they do, why not us ?
Ffs just breed already
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It's too late for you, Pierre.
Too busy working to pay taxes to feed their children to make and feed my own.
Our women turned on us and crushed our spirit. The welfare system has us perpetually cucked.
I'm sterile
This board will be filled with sandniggers if it exists in 100 years... And they'll be saying the same things we are. To (((them))) we are all the underclass, and the underclass is all the same.
I wish I could get paid to fuck all day and make babies AND get $2k annually for each kid. THATS OVER $20K A YEAR for OP's pic
why can't you just bomb the shit out of them sandniggers?
they are state sponsored
I do, and I love my kids. Theyre not go8ng to turn into some jihadi
they do because they have low i.q and behave like animals, they don't understand infrastructure or well anything really so will happily breed themselves into a miserable overpopulated mess beyond means every time that sadly is taking everyone with it.
You can't out breed these people!
Plus what the world needs now is less of them not more of both
Faggoty liberal millennial nu-male cucks and feminists are way too self-centered and narcissistic to think about anything other than themselves, let alone the future of western civilization.
>What's that user? Get married and start a family? LOL. No, we need to focus on our education before we can think about any of that.
>finishes college
>What's that user? Get married and start a family? LOL. No, we need to focus on getting our careers together and lives sorted out first
>gets good stable job, house, and car
>What's that user? Get married and start a family? LOL. Don't be silly. We want to travel all over and see the world first. Can't do that if you have babies to take care of.
>finally decides ready to have kids
>by this time woman is in late 30s or early 40s
>either can't get pregnant at all, miscarries, or shits out a retard/autismo
Fucking fail.
I'm not part of a hive mind sorry
Lol look how shitty they all look
Said the snake to the woman
>human garbage
This is the sad truth. Raising kids only takes 20 years. If you do it when you're young, you'll have the rest of your life to travel and accumulate wealth.
I'm clipping my bloodline, not going to have kids, ever.
I'm 30, finally well off money-wise, I only recently started dating successfully, I can travel, meet bitches.
WHY would I give all this up for 20 years of nightmare? Literally why? Fuck you, have your own bunch of shitters if you care about the "white race" so much. I dont give a shit.
just pump and dump fool, only your genetics matter
>why not us
How many kids do you have with your loving white wife? I have 2 and expecting another.
But I'm a Freemason so I guess it doesn't count. :^)
"you can't breed these people", and why not. lets be pragmatic, we are a generation of coward, there will be no white anti muslim uprising in the next 25 years, so go find the ugliest girl of your village or town, accept to be poor and breed breed breed. perhaps the next generation will be more alpha than ours.
This isn't what the average shitskin family breeds like, those are mostly likely first generation immigrants.
Most shitskins from my former class are not married. Only one girl married and has one child.
Somewhere in this video they talk about breeding wars between different races/cultures, cba to find it tho
Video is prince Philip and sir David Attenborough
If I have 11 children like in OP's pic:
-How will I manage to feed them, clothe them and give them education?
-Will I be able to love, distinguish and remember each and every one of them equally?
Will anyone (me, brethen, wife) be happy from it?
I just see a big NO overall. is right.
Go fuck your trap wife chink
>lower quality offspring
Modern young men are barely functional because they were raised by feminism, the only functional young men today have been raised by old fashioned parents, a strong women raises weak sons
>Not leaving bitches a present that reminds them of you for 20 years
fuck off with your fetish you freak
Muh elitism muh global marming muh money muh degeneracy, I rejected these answers I chose something different I chose the white race with 60 children.
What did he mean by this?
We've memed a president into office and a MOAB on ISIS.
We've meme'd Shia La Cuck to loose his mind.
We can meme everything into existence as long as Sup Forums shares one opinion on the issue.
Daily reminder if you're white without 10 children at least you're a low test cuck traitor.
I am a redhead. I will keep my eggs safely away.
When will you idiots realize that SOCIALISM is the problem.
It's impossible to compete with Muslims in child production when the state gives them 800 per month per child.
Now. If. Everyone had to actually work to make a living then this "great Muslim demographic explosion problem" would disappear overnight. no genocide needed.
Socialism has brought more ruin and death to this planet than everything else combined. Including malaria.
The other races can not outbreed the white race.
Jews brainwashed white males into being basement dwelling weaboo beta socially inept video game playing autistic retards.
White women were brainwashed to hate their traditional gender roles, body/race, and most importantly motherhood/pregnancy.
It's impossible to save whites unless those (((snakes))) are dealt with first so the antivenom can be properly administered.
You can easily have 30 children with a fertile wife.
Thank the Indians for saving the white race, faggots. They're overbreeding to compensate for the weak performance of the West.
Indians aren't whitev
>implying we can't
Whites will not be beaten in fertility, more whites, more power to the race, more development, more science and morality.
Tfw no gf
Anyone can have a children if they motivate themselves enough, but what's the point if those 30+ children won't get properly raised or be in a healthy social environment?
Of these 37 posters all had 30 children over life time and their children had 30 children them that's 33k whites just from
Us and if these children had 30 whites each then that would be 1 million.
They can all get properly taught, and learning is on the individuals, they will struggle and achieve victory.
Meh let them they will be inbred spruGe lords when the last white dies out.
And if the 1 million children had 30 children that would be 30 million and if these had 30 then that's 900 million, with a great will and resolution and firmness greatness can be done from common people.
cause they never get cut off from welfare and the dole pretty much rewards them for their out of control breeding.
This is more or less what happens.
The 150 year plan from 74 people, only achieved through unwavering resolution and steel will.
There is only one statement that must be done to have the will "Whites will live and life tovwhites must be given."
womens liberation
Fucking this, I swear those who says "uur duur if they can do it why can´t you?" they must live with their parents.
Is easy to have children when you receive money without working, meanwhile the rest work a lot and receive less money than them.
Here in Spain many women who were leftists are becoming right wing because they are getting old and they can´t afford a kid and the men are jobless and too scared to marry.
Even if you had a kid you couldn´t see him that much because of work and would receive a brainwashing education.
Johnny is that you?
Not that hard to organize a carriculum for your children or create an organization for like minded people.
Create a studious, strong, healthy people.
raise 1 child - 18 years
kill 1000 roaches - 1 day
do the math
Have mother teach children the carriculum while you work.
You can have 18 children while 1 is raised to adult.
Better to go for extreme K selection to create a race of gods, to subjugate the savage hordes, and protect nature from thoughtless expansion .
Problem is that education in home is illegal, and I wouldn´t want my kid going to a school full of gipsies and muslims.
I remember a case where a little girl was hospitalized and the teachers were defending the abusers, I don´t want that.
Best case scenario would be to run away to an abandoned village but social services detect abandoned villages and send muslims once they detect activity. Is a fucking nightmare.
Also the lack of Jobs and the thing that we have to nanny every black that keep coming from Africa.
the 56% saying it's too late
We have places to run to as a safe space while repopulating the white race.
I'm an antinatalist. It's wrong to force children into this shit heap of a world.
because people have jobs to pay for the subhumans' children. the subhumans literally have nothing else to do.
France is like 60% French it's filled with Blacks arabs italians Alsatians Moortuguese spaniards poles and basically everything but French people, that's what you get for stopping to breed past the 19th century. Quebec is more French then you
>K selection
>implying that women will know what the fuck to select
>implying men will know what the fuck to select
>implying that such a selection will produced higher quality people
Stop watching Molymeme.
it's time to leave
kek you did more damage in 2 years than America has done in 50.
My point still stands toothpaste
Capitalist countries can weather nonwhites. Socialist countries cannot.
true. out of all the european countries that could get their shit together and make a comeback, france is the least likely to pull it off.
>Remove child benefit past 2 children
Problem solved (partly).
Unless you start having children at 16/17 and don't care if your children live in squalor, You'll never catch up.
They have more kids because they dont give a shit about their kids, Not because they love them.
No such thing, they can all be taught, fed clothed and working when adult.
And yes whites can outbreed them.
Western women nor men dont want children, because having them would prevent them being total degenerates.
Instead we continue drinking and partying until we're ugly and wrinkly ... also feminists dont want children because it goes against their ideals
You need to learn from the best
Yes those who aren't degenerate scum should have 30+ children.
If feminism was uncool and career women were undesirable socially and if you place higher social value on mothers then women will be mothers, I place the highest social value on mothers a woman with 4 children has done more for the people than say a woman lawyer.
Muslims marry and brees with their first cousin so much that it puts the American South to shame. Why do they breed more than we do? Because we have this thing called "standards". They fuck goats and their cousins, like, do you think a people with 2000 year old outdated ideas of self control really have the capacity to do anything more in life than fuck, work like a grunt and die? Oh and remind you at every opportunity that they are Islamic. That certainly never gets old
i place ultimate social value on children, the more children the more valueable.
At what point do you think the dad/mom didn't give a shit anymore?
What value does this mean?
You value money over life?
Life matters more than money, thus impeding reproduction for money is illilogical as I can't pay you enough to end your life, luxury money is unnecessary people can find luxury and money in their own wills and not from straight from mother and father.
How can children produce money?
By providing a production or service, best way is to integrate into farming administration and labor.
sex is gross and disgusting
What's wrong with being a father of 30 children?
>Hey Fatice
>Yes Abdul, my love?
>I have an idea
>Have another kid?
kids are for plebs
daily reminder, don't forget to wear condoms guys otherwise you will end up with a fatty arab whale with hijab.
>bankrupt greek opinions
I personally will make it my life mission to have literally as many offspring as possible
I'm going to create an Imperium, a personal legion of little ruts, redpill them all and have them obey every command I give them, then, once matured, have them fight and do the same
I'm semi serious about all of this
Yes, problem?