Is North Korea the last uncucked country?
Is North Korea the last uncucked country?
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Thyere cucked by everyone, now including China
What the fuck is with this North Korea shilling all of a sudden?
And don't pretend like you're some kind of oldfag either like muhhh Sup Forums has always supported Best Korea, because I've been here since 2011 and North Korea has always been a joke meme of a country used for punchlines to jokes and little else.
There's so much conflict with DPRK because the Jewish elite is FURIOUS that they can't set up an international bank there. DPRK is a completely defensive nation and their military + nuclear arms exist entirely to protect their sovereignty from Jewish imperialism.
/sg/ fags are mad as hell
Best Korea isn't a joke, they're the Korea not controlled by Jews
Oh yeah theyll totally make bank stealing from a country with a smaller gdp than fucking ethiopia, faggot
A better question:
Could Sup Forums do better propaganda than Un's propaganda ministry?
Can't wait to see Antifa LARPing as North Koreans like how Stormweenies LARP as Nazis.
They want to completely change DPRK's economic system, since they can't exploit the current one. DPRK is a Jewish nightmare, everything about it is wrong.
No need to fake food so theres that
Theres nothing to exploit you fucking faggot, why do you think theyre so fucking poor?
They're fucking commies you dumb fuck. No private ownership, no property, control of the media and press that would make Stalin blush. That's worth muhhh no central banks to you?
Because every country has an embargo on them. But their poverty is vastly exaggerated by Jewish propaganda. Surely you realize that the global elites despise DPRK, therefore it's natural that they're doing everything in their power to destroy them? This includes mass propaganda.
muh personal property....
Shit up retard, I grew up in an ex-comie state I know what its like, go fuck yourself and then open google eatth or whateve the fuck else, yandex maps if thats more up your alley and see the glorious DPRK in all its glory
Are you kidding me?
Even their greatest ally cucked them.
My great friend, Kim, called me from Pyongyang. He informed me that the nuke testing was called off. Wise!
What's wrong, no one allowed to make pro-Korea threads?
Long live the DPRK, honorary Aryans!
What happened with NK and WW3 you were all talking about last night?
I went to sleep
>Oy vey, they're using their own system, not ours! WE GOTTA STOP THEM!
I'm convinced this is entirely lefty/pol/'s doing trying to fit in here by talking about jewish banks in the hopes of getting Sup Forumstards to embrace fucking Marxist-Leninism. Fucking cancerous shills.
>control of the media amd the press that would nake Stalin blush
>he thinks the west is better
>Shin Gi-wook argues that "there is no trace of Marxist–Leninism or the Stalinist notion of nationhood [in North Korea]." Instead, Kim stresses the importance of the Korean people's blood, soul and national traits.
DPRK is literally National Socialist. Sorry if that doesn't fit your narrative.
tl;dr north korea shills are leftypol
Its all a fucking meme
Bullshit you've been here that long if you don't realize that
>It's the JEWS that hate the Revolution comrad- err I mean fellow Sup Forumsack, JEWISH BANKS! Am I fitting in yet?
Sup Forums's only principals is being edgy, and since Trump got mainstream praise literally like 5 days ago he became uncool to praise on here and defending Assad became the new edgy, but that was 5 days ago and the mainstream already forgot so now the new edgy is defending North Korea since thats who everyone criticizes literally today even though they are communist, supposedly le alt-rights sworn enemy
it's funny but also pathetic when anything thinks this place has any serious values and gets their personal identity from here as if Sup Forums wouldn't become 100% liberal literally the day the mainstream became race realist or whatever supposed Sup Forums value
North Koreans have balls, which cucks inthe west don't have
Their communist regime has had many issues from the offset of the Korean war; famines, political prisoners, torture, and terrorism acts.
In comparison, they are a more nationalist, insular USA. Considering the dust bowl, the Great depression, Guantanamo bay, McCarthyism, Bay of pigs, Mujahideen, Vietnam, Iranian Revolution, Abu Ghraib, Deh Bala bombings, and so forth...
Honestly, what North Korea does not bother me. South Korea showed it was no worse in its ability to be manipulated by occultist cronyism with it's 8 Goddesses, or it's reducing of young girls as sex objects in need of plastic surgery.
A country without Jews? What's not to like?
>And don't pretend like you're some kind of oldfag either like muhhh Sup Forums has always supported Best Korea
But they have though. They've always called defectors liars and claimed that the west has twisted the reality of nk
wow, you got it all figured out buddy. congratulations man, you are super smart and cool. you have cracked the code of Sup Forums, must feel real good, huh? way to go.
>No private ownership, no property
Total nonsense, maybe it was that way in the 1970s under the Great Leader Kim Il Sung but today's economy of the DPRK has a lot of private enterprise. There are privately-owned businesses all over the DPRK as well as special economic zones for economic development.
>It is impossible to accurately assessthe size of North Korea’s private sector, but it is currently estimated to account for 30 to 50 percent of gross domestic product.
DPRK does not want you to economically enrich them. They want to be left alone. They are an isolationist nation. However, global elites (who control almost every other nation) cannot accept this. DPRK arms itself with nuclear weapons and a large military because otherwise, the US would pull the same shit it pulled in Iraq. The US has consistently assassinated the leaders of other countries for economic reasons throughout history. How hard is it to keep your fucking Jewish hands off ONE country?
I have respect for every country that resists US imperialist dogs. DPRK should be left alone, they're not a threat to anyone and western warmongering is quite sad, they're not going to attack anyone.
>unironically supporting North Korea
fucking finland. just because a country goes against the US doesn't mean that they deserve respect. you're now in the intellectual pantheon of dennis rodman and sean penn, what esteemed company! North Korea is a dystopian communist totalitarian country where every ounce of personal freedom is stifled under threat of violence. incredible for you to say that, but hey! you're comfy in your mika hakkinen pajamas swilling vodka from arctic sunrise until arctic sundown, with zero gratitude for how close you and your countrymen came to completely bowing down to communism and gulags just a few decades ago.
fuck off
Kim is a millennial. A cabal of Boomers across the globe are tweeting they are going to murder you in a day or a month. Meanwhile your new arch-rival is an overweight golfer who owns some buildings and did a TV show you saw twice on bootleg VHS.
All you wanna do is have fun celebrating your saint grandfather by setting off a $10 million bottle rocket youve been prepping the last year. But the world says you can't and they'll kill you
Wat do?
Team Kim here. Fuck Jared.
the dude fucking uses anti-aircraft missiles to execute people in his government who fell asleep during meetings. i understand you're "edgy" with your praise for NK, but don't let yourself become desensitized to the fucking atrocities coming from that blight on the world
>implying I'm going to debate with American who doesn't even understand what he's talking about
Communism is banned in DPRK, read about it. Go die for your Jewish overlords, you're nothing but dead meat shield for them.
Well, I don't know about Sup Forums, but Sup Forums in general has always had an affinity for North Korea. It was a lot stronger when Daddy Kim was alive.
>trust me guys it's a hellhole, we gotta liberate them
ok newbie
>Sup Forums has always supported Best Korea, because I've been here since 2011 and North Korea has always been a joke meme
maybe it was a joke meme for you but the rest of us meant what they saying.
north Korea best Korea
>North Korea shilling all of a sudden?
go back unto reddit
just because they've tried to slough off the "communist" label, they're still called the Democratic People's Republic, and espouse Marxist principles. What do you call gulags, complete disintegration of personal liberty, and zero economic freedom? Why do you respect any part of that country? Just because they're nationalist and hate the US?
Why don't you educate yourself on what actual North Korean dissidents have to say about that hellhole, instead of shilling for a country that commits daily acts of incredible evil
>forces sanctions
>"look at this poor country why's it so poor omg"
>forces more sanctions
Brainwashed imperialists will claim that all positive footage and photos of DPRK are somehow "set up" / "faked" or contain actors / locations specifically intended for tourists. It's tinfoil hat level delusion, there's probably no getting through to that guy.
Your country commits daily acts of incredible evil so I suppose you deserve to be carpet bombed
When you think all your supporters are sheep so you bomb some shit because your daughter saw some pictures on the tv but then they call you on your shit so you got to divert their attention so first you drop a huge bomb and then you make preparations to invade North Korea, but it's ok because your imperialist military complex country is democratic.
there's an American citizen in a gulag right now (with a decade+ sentence) for playing around with a govt propaganda poster in a hotel. cool man!
The cognitive dissonance in this post is extremely high.
Falling for shit tier propaganda baka, you're the ultimate cuck
>he was a good boy he dindu nuffin
Oh the irony.
Wow what a great country, a hotel that's been under construction for decades and a few department store buildings with nothing for sale in them. I'm sure living in the commie block apartments is great though!
Maybe he should keep his fingers to himself and not fuck around with things that don't belong to him. Clearly that's too hard for Americans
remind me where US work prisons are? remind me what free speech restrictions we have in the US? what about free travel restrictions? as far as I know, I can leave this country with nothing but a car, boat, or plane ticket. good luck trying to 1) speak, 2) have any economic movement, 3) move freely in that country.
where did I advocate for carpet bombing them? great response. I can be isolationist but still have some compassion for what the people of that dictatorship go through
Commies have no problem with personal property. By taking over private property they mean roads and factories.
That image has been debunked.
>department store buildings with nothing for sale in them
Tinfoil level delusion.
yep that's why the jews want to fuck them up
Even if it's not why do you care? They are an enemy to the globalists because they the most sovereign and independent country on earth.
>remind me where US work prisons are?
Are you really this ignorant of your own country?
Can everyone please just shut up about North Korea already. Yeah, it's a horrible, totalitarian dictatorship. We fucking get it already. It feels like we constantly have to hear about how shitty this irrelevant little joke of a country on the other side of the world is, even though it doesn't affect us in any meaningful way. I don't want to know anything about the fat fuck who runs it.
Let him rule his lilliputian little tin-pot for all I care. I don't give a flying fuck and I don't see any reason why I should. But now on every news site all you ever seem to hear about are whatever antics North Korea are up to this week. People right now are freaking out over 'tensions' between the US and North Korea. But we all know within our hearts that absolutely nothing is going to happen. And we know this because *they do this every year*.
It's always consistent, too - North Korea will start sabre-rattling about how it'll destroy the 'imperialist yankee aggressors' or some other load of bollocks, the US will pretend to care and will say that it will take action if North Korea continues to make threats, North Korea will then make a few more empty threats until eventually the US gives them some foreign aid to get them to shut up. It even happens around the same time every year to boot (around April/May). North Korea does this because it knows that it's a reliable way for them to obtain foreign aid, and the US goes along with it because they know it's the easiest way to keep everyone happy. But it seems like the general public is incapable of cottoning on to this, which is why the media coverage makes it feel like we have an annual historical re-enactment of the Cuban missile crisis. I'm sick to fucking death of hearing about this pathetic little backwater constantly, and the second we all just learn to ignore them the better.
authoritarian shithole countries are always respected by edgy Sup Forums teenagers living in rich western countries, as long as they are racially homogenous and not "controlled by (((them)))". (and this one even has concentration camps, brings back memories)
Don't ask them to live there, though.
>North Korea
north Korea is like the definition of cucked
>posts dumb meme pic
>you cognitive dissonance lol
great responses, bud. can't actually come up with grounded reasons for supporting/respecting NK? Why not point out what exactly I'm missing
Make BEST Korea Great Again.
I would unironically opt to be born in DPRK if I had the option. Moving there as an outsider is obviously absurd though.
You always know a country is great when leaving is against the law
t. european liberal
go ahead and show me. or stay in your pseudo-intellectual hole where the only responses to people with actual points & arguments are "you serious?" "lmao you can't be serious" "is this a joke?" SJW-tier trash
this. what the fuck Sup Forums
Why would i want to move to a country with no white people. If Australia was like north Korea but for white people it would be beautiful
It's not my fault you don't even know how your own country works
>Are you really this ignorant of your own country?
'''They''' are really this ignorant of just about anything. Been there, talked to 'Muricans face to face. You have to downshift a lot in order to keep the conversation within their grasp and vocabulary.
Did meet a few bright ones, but mostly what I just said. Nice folks, but dim as penny candles.
>Strong sense of community
>Traditional values
>No feminism
>No internet addiction
>Most attractive women on Earth
how you consider an enslaved population of peasants barely able to feed themselves "uncucked" is beyond me.
Fuck off, retard.
But in all seriousness we can't let Kim get his hands on the nuclear codes.
you sound inbred
They have been getting more dangerous every year, they aren't showing the same weapons year after year. This arms race won't lead anywhere good, if the US had called their bluff 10 years ago the threat of nuclear war would have never existed. It is like allowing an ulcer to grow without treating it.
NK is literally just a giant cuckshed.
>Strong sense of community
it's actually a permanent state of paranoia and suspicion, since a mistake and a denunciation can send you (and your family) to the concentration camp
>Traditional values
I give you that. Deifying leaders is a tradition there. Neo-confucianism is shit though.
>no feminism
>No internet addiction
also, no obesity.
>Most attractive women on Earth
>Bent the knee like a little faggot bitch to the great US of A
So we should wait until North Korea actually does something noteworthy (like shell Seoul) instead of having the same 20 """happening""" threads littering Sup Forums at any one time
You don't understand North Korean culture at all. They view their leader as a patriarch that is essentially a father figure. The entire country is a giant family.
lol gill urself man
There's a consistent value system behind what I support and don't support. I supported Trump, because I saw authoritarian nationalist streaks that broke with the neoliberal/neocon agenda. I always realized the many flaws of Trump as a man but Trumpism as a phenomenon was fantastic.
Sup Forums and myself have supported al-Assad since the beginning of the war, the "Can't Mossad the Assad"-memes are old as fuck. Ba'athism has clearly defined and undisputed ideological roots in European fascism.
and as far as the DPRK, I've personally been a huge admirer of Chosun for years, the DPRK government maintains friendly relationships with various ultra-nationalist and anti-Semitic groups, including one that I'm a member of.
Just because you see them as communist doesn't mean they are. You gotta provide some proof to back up your claim that it's a communist state. They have dropped Marxism-Leninism in favor of Juche Thought/Kimilsungism in the 1970s, and removed the word communism (Korean: 공산주의, gongsanjuui) from their constitution in 2009. They moved portraits of Marx and Lenin sometime around 2011 or 2012 from the public squares. The works of Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels are not accessible to the public, they are forbidden reading because it is "foreign thought" that would pollute the minds of Koreans (which is true, communism is a mental virus). They have even called out the Jewish powers inside the US.
For me a communist state would be one that would be interested in an international proletarian revolution against the bourgeoisie and international worker's solidarity. That's not at all what Chosun promotes as an ideology, Korea is a strong collectivist, organicist, ethno-nationalist, military-first state that borrows a lot from German romantic nationalism and Japanese fascism.
>b-but goy they're not allowed to leave
>i-isn't it great that you can travel abroad to culturemix, racemix, and culturally enrich yourself?
>t-they need to give us lots of shekels to travel too, bomb them goy. (((Liberate))) them.
>Can't feed it's people and asking for gibs
>No private ownership, no property
the only property commons americans have are debts
>remind me where US work prisons are?
pic related also usa is the leading country in the world with most people in jails
>After returning to the U.S., Miller told reporters he traveled to North Korea intending to get arrested, stating that "My main fear was that they would not arrest me when I arrived". Initially North Korean authorities had refused to arrest him and sought to return him on the next flight, but Miller refused.
So strict and unfair!!
What is it with the shilling for a communist country? Who the fuck cares, commies need to die now!
pinochet 2.0 when!??!!
DPRK is National Socialist, but economy is secondary to culture anyway. Libertarian degenerates can fuck off.
>muh murderous spic
>muh open borders, meth, and child porn
It is literally national socialism. Juche is all about nationalism and economical self suffiency.
They will do another test sooner or later for sure.
>>Can't feed it's people and asking for gibs>Uncucked
Link where are they asking for gibs. Besides almost no modern country can feed itself without imports/gibs from other countries.
i personally like North Korea because it isn't controlled by jews