Why do people STILL think Socialism works?
Socialism works.
What happened in Venezuela was not socialism.
Just like the US isn't capitalist, its Oligarchist.
The Nazi's were socialist, it worked, had they not invaded Russia during Winter, Europe would be 1 big Germany, socialist and great.
What a visionary that lard ass is
>Ever taking Micheal Moore seriously
>Believing Hugo Chavez was a good man
Fucking shills, not you OP, just the shills
Socialism is just a cover for shitskin nationalism. Notice that socialism isn't popular in countries that are 100% shitskin, especially if they were never colonized. There has to be some kind of racial disparity for people to buy into the con, because it's just about kill whitey, not about class warfare.
I hate Michael more he's retarded.
Venezuela had crisis because you have sanctions in place, idiots
AlmostAll of the world's trade comes through corporations trading in USA, all those aren't allowed to do business with Venezuela.
What is fiat money? What the fuck is Trump? What is your debt level? You understand nothing and are an unbiblical greedy lying rat bastard piece of garbage
Can't say the nazis made it work either as they tanked their economy and was reliant on conquest.
>mexico oil use to be the people's it was still not free litterally payed for nothing
kys commie scums
That clearly wasn't real socialism.
How are your riots going? AMLO's gon win. Is hitler a commie because socialism in his party name? Bannon was a commie. Rabbis don't like sharing with goyim. That's all this is
>2 the ppl
>2 eliminate
>4 all
There had to have been a better way to save characters.
Canada is Socialist, economy will eventually collapse.
US is capitalist. Economy is collapsing as we speak.
Dunno about you, but I don't think the economy collapsing has anything to do with socialism.
>Occupation dragged up by mandatory work and semi slavery.
>Industrial production inflated by war preparations and export dumping scheme.
>Clearing system destroyed allied industry competitiveness and basically was a form of barter.
>Nazism worked
Yeah, it worked because the government disposed of obedient slaves.
>implying people don't dumpster dive in America
Stop believing propaganda.
Most "capitalist" countries have hundreds of laws to create government jobs.
All governments are accumulating debts.
The middle classes are all getting poorer.
What's so different now?
Michael Moore is an other idiot hailing socialism while living as a privileged man in the US.
>Pre Helicopter Rides Chile
Paradises indeed
We aren't going to war right now. Times changed and manpower isn't an asset in modern wars.
Nazi Germany relied on an unsustainable economy model that would have crashed if war didn't break out in 1939.
Socialism only creates bigger bubbles, disparity, loss of freedom and it is overall a bad choice compared to capitalism.
>the Nazi's were socialists
You were sort of correct on everything else except this. The Nazis literally purged their socialist wing and adopted policies more similar to corporatism.
Nazi Germany was corporatist. Even Hitler said his "socialism" was not the same as Marxist socialism.
we have a trade embargo on them u idiot
Because of socialist countries like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Actually the US bought most of their oil because it is of a heavier type and requires specific tech to be refined.
>The Nazi's were socialist.
The GDR was socialist.
>Playing the stale "It's not real socialism" card.
Lads, we got a member of The Secret Fraternal Order Of High Functioning Retards in here!
not really a point you got there
shut up cunt
Guys our next president is a chavez lover ...
We're done, nuke us please
for socialism to work you have to trust that the kind of people who decide to be politicians also have the capability to indulge in altruism. as such, socialism does not work.
A lot of these lefties are still living in an era from 2004 to 2008 when there was an oil boom and Chavez was able to paper over many of his failures. As soon as the commodity bubble burst and global demand collapsed Chavez was unable to hide his failures. While there were some very short term successes in the areas of health, education, and poverty, in the medium and long term Venezuela was abandoned by almost all foreign investment. No one wants to do business in Venezuela because the socialism and hard line ideologues scare the shit out them.
It's a shame too because Venezuela for decades was the most prosperous and stable country in the region. It was a major Cold War ally of the US in that region.