So outside of starting a new cold war with Russia and nearly starting world war 3, what has Trump done to benefit of the lives of the average American and make American great again? I'm waiting....
So outside of starting a new cold war with Russia and nearly starting world war 3...
these numbers
I thought Trump was a Russian puppet though? Now he started a new cold war? That's an awfully abrupt change of narrative there.
This is now a GETS thread.
Impressive, but check mine.
Made my internet usage sellable!! Yay..
Checked. Nice.
>what has Trump done to benefit of the lives of the average American and make American great again?
Anger the jews.
checked my dude
Kicking out pancho and pajeet
>Anger the jews.
Anger? The kikes in Shitrael couldn't be happier their boy is in the white house
>Bomb CIA
Nope, he's handed them the power to kill anyone at any time
He's helping ISIS now by funding the Saudis and bombing Assad.
Cancellation of the TPP trade deal.
It was already being sold, my redditor friend.
Appoint a constitutionalist to the Supreme Court, deport illegals, cut regulations, streamline government agencies, motivate people to work because they are proud of their president and want him to succeed, a feeling I haven't known my entire life until now.
Not too bad and he had only less than half of his admin together and its been 3 months now. This isn't even his final form yet!
>Appoint a constitutionalist to the Supreme Court, deport illegals, cut regulations, streamline government agencies,
Outside of the deportations, all that shit you listed are cuckservative GWB era shit. Remember when Trump said we should raise taxes, enact healthcare for all and infrastructure bill?
cant be too mad at you for just being straight up ignorant
Singles confirm Trump is a huge fraud
Nice divide and conquer by fake news, Jews.
You mind getting your dog soros to stop posting ant Trump memes now?
Drumpf has enlightened our minds with his repetitive inane banter
He dropped a 17 billion dollar bomb on a bunch of former CIA employed insurgents in a former CIA bunker complex, probably to destroy evidence of CIA collusion in drug trafficking from said complex.
Under rated as fuck. This has made everyone except the the business Jews life a lot better
>probably to destroy evidence of CIA collusion in drug trafficking from said complex
Considering how Afghanis are, probably child trafficking.
My gripe with trump is that based on what he writes he is incredibly stupid
This is the guy who said he needs to be president because he "Knows a lot of great words"
are you fucking shitting me, this is something you'd expect from a candidate somewhere in Africa
Africa gets pretty decent politicians, it's just that an intelligent person leading an army of retards accomplishes nothing.
>implying soros is anti israel.
i can still buy ammo by the pallet. I'm voting R down the line in 2018 and 2020 and 2024 etc
fuck off t_d
Uh. His frog brigade enforces the vaginal jew
Trump turns the left antisemite
4D C H E S S
>Tax Reform
>Supreme Court pick
>ICE unshackling
>Military flex/bluff to maintain highest ground in negotiations
If that's your only concern you can literally manufacture your own ammo and guns for like a few thousand dollars initially to purchase the equipment. In terms of cost building your own gun and ammunition is not that much more expensive than simply purchasing it pre-built. If you already own a minimill or are knowledgeable in hacking chinese electronics off alixpress you could do it for 1/10th the cost of buying a legitimate new gun. A CNC machine from china will run you about $200 and that's equivalent to about a $5000-$10000 CNC machine from America.
My 3D printer from China which I've modded and whatnot has a precision of 0.025mm which is about the precision of modern CNC machines. Just need to slap a router on there with a carbide tip and you can make guns. Not difficult at all and multiple people have done it before.
Overall if you manufacturer your own gun you'd do it cheaper than market price plus it devoids all gun laws anyway.
>hasnt happened
>pepsi justice
>ice obama levels
>military shambles and quagmire
Nothing. He lied about being a nationalist with isolationist policies and now that he's gotten into office and made some obligatory half-hearted attempts to push his election promises through he's become a full-on neocon Israel puppet faggot. Just more business as usual for this trainwreck of a country; there's no getting away from it.
Nothing left to do now but hope it all comes crashing down soon.
Sticking in the craw of the Left.
Literally anything that does that is fine with me, I'd vote for a ham sandwich over any Leftist.
Pisses off SJW's still.
Deporting illegals and building a wall.
The war shit is fucking idiotic though.
The mere fact that he's president, which pisses off librulz to no end, is enough for me
Funded by shareblue
As far as us non-aligned are concerned, he's good because he's way, way milder than Hillary. The woman would have really put fear in her enemies' hearts. Whenever he does something however, it's usually as part of a larger, not too obvious but predictable negotiation, so there's no real fear of him nuking, bombing or threatening nearly to the extent that Hillary would have.
I can do that too, legally.
Voting R down the line to keep it that way, you are from a non-country so your insight on my gun concerns is literally worthless leaf.
Absolutely nothing. He is once and for all confirmed a neocon shill faggot who bends over to the neocon DC politicians who are exploiting his narcissistic personality disorder to manipulate his actions.
He's a clown, always been.
but uhhhhh he promised to make anime great again doe
Is that new haircut an improvement, or not?
Cant handle the truth? Because its hard to call anyone a shill when Trump is in office and we know exactly what he has done - which is squat fucking shit. Its a pathetic, chaotic administration.
The attempt to replace Obamacare was not only half-assed, irresponsible and expensive - it was also wreckless. Who knew healthcare policy would be so complicated? Gee - I dont know trump, not everything is as easy as inheriting all your money and hiring people to invest it for you
>Repealed TPP (If you don't understand how apocalyptic TPP was, you do not do your research)
>ICE given its power back
>FBI empowered, raid arrests on sex traffickers, especially child sex traffickers, beat the 2016 total numbers after FOUR WEEKS of Trump's Presidency.
>Unity reinstated: cutting federal funding of subverted pro-illegal cities.
>Five year ban on WH and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists (ending the revolving door)
>Lifetime ban on WH officials lobbying on behalf of other countries
>Quality Supreme Court pick
Still waiting on him to open health insurance across state lines, end common core, and a 35% tax cut on families with 2 kids, and banning foreign lobbyists from raising money for American elections, but we're less than 3 months into the Presidency so damn good so far. Donald Trump is a hero.
FYI, I know we're all shills shilling shills and all but I'm serious when I say TPP was apocalyptic. Read up on it, it gave companies in all involved countries the right to sue countries for passing laws that hampered their profit. Not for ethical or targeted issues, but any new law that got in the way of a company's profit, they could sue the government to get rid of that law by using a privately appointed council determined by the unknown board that would be behind TPP. If every single person in a nation wanted a certain law passed, but it hampered some company's profits, they could sue them by the ruling of a privately appointed council and repeal that law.
It was the end of the people's rights. We narrowly dodged the death of civilization.
u guys dont get it, you cant be isolationist, you have to impose petrodollar with force or usa will implode, he doesnt have a choice
>This much limp-wristed tapping
You're tossing in general swears like a parrot trying to mimic aggression. Brush up your resume, there's too much estrogen in your dick for shilling.