Mineral Companies fault
No Jamarquious Jackson Jones Jr 3rd.
The opening scene says it all, nobody in the background working, just sitting around or looking at the camera.
Best clip from the documentary
Nigger i was robbed in 47th and park at 5 pm, five weeks ago by fucking niggers.
Relax Bolita, we're all friends here.
He is so happy to explain that they are independent, but he just stares off with a cock-eyes blank expression as the Asian man tries to tell him whats wrong
Reddit fag
Mexicans are just as bad, your country's a shit hole because of the people that live there.
You have the natural resources to be a first world country, and you still live like a third world country
Suck my dick tyrone.
If you only knew how hard your country has fucked us over the las 150 years you would know why this place is a shithole.
Bullshit, you are given free reign and you do nothing with it
You have achieved nothing even when you were given the best technology
The reason is, you are mentally inferior.
You will be on par with apes while the rest of the world will progress.
on top of that, they cant even control drug cartels (it seems)
Drug cartels are (somehow) a direct threat to their government
not to be an instigator, but mexico needs to sort its shit out
> tyrone
Glad I can break it to you shitskin, I'm white
Also, blaming others for your own problems...that's how children think
"Chicano detected"
>He is amazed at how previous Dutch investments such as a rail line were utterly left to rot as the people dont seem to understand the value of saving today for tomorrow's benefit.
>The movie does a good job of showing the mindset between africans and asians/westerners (not that they are the same)
The average American would not be able to come up with $500 in an emergency.
You say they aren't the same, but aren't they?
>i'm white,
You're probably a fucking cuban nigger, go get fucked.
>Empire of Dust
>go look this up on jewtube
>comments are disabled
hmm i wonder why
Fucking amazing. This explains concepts I have been suspicious of in a very prompt way.
Huh, now that's interesting.
I wouldn't really call their situation an "emergency" they had structure before the Dutch left them, jobs even.
I would not classify Asians and Westerners the same, no
You blame this country for all your whoas. The sad truth of the matter is, it was your own country men that sold your nation out. Didn't matter too which country they sold out to, they are whoring out your resources too China now.
Or that upkeep and care prevents problems later.
The Africans were fucking brutal to the equipment, and then kept complaining that their equipment they had to work with was busted up and causing problems.
Honestly this, its the small difference between africans and every other race that actually makes a huge difference
Blacks cant grasp the concept of tomorrow, they live in the now and that is all that exists to them, they will deal with tomorrow tomorrow
Once you grasp the fact that they are like this its easier to understand why they act as they do
I like how the Asian guy gets to tell it like it is without retaliation, the nigger just sits there and takes it. In america if a white guy did what that Asian guy did he'd probably get some physical retaliation for stating the truth.
You can't even hold a discussion. You provide no arguments and respond to arguments the same way children and SJW's do.
Same flag, the same level of IQ. Surprising, how easy it is to identify degenerates.
How does it feel knowing you will never amount to anything in life?
How does it feel knowing deep inside you are inferior to the rest of the world?
Japan was bombed and both Hiroshima and Nagasaki are prosperous.
Germany was bombed to rubble after ww2 and yet they are prosperous.
There are loads of examples. Until you realize that the problem is in you, you won't progress.
>You blame this country for all your whoas.
>for all your whoas
The Asian guy even compared the life expectancy of his equipment from a Chinese project and an African based project and noted that the equipment in Africa was falling to pieces at an accelerated rate due to the lack of care and concern.
They just stared at the Asian guy dumbfounded when he was trying to explain to them that a relatively thin metal wire was not going to hold back tons of loose rock
I'm talking about Westerners/Asians and Africans.
You said that the former "saves today for tomorrow's benefit", while the later doesn't. It's not a behavior that I've observed in other Americans, nor do statistics suggest that it is the case. $500 would upend these people because they don't have $500 in the bank, and the pocket money that isn't going towards absolute necessities does not reach that amount.
its simple people wake up
big dicks leads to laziness
i would know
>AK 47 weapons
Thanks for clearing that out, I tought you meant AK 47 tractors.
P.S: get off this board you fucking machete wielding savage
aint that the truth
>firm that specialized in bankruptcy
>most clients were black
>buying things now and not having a plan to pay for it later
>shooting yourself in the foot and not realizing it
>back to the point that blacks don't think in abstract terms or about the future
So true.
Kinda resembles the situation when they call me to fix something in the office.
fucking nice bantz
That's the exact meme I was thinking about, woes isn't as effective as whoa
I Apologize that I did not catch you clearly there
Im sure for an average American/African it would be very difficult to come up with that kind of cash, but for the most part average Americans have some if not most of the cash in the bank, while average Africans spent their cash yesterday.
My point was more so that African cannot contemplate the idea of investment, whether it be in the future, the infrastructure, or the individual livelihoods. While on the other hand the average non-black american/asian/other does have a natural instinct to think about "what is next for me? what is my next step? should i finish college? should i invest in a savings?"
something along those lines of abstract thinking, rather than can i come up with an emergency plan ASAP and follow it
or maybe im just not understanding your point, and for that i am sorry
I am reminded of an anecdote I read on Sup Forums. I'll try to reproduce it, but I'll probably get some of the details wrong.
>be white activist
>go to apefrica
>want to help the """""people""""""
>they don't understand farming
>just want free money and handouts from everyone else
>they keep getting it
>when they do they squander it on trivialities
>he convinces one farmer to do what he says
>personally pays for fertilizer
>supervises the use of it
>the farmer has a big crop and makes way more money than usual
>wants to squander it
>the guy says no
>I paid for your shit and you owe me back
>but instead of taking it back in money, he insists the farmer uses what he owes to buy more fertilizer for the next year
>activist leaves before the harvest
>again the yield is greater and he's relatively rich
>this time the activist isn't around to force him to reinvest the surplus
>so the farmer spends it all on gifts for his friends and family to increase his social status
>farm goes back to shit production thereafter
Im sure for an average American/African it would be very difficult to come up with that kind of cash, but for the most part average Americans have some if not most of the cash in the bank, while average Africans spent their cash yesterday.
You got my point right, but the thing is that this former point simply isn't the case (apparently).
good summary but i got your image right here senpai
There is this repeat mindset going on, as if they have some sort of cultural, moral and educational amnesia
My boss knew a black guy from his gym that kept bragging how he was doing the smart thing by only paying the minimum for his credit card instead of the full balance.
Reading this makes me kind of wonder... if the cognitive gap between africans and europeans is so vast and unbridgeable... what of the differences between i, an east asian, and the african. or even of the differences between me and the europeans? I've lived my whole life here among the europeans, and are there yet things in your thoughts that I could not comprehend, and vice versa?
I want to find out what some of these things may be. Will you help me seek for them, Sup Forums?
That fucking read sounds exactly like my cousin's stories. Left wide-eyed and optimistic, came back more racist than anyone I know.
I am familiar with the "paycheck to paycheck" lifestyle that unfortunately plagues most Americans. But i still don't see it as being similar to blowing all your money on trivial bullshit the day after you are paid 'if we are to believe the generalization in the documentary'. I'm sure there are ways that Americans can lower their personal debt/bills and start saving, or at the very least PLAN a form of bill payment over the course of a time slot. As far as Africans are concerned, they don't seem to be able to contemplate the ability to plan a payment method out, or evaluate their debt (not that all Americans do, out of laziness mostly)
regardless i don't mean to rant on about it
and i can see your point
and i'm sure that debt magically disappeared
Dude, haven't you played Princess Maker?
1. Go to Africa
2. Find the biggest baldest man
3. Have him offer you booze (this is how you know he must be up to something)
4. Refuse
5. Get a bitchin stat raise at the cost of your faith
I bet he couldn't give a straight answer of what debt and interest are. If he could give there's no way he would do such a thing.
Blacks haven't developed abstract thinking skills, this is evident from several sources:
>IQ scores - abstract thinking skills equal around 30 points of the 100 IQ average of white person. Majority of sub-saharian africans are at 70, they also score perfectly normally when you look at any other kind of intelligence, which indicates that the sole reason for that 70 avg IQ is their lack of abstract thinking ability, while actual retards tend to have troubles with everything
>languages - basically no African language has ever developed concepts like height, responsibility or any specific geometric shape - triangle, circle, square - these are all called "shape" in majority of sub-saharian african languages
>math skills - especially visible in the USA, blacks are notorious for being shit at math which requires awful lot of abstract thinking
If you consider that abstract thinking involves things like long-term planning and noticing cause and consequence chains, you'll understand why are they so incapable to build working civilisation.
Basketball Americans actually aren't that bad because they're like 25% white, so... yeah.
What's the difference between a tourist to africa and a racist?
pic not really related
Well isn't this quite the fucking eureka moment?
"About 4 hours"
had a black roomate in college who literally only went to get his school loans approved, dropped out his first year and used the money to buy a car and other trivial shit for his crappy apartment. 2 years later his credit score is so bad he had to get a "secure card" because the bank didnt trust him with a credit card. He has been making minimal payments on the loan for years wondering why it seems to never go down. (basic math) literally explained interest to him the other day when we went to rent a center because he wanted a PS4 for 25$/month and i explained to him that he would be paying 2X as much in the long run as just going on amazon and buying one.
stares at me with cock eyed look
"what are you talkin bout"
i just walked away
currently he is in over $40K of student debt
and never really went to college
>my taxes
guess what this map represents OP, its the answer :^)
They don't do it the day after they're paid.
It's more like "beer, fast food, pizza," for the first two weeks, then "ramen, water, and TV/internet" for the other two weeks. It's definitely a problem though, and it's something I see/hear about often in welfare craters like Illinois (admittedly, welfare teaches these people to fucking do this. Anything that's in the bank at the end of the month comes out of the next check).
I'm definitely saying "yeah, it's the reason why those Africans are unable to scrape out a decent lifestyle," but that just makes what we have here in the states more than a little terrifying.
Why didn't that silly fucking nigger just get a Pell grant? I went through CC without spending a dime.
saved. thanks user-kun.
it's that 65 IQ, man. they're literally too dumb to work things out.
what did i just watch?
Sadly, there's some slight truth there, since your credit score actually suffers if you DON'T make your payments that way.
It's retarded, I know.
I have an analogy to describe the problem in non racial terms
You and another person agree to play chess.
But when you set up the board, they knock all the pieces aside and try to play checkers.
There are several layers here:
Maybe they don't know how to play chess
Maybe they have yet to be taught
Maybe the cannot be taught
Maybe they do know but want to play checkers, and are feigning the inability to play chess, to garner sympathy
But in any case, they agreed, so they should be penalized for the many layers of error
If they pull this again they should be penalized, because they either are so mentally handicapped that they cannot agree, or understand the agreement, OR they are attempting deception
However if a mentally handicapped person did this you wouldn't reinforce or enable their behavior
Why are we supporting and reinforcing this?
The punch line is a nigger PREACHER pulled this shit on me when i was a kid, at the church picnic there was a chess board, and I asked to play chess with someone and he agreed.
when i set up the board he knocked the pieces off and put checkers pieces down.
I was punished by my parents when i told him that was not right.
A fucking preacher
Niggers are not playing the same "game"; the same social interactions and expectations.
There is plenty of evidence that they detest equality in opportunity, because they make bad choices constantly and end in hell holes of their own making, dragging everyone else down.
There is mounting evidence they cannot play equitable "games", they don't have the cognitive capacity to even form equity or equality terms in their own languages, or even understand them in other languages.
How big does a leak in a pipe need to be to fuck up the pipes function?
its 14% of the population in America, 70 % of of which are fatherless, and its only worse elsewhere
I can definitely see the welfare system being abused to the point that it starts to flame the fires of a similar problem here in the states, people waiting for handouts and expecting the security of a guaranteed income for no work effort
people who actually have a job and a work ethic always have that little fear of being paid less or getting fired, and so are prone to keeping their mind on the bills a little more, i would hope.
As far as my less than intelligent college friend, he has just paid off his second car, fist one he abandoned in a parking lot, the PD contacted him recently about it, what he was thinking, idk (maybe that it would magically vanish) and literally the day he paid off the second car he is talking a bout buying a new one, still in 40K of personal school debt. why not pell grants? well they are smaller amounts generally since they are not expected to be paid back
compared to myself, completed medical school living off pell grants initially until costs got too high, then moved on to small loans/working nite shifts for the last 4 years to pay the rest. i am 6 months post grad, my debt is down from 25K in loans to 7K, credit card all paid off, perfect credit score, living in a small studio apt and working my ass off to keep my bills on a structured payment plan so i can leave them behind asap. and move on with my life. not that i am saying i am better or superior but that is how i handled the situation
Low IQ you mean?
Does anyone know what happened to Lao Yang?
some say he is still repairing his poor dump trucks to this day
awaiting that load of stones than never came.
I'd be interested to see that represented as data points, showing exactly where on the map people have higher IQs. it'd be neat yaknow
We had a thread about that tonight.
>what of the differences between i, an east asian, and the african. or even of the differences between me and the europeans?
Give a European man a hammer and he'll build a house.
Give an Asian man a hammer and he'll make more hammers.
Give a nigger a hammer and he'll attack someone and steal their shit.
All you have to keep in mind is that in Africa they literally have a 70 IQ, they are simply not smart enough to have planning ahead skills, so they'll always take short cuts or assume someone has ripped them off if they are doing better than them.
t. didn't grow up around blacks
I did a course in development economics at a good university.
The lecturer talked about the difficulties they had in doing agricultural research in Africa.
To do solid research, they had to gather statistics. Size of harvest, frequency of harvest, expenditure on seeds and equipment, etc.
Well, it turned out that when they asked africans when they planted the current set of crops, they gave answers that were way off. Weeks could become months, and vica versa.
It's more like they throw some seeds on the ground, sit around, and one day suddenly a harvest has appeared.
Fuck off behind the wall, beaner
It's hard to say from individual to individual but compassion could be one.
There are many cases in China and other places where people are hurt or in trouble in a very public setting but yet nobody helps. European countries are very involved and the first person would help.
But then again it's also a negative with all those refugee crap
There probably isn't much difference intelligence wise though.
>It is legal to kill him before he even denounces
does this refer to a public manner or does the talmund actually advocate a full-on prejudicial inquisition for killing other jews on the suspicion they're about to denounce