>Things Sup Forums agrees with SJWs about
Things Sup Forums agrees with SJWs about
Traps can be cute
Niggers need help to get ahead.
Niggers can go back to africa
niggers should government paid abortions
Fuck Trump and fuck white people
trump was a mistake
There needs to be less freedom of speech
Black people are poor because they're black.
Race war is a great idea
We have ids on this site, retard.
I canned and wanna gay, but without socialism juvenile women, it's acceptable losses
Americans should never have brought African slaves here
Put the bottle down, Cletus. Those IDs are different
get your eyes checked, its a different poster.
t. rural and suburban retard
Bernie would have won.
Suicide is a viable and recommended option for gender-queers who have anxiety and depression.
... This can't be...
Please... this has to be a female...
Natural selection at work, breed them out of the gene pool.
What did he mean by this?
i will can't ever be gay but with the sjws gone it'd be an acceptable loss
no traps or fregs, just an argue of a human bean, kinda like "teehee!" but not fucking retarbed
You know that the only physical difference between men and women, is which homrones their genetically determined gonads produce right?
The Y chromosome codes for the testes and the vas deferin duct... that's about it.
ALL males have an X chromosome, user...
>the Y chromosomes codes for the testes
Most bio-illiterate statement I've read this week. You are initially formed with both Mullerian tubes (premature female reproductive tract) and Wolffian ducts (premature male reproductive tract).
The presence of a DNA sequence that codes for the SRY protein (Sex-determining region Y) protein on the Y chromosome allows for the formation of AMH (anti-mullerian hormone), which degenerates the mullerian tubes (pre-female tract). Basically, if Y chromosome is present with working SRY gene, female tract is destroyed.
Why I spent the time explaining this shit is beyond me.
Fuck israel
All men are rapists.
I'm glad you did. It's pretty neat.
That it's okay if they pozz other fags without telling them.
Unfettered consumerism is nihilistic and therefore undesirable.
nothing. fuck sjws.
the world would be a better place if certain races of people would be exterminated.
Or at least sent them all back in 1865 on migrant tier rafts
Diversity is a strength, kick out the inbreds
ABORTION. fucking heathens,
Certain minority groups need handouts and quotas to compete. Only difference is over whether we give them to them or not.