Traps are dege-

>traps are dege-

Seems as though traps are on /our side/

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh look another faggot normalization thread


>ywn go shooting with trapgf and take turns shooting while one sucks off the other
>ywn fuck and have her shoot the 12g when you cum

God damn it.

You're just mad that Sup Forums hasn't foretold all the realities you will actually face in your life. You know you can actually accept us, we're human too you know.


Too good to be true I guess.

>we're human too you know.

LMAO, so true
tattoos are shit tier

what a faggot

Attention seeking human.

Why try to be something you are not?


Ugly degenerate faggot

I was in a porno you know

With Harper Kelly haha

no uterus not a woman you degenerate fag in a skirt



serious question trap op
if you like the female look, why don't you just get a gf?
I genuinely don't understand the logic
are you attracted to males so you're trying to get straight guys by being female?

Here's a start. You can find the rest yourself :)

>no waist

Nah I have a gf her name is Harper

Damn, Michael Cera has fallen on some hard times.

How many years until someone try to normalize pedophile or incest?



Honestly I'm more interested in what guns you have over how much of a woman you think you are.

Post guns feg


that didn't answer anything
are you a "trap"? i guess is the term
why don't you get a vagina having gf?
are you gay? is that why, i don't understand what the hell is going on
do traps like girls or boys

this a chick?

Traps are degenerate, yes. And they should be extirminated like the filth they are. Anyone posting anything else is going down with them.

That's a fucking ambush, not a trap.

Yes, this is now a thread that has real biological women

I wouldn't assume it on this thread


>we're human too you know
You gave up that right by mutilating your body and turning yourself in a monstrosity. I know this is bait but either way: kill yourself.

Why is it that Trump supporters are trannies who see themselves as anime girls representing the ideas of old, white males?

If you cut your cock off or sew one on, you're not human, and should not be treated as such.

Forgot that this fits too well.



How many trans are doing that shit? and fuck Trump at this point.

ok at least she's authentic for sure, her freckles are so cute.

Yes my gf is named Harper and she is hawt!

You should join us sometime to watch anime! What's your favorite?


traps are girls


>not red white and blue

even fake women can't do anything right

This is a trap porn star. I doubt this is really you.


When did woman get so disgusting to make traps attractive?

Birth control and feminism, Hugh. Birth control and feminism...

I don't watch anime, I never got into it. I'm an /athlete/

b t w .. get a pof-usa upper

2 000 round test, no fail

I will never find traps attra-

They just want to be edgy and attention

I'm not sure of anything anymore :/
I just want a white wife ffs

i'll lose a political war before i'll place myself on the side of a mentally broken trap, tranny.
Traps are degenerate and must hide themselves.

wives don't have cocks user

Why do faggots colour weapons they're making everything gay

Also I don't give a fuck if you are human, I hate humans more than I could ever hate a simple animal

Why are people so sick and no one cares?

>melvins man jaw

Traps are as much of allies to us as niggers and muslims can be.

I came here just to confirm

Traps aren't that bad. If you can find one who took hormones when they were younger and their early 20's look like a girl, it's great. If they use perfume and still have the ability to make a chub, it's fun sucking their cocks.

Girl cocks are the best.



> so gay you need your gun to wear lipstick too
Hope he uses that to blow his brains out sooner than later

>No fun allowed


Do more cosplays you questionably wife-worthy whore.


show us ur cock please

This isn't about fun. It's about how gay you are.

Women have female mind

It has already started. It's called "Safe Schools" in my country.

You bet
Pic related
It's 3 am and I'm lazy
Well, pretty fucking gay, but I won't violate your NAP

damn it, those weren't girls were they?!
I'm out
Not finding a wife on a "trap" thread anyway.
are you team white?! I don't give a fuck how you wear your dick just keep it away from me.

I wonder if that's the gun he'll use to shoot himself when reality finally kicks in and he realizes he's a man with mutilated genitals.


9/10 more girls (male and female) could learn something from you.

Just a crossdressing 40years old faggot

Would you nap with me?

delete these

Photo-op by ADL kikes. Desperation.

>Implying any of us actually mutilate our genitals

>Implying it isn't just fun to crossdress and take it up the butt

Do 40 year olds even browse Sup Forums? Fucking terrifying

But I'm not a grill and have no illusions to the contrary

Would you buy me ammo?

Traps are literally /our guys/

You will realize how you've condemned your soul to hell so irreversibly that the only way to seek mercy is by blowing your brains out on the spot

Doesn't matter. Appealing is appealing and quality should be praised.


>Would you buy me ammo?
Only if we went shooting, then proceeded to the nap. No hand washing to allow for the lingering scent of gun powder.

I need to do my part to make those numbers better

>He thinks souls or condemnation are a thing

Yeah, I'll get right on that as soon as all the commies of the world are dead and the libtards stop voting

Just be aware that Hoppes is not for use as personal lubricant

>Implying it isn't just fun to crossdress and take it up the butt

welcome to the Sup Forums anno domini 2017

I'm losing all hope in women user, my last desperate attempt at a white wife is Europe. I know..., I can't emphasize the word desperate enough lol
women are the definition of insane, they will change for no fucking reason other than because they can.
I'm not gonna be a race traitor , I'd rather die alone

Well this thread is now Sup Forums tier I guess

>not using gun oil to lube up your rifle and yourself at the same time