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Is this a cringe thread? Jesus Christ that is awful.

Women are funny. Get over it.

I laughed so hard I threw up.

No woman has ever made me laugh.
We are the entertainers, not them.

Who the fuck is this landwhale?

That's vile.

John Goodman

hammy (((schumer)))

please stop the hate she is a beautiful woman

Because this lard ass isn't remotely funny.

What in the nine circles of Heil is this shit


Why did they put a bikini on that gorilla? That's just fucked up.


Why aren't you Australians laughing?

I don't even get why this is supposedly a political thing.

Shit's just not funny. It's not even offensive or subversive in any way, It's just poopoopeepee garbage eliciting giggles from nobody over the age of ten. Or that awkward college friend who grew up and still throws out shitty jokes nobody laughs at but eventually everyone just comes to expect because hey, it's Earl.

i'm scared shit will shoot up my pussy

female comedian thread?

thanks kikes. i long for the 4th reich.


everyone laughed when amy schumer said she wanted to be a comedian. nobody is laughing now

I dunno man, at least Pepe Poo poo pee pee was kind of amusing

his argument is invalid cause he's dead

because she openly blamed the political 'right' for her failings. rather than accept her material is garbage and she acquired fame through jewish nepotism, she went full autism and accused ebil waycis nazis of sabotaging her

pic semi related i hacked her icloud account and stole her nudes

y-you asked for it

Because her Uncle is Chuck Schumer, NY senator and senate leader for the Democrats.

She's only even in the business because she's got family ties to power.

She isn't funny. Nothing to do with being female. She is just talentless and an embarrassment to actual good comediennes

lena dunham is unironically the best jewfu

I assume you feel the same way about the founding fathers, Socrates, Nietszche, etc....

"Big Amy"

no because 1. youre a dumb fuggin leaf and 2. those great men left behind documents preserving their ideals. Fatso Hitchens drank and smoked and shit out of his mouth until he got throat cancer.


Because that shit wasn't a fucking joke.

>please do not handle

Don't worry.

The niece of a high ranking jewish senator

It sucks that she somehow politiced her way into being "THE funny woman"

There are funny women in comedy. They almost never start out as actors, nor do they make the transition into acting.

Most comics lose their touch once they get some money and security. Its just a numbers game and there are more funny male comics than there are funny female comics. Its not a 50/50 split.


the audacity of her to wear that sign

these are ok though right?

She's a POS.

There's funny, there's not funny, then cringe worthy... and then there's this.

good god, where are her tits?

I hope a judge has ordered her to wear that sign in public

there's nothing sexier than somehow being saggy and bony at the same time

god dam it

hehehe my peepee is smelly :DDDDDD

aw man

She not tho

i'm struggling to find anything funny about it, you making this thread about it is genuinely funnier than the shit itself
i couldnt even haterape this slag, she really deactivates my sexual almond

Fuck, is this the fugly overweight female comedian thread?

Jesus.. That is one horrific body.


Women are funny. Get over it and deal with it, the internet is loving it, because it's the new normal and sources say that's a good thing.

She gained weight for that role. She doesn't look THAT bad normally. She does have some saggy ass titties but she's like almost 50 years old.

I don't see what the big deal is.


Being serious because I actually enjoy stand up
There's a good documentary about comedy and females called "women arent funny" i think it was mostly produced by bobby mcfarlane (an actually somewhat funny woman) who is rich vos (semi famous road comic) wife. Theres a scene with adam corolla that still stands out as true and goes something like
>if you call a slim guy 'fat', he just laughs and shrugs it off
>the fact that women get mad about being called 'not funny' shows theres at least some truth to it
It's a pretty good watch


My parents thought me not to laugh at the mentally impaired.

Also, the fat cunt makes me sick.

is it wrong i want to GOYIM every jewess i see?
they don't have to be good looking, just kikes, bam, instant hate boner

Because it's rude to make fun of the mentally challenged.

Peepee jokes are ALWAYS funny tho

are you me.

I messaged a bunch on pof saying I wanted to be their goytoy but they never respond

>pls repond

Same here, I think I'll avoid anything that's related to Amy Schumer in order to prevent more half digested food and stomach acid from getting all over my keyboard.

now this degenerate coalburning bitch, on the other hand, cracks me the fuck up just looking at her or hearing her vocalize her aboriginal urban cavenigger speak, and all the progressives getting triggered by her because >muh cultural appropriation, also hilarious fucking name
>igloo australia
11/10 best female kaufmanesque performance comedian

Are those the real subtitles?

Checked and kekked hard!

no i feel the same way user

>taught me

Damn it.


god bless you user

What the fuck shape is that even?

damn, Chloe Mortez looks like THAT?

And she legitimately believes that if you don't think that shit is funny, you're sexist.

jewish subversion designed to make you think that pussy is disgusting detected. its part of their anti white hate
think fagots

Refrigerator, Whirl Pool.

Uhh, it is, have you ever smelled one virgin?

shape is called "#DemShoulderAestheticsDoe #100MelanomaSpots #RealJewessHours"

>sides in orbit dot jay peg

That is the worst photoshop I have ever seen in my life.


Jesus christ. And she was what, almost the new Disney princess or Barbie or something?

Women are funny.

Deal with it.

Young pussy smells amazing. I still remember the smell of my 14 year old gf's pussy. It's part of the reason I just can't get into older (20+) women.


Because it's not funny.

The joke is for 5 year olds.

She was in a deal for a Barbie movie with Sony but she backed out. It would've been a flop anyway because little girls aren't going to latch onto the fat joy shit like insecure millennials.

he's right you know

She is so fucking vile. Fuck this human garbage.

You never know. But I suppose this new generation is super conservative/sensible so maybe they'd hate it anyway.


What? It's true

are there successful comedians whose main act is talking about their dick?

ill say it again, id fuck her

For you

I've never fucked young girls, but I can report about my dick.
It smelled a lot better when I was a kid. I clean it and everything, but it just isn't the same.

>what's hairy and loves loves a footlong?
>jared from subway

What the fuck? When did she become fat? I haven't been following anything about her for years.

I'm a film production major so I like to convince myself I know a little about how this shit works.

If the movie had happened, it wouldn't have been a straight fantasy nor explicitly political--the political shit is for standup. In all likelihood it would've been a self-aware Madea type thing that tried to be "feelgood" more than anything. But the thing is, nobody's going to go to a Barbie movie without little girls, and little girls aren't going to understand going to see a Barbie movie and getting a toned-down Madea movie instead. Little girls want escapism shit like Frozen.

Oh kek, was about to do the search

it's called being a 35yo female