First turn in 8 days!

Welcome to the thread about the French elections.

If you have any question, me or a fellow Frenchmen will inform you.

Pic related are the latest (((polls)))

Reminder of the 4 relevant candidates:
>Melenchon is a watered-down communist (think Bernie with cocaine) ; he is also anti-EU
>Macron is a power-globalist (and shilled by the MSM/establishment)
>Fillon is a cuckservative (he has no real values but steal some lines from LePen to get votes)
>Le Pen is pretty socialist on worker/social issues but very on the right otherwise ; anti-EU

Other urls found in this thread:

Here are the two dates of the elections.

The first one is 8 days away.

When the vote? In 8 days?

Ok thanks, good luck

Here are the predictions for the most likely second turn (according to (((polls)))).

How likely is it that muh-meme le pen will win the entire thing?

Here is the latest racial data for France.

I re-did the translation recently, if you have questions or remarks, I'm all ears in order to improve it.

>How likely is it that muh-meme le pen will win the entire thing?
I don't know man.
How could we know?

Polls cannot be trusted.
And France has a big fail-safe, which is the second turn.

Imagine if there was a second turn in the US, with only Trump and Clinton, I doubt Trump would've won, since when there is someone they don't like, people get scares shitless and actually get off their ass and vote for the second turn.

I don't know. We can't know.

And here are the latest polls with numbers, for those who can't read graphs.

Reminder that Bretagne is voting for Macron because they are not even 10% culturally enriched.

They don't know yet how bad it actually is.

Dem Melenchon gains.

Long live Mélenchon !

I know right, it's a bit worrying.

He stole a lot from the socialist party but also a bit from everyone else.

Fucking commies man.

Trump almost certainly would have won. The third party votes basically cancelled each other out.

Anyway, nobody hates the media and polling more than me, but the smallest differential in your op post is 58-42. That looks pretty bleak. Really looks like the best bet is them overeating macron in the 1st round and fillon and le pen taking the top 2.

Really hope you don't get stuck with Macron.


Wait and see what happens in a weeks time when everyone goes to vote if Le Benis gets a shy vote she will win

Daily reminder that they are running scared and will stop at nothing to make her loose :
>A MONUMENTAL computer blunder could cost Marine Le Pen the French general election as 500,000 citizens living outside of France have the chance to vote twice.


>but very on the right otherwise
Moderate at best

Is there Meme Magic in France, OP?

>That looks pretty bleak.
But I also invite you to see in the polls that there is a entire 10% difference between two polls made on the same days.

I do not trust them one fucking bit.

But yeah, it doesn't "look" good.

Oh and everybody knows it already, but not only polls are manipulated, Le Pen voters are not used to saying they are voting for Le Pen.

You get ostracized and called a nazi racist if you do, you can lose your job.
It's worse than saying you vote for Trump.

And Le Pen voters hate polls too anyway, I always lie when I get asked for whom I've voting.

Marine's best shot in the second round I think will be (sadly) 45%.

A 55-45 defeat would be good enough.

You look at polls, by age groups, Marine gets the highest percentages in the first turn in the age groups 18-25 and 26-35. Meaning she has the youth with her. She also gets very low pecentages

>Is there Meme Magic in France, OP?
Not really, no.
We have a few popular memes, the number two of Front National put a meme in one of his video and the ""community"" went crazy over it, but the "Sup Forums-like" community in France is very very immature overall.

Like 4chin a decade ago.

The time has come brothers

Are you still trying to meme a candidate with 0.5% voting intention?

I mean, we can talk about it, but we have more chance to elect Hitler than to elect Lassalle.

No, the slogan makes me kek a lot
That's all

vedic astrology says the stars are in her favor to win but it will be a close call with macron

the others have no chance



Since the thread is quiet, let's talk about those five last years
What do you think about François Hollande actions as a president?

>What do you think about François Hollande actions as a president?
I think people of all parties agree.
It was pathetic.

The economy is worse, the security is worse, the jobs are worse.

And worst of all in my mind, he did not protected the French people before, during, after the terrorist attacks.

It's almost treason at this point.

Do you think it would have been any different with (((Sarkozy)))?

It's "round", not "turn".

Maybe a tiny little bit.
Sarkozy was shit too, but maybe he would have made one thing or two better.

Like stop rapefugees until the situation stabilize, or close down more mosques, build more prisons, give more budget to national security, etc.

Marion 2027.

Are (((they))) trying to pull Schulzzug here? Manipulating polls to keep the opposition candidate LePen from reaching first place while pushing up a third ZOG candidate because the initial two are failing their job


It's "paki", not "asians".

Out only hope is Melechnon beating Macron in ratings, rigth?

too late for dupont-aignan to drop out and endorse fillon? might just be the 3% bump /ourguy/ fillon needs to get to the second round.

Only leftist faggots do coalitions
And germans

>le stylo
pick one

Melenchon seems like the only reasonable choice desu

Sarkozy and Hollande will be rememberer as the duo of president who did nothing at all

>Sarkozy and Hollande will be rememberer as the duo of president who did nothing at all
Why, do you think Chirac did a lot?

No way. Mélenchon is probably as bad as Le Pen for them. Even then i feel like Le Pen is a meme candidate created as a scapegoat.
Most of the media is currently trying to paint is a blood thirsty communist who will surrender to Putin, make us into a military alliance with Russia and Iran, and that he will become a dictator

I wasn't really born back then, but weren't things much better ?

back to 15-18

>but weren't things much better ?
The "things" were the same.

But there was less (sand-)googles.
So yeah, it was "better".

Fillon is not /ourguy/. He's a cuckservative.

He kept us our of Iraq and put Putin on the Legion of Honor.

Actually it's both, but it's "round" you savages need to learn to speak properly, oh and you had better vote Le Pen or you can cease coming to this board, in fact you can go jump in front of a train.

>He kept us our of Iraq
So he did not do that stupid thing he could have done. Wooh.

>put Putin on the Legion of Honor.
Yeah, it's called diplomacy.
Who gives a shit, it's a symbolic medal.

He could have closed our borders, THAT, would have been a good thing.

Mélenchon wants a referendum for Frexit. I don't think the MSM would shill for him.

>look at polls


Look at her. This is france's future. We will vote macron, following his victory we will enslave your wives and marry your daughters.

Holy fuck that picture is nicely done

I think le pen will win
if not

The French will revolt

I seriously think that will happen.

Every single Macron voter I know is a nigger. Why do niggers like him so much ?

they eat eagerly the media propaganda too

>I think le pen will win
>if not
>The French will revolt
Sadly, I highly doubt it, mate.

Things are not that tense.
France is slowly being bred out, not invaded.
Even though the result is the same.

They're voting Macron because they're filthy Celts

Is it true 30,000 fb accounts got shut down?

Is le pen's husband (((one)))?


I've heard like 75% of the Portuguese French (or whatever you want to call them) are voting for Le Pen. It's actually major news here because "immigrants are not supposed for an anti-immigrant candidate". Still, they seem to be mostly working class folk who were poor back in Portugal, so I guess they are some of the most affected.

are not supposed to vote for*

they are most affected by kebab*

Same reason as this:

>I've heard like 75% of the Portuguese French (or whatever you want to call them) are voting for Le Pen
That kind of statistic is illegal in France, so I wouldn't know.

That being said, it's like legal immigrants in the US voting for Trump.
Nobody* likes criminals.

*except cognitive dissonance lefties

There's a similar phenomenon in America. Look at the calculated White vote by state for 2016.

Nearly perfect correlation with Black population.

Redpilling by experience, I presume

All I want is someone who can REALLY make France great again.

>All I want is someone who can REALLY make France great again.
There is no one that will do the job this time.

All we can do is vote Marine and hope next time an ever better choice will be there.

Any chance of Melenchon having a good last week to get the 2nd place in the first round?
Hes a commie, but at least hes against the EU


That's possible.
But shit, better him than Macron.

>Any chance of Melenchon having a good last week to get the 2nd place in the first round?
That's possible.
Especially if the Socialist candidate endorse him at the last minute.

Thats what I thought desu
Commies are bad, but at least they arent full blown globalists

>An ever better choice will be there
I'd like.
If Marine is elected, even if I doubt about this happening, I wish we will finally have the feel to be pride to be french.
Look at USA, they have their flag everywhere, but here it's a "shame" to show love for the nation.

How low can we fall, if we have to vote for a fucking commie to keep the globalist out of power.
NatSoc, why did you fail?

If France elects a man who married his schoolteacher at a time where they get a terrorist attack every week, they deserve every other bomb they get

You are the one to speak, people who elected a Muslim mayor in their fucking capital.

That's a hard one, man.

With Macaron, you guys will be living in in Algeria in the next generation. With that commie Melechon, everyone will be hunting for rats to survive