You don't get to maintain your nationalistic traditions and cultures when you allow shitskins and kikes populate your nations. They will subert, destroy, and replace the reigning culture. Culture IS a product of race.
Civic nationalism with a predominantly white culture would still maintain nationalistic traditions and cultures.
fuck ben garrison, he's antisemitic raycist
That is exactly my point. It is necessary to preserve ethno nationalism in order to maintain civic nationalism. They are one in the same. When ethno nationalism fails to be upheld, civic nationalism crumbles with it.
Not necessarily one in the same but meh i kinda see your point.
Civic nationalism allows other races to integrate within your nation as long as they conform. Not exactly the same thing.
No, white culture needs you to be white to maintain it.
Agreed. However if a person from south korea believes in western values and would be an asset, speaks english, under the premise of civic nationalism he would be allowed to stay.
What benefit would the negros and other non-whites bring to the table?
Civic nationalism is a stepping stone to ethnic nationalism. You can't just walk around in public saying "deport niggers, gas the kikes".
Anyone who thinks that civic nationalism is an end unto itself will eventually see the light, and until the day of the rope is part of the big tent.
Stormwenies who want to purity spiral us into white genocide, get out.
I'm not arguing for civic nationalism. I'm stating that under the premise of what it stands for, other races would be allowed to stay if they upheld western values.
A pill too red for half of Sup Forums to swallow
Can we both agree that asians are not the problem? They are able to integrate, but subsaharan shitskins are not and never will be as a group compatible with white European cultures.
Whites come from albinism, a disease. And they are ashamed of it. And they cant survive without a caste system. And they wont.
They will turn to asians to save their shit dying out genetics. And they will never be same.
who are these aryans?
I agree, Civic nationalism will never work in Europe.
I would like to point out though that most muslims born in the US are moderate muslims which I would describe as atheist as they do not practice the theology they are simply born into it. A lot of them have become very Americanized however I still do not believe they completely comforn to our values.
The pullan indian family of India. This is the Bhatti tribe of pakistan.
And you wonder why whites hated the Irish. BEcause it reminds them of who they really are. It shames them.
Culture is a product of race and is constantly changing surrounding the same themes.
Fill your country with blacks and you will get tribal cultures.
Just look at what happened when niggers gained more and more freedom in the U.S. They reverted right back to their tribal ways with street gangs. Just like their brothers in African that obsess over the most shallow things. They've simply replaced putting big disks in their mouth with buying stupid looking shoes.
What is a nation but a united group of people? In democracy there can be no ideological unification and there will never be cultural unification for a land mass this large. But even if there was, again, culture is fleeting and it changes. One minute kids are billy james, next moment their listening to satan's rock and roll music.
civic nationalism is retarded because it ignores what a nation really is.
>civic nationalism can work as long as it's actually ethno-nationalism
what did he mean by this
You will never look down on anyone when the truth is the room.
Your race doesnt fucking exist. Youre just an albino. And youre so deeply ashamed of it. Wool pulled over your eyes.
Good thing you're in America then, where literally all the culture only happened due to the complex racial and national makeup.
These niggers would not be allowed under the premise of civic nationalism because they are still niggers.
Only Ben Carson types would.
oh vey goy. Don't tell them the truth, just turn them into good goys.
Good idea, we should just slowly work our way to the point of ethnic nationalism. That will definitely work. Its not like we are going to be a minority in our own country, not like cultural marxism is rooted so deep in our society that not even 8 years of president Trump having full power the government could stop peacefully if he tried.
But your right, we should never speak our mind and red pill other people. If we worry about people calling us racist the jews have lost after all.
Race is more than skin deep you fucking shitskin mongrel. The average IQ of a white European is over 100. The average IQ of a subharan shitskin is fucking 70. The harsh freezing cold environment of Northern Europe caused for selection of high intelligence. Mugh higher intelligence than those living below the Mediterranean in warmer climates where higher intelligence is not selected in the same way.
Culture is nothing more then an expression of how a race lives in society. You can't have "western" culture without whites. Western culture is just a code word for white culture.
blah blah blah if your iq is high, why couldnt it stop your whore mothers divorce kid? exactly. stfu. mutant.
Gradations in skin melatonin don't come from just albinism. Even if you dial it back to chimpanzees which are the common ancestor, they aren't black, they typically are orange.
It's just minor adaptations related to how much sunlight is received in a region, which is the sum of beneficial adaptations. Why do you think polar bears are white?
Protip; it's not because they are diseased albinos.
Already proven wrong so many times.
Its a different genetic structure in a completely different part of the fucking gene. Albinism is a lack of all pigmentation.
lol that faggot again.
Alright well good night to you, Doctor of Genetic Biology.
I'm going to sleep.
Thats retarded and not civic nationalism. Thats having house niggers.
>civic nationalism is the best
>only good people are allowed though
Still defeats the purpose of a nation if they come here at any level past 5%
Its almost like you didn't read a thing I said.
"Albinism is a lack of all pigmentation"
Classic white lie. Stfu mutant. I know what you are. SHAME SHAME SHAME fucking kek. Your shame is going to devour you. Youre gonna pay with your own racism. So righteous.
Go to sleep leper.
Low quality bait. White IQ is higher for a reason. White cultures are superior and world dominant for a reason. The reason is a difference of intelligence between the white race & shitskins.
Pic related
Why do niggers like you always embarrass yourselves with how little you know about the world. It is one thing for you to be inferior, it is another for you to scream it from the rooftops.
Pill: Red
??? eat shit mutie
I am a mutation. Thats what makes me superior to you. You still haven't evolved after all these years. Comparatively you are like a monkey.
Say what you want but youre mothers a whore who filed for divorce and broke your shitstain life. Not black and brown ppl. Sorry kid. I do pity you.
>muh eternal normie will never vote for white nationalism
Whites are moments away from becoming a minority in America, you won't even be able to have civic nationalism by democratic means soon (you can't even get it now).
"Wtf I'm a democrat now" is no longer an argument.
The red pill is to realize change will not be democratic, it will be revolutionary.
Are these people supposed to look like Europeans or something?
Why did your mother file for divorce? Was your dad a loser? Did she not love you? Was she a whore?
Classic Projection lol
Love ur shame cletus. Go fuck your abused dog you lonely bald headed pos jack off loser motherfucker. One sad sack of shit.
My parents are married. Do you realize obvious it is when you project like that?
civic nationalism is basically globalism lite, it just slows the descent
mud races bring NOTHING to the table
stealing the top people from other countries is just shitting up those countries and ruining their chances of ever modernizing. same with "3rd world aid" all we do is fuck them up and make them dependent and hopeless, they begin to expect the gibs and we crush native business
no immigration, period. it fucks everything and everyone. there is no greater scourge to world peace and prosperity than immigration. (and jews)
WTF I'm jewish now
Back in reality black people are the most likely people to have single mothers and to run out on their women because they are too pathetic to take care of them.
Tell me, how does if feel knowing the best women of your race are just white rape babies?
My parents are doctors and happily married buyt nice try broken home billy. I am the king here. Guaranteed yous. Guaranteed devoured souls. Give me your energy mutie. I demand it.
Here's my argument against civic-nationalism, and diversity in a spciety in general, the "the good ones can stay".
In the early 20th century, Brazil had large waves of Japanese immigration. To this day, it's still the largest Japanese diaspora in the world. Brazil joined the Allies during WW2, against Germany and Japan. The government took measures to suppress the Japanese and German communities, though not as far as interning them as the US did.
The Japanese community mostly continued to support Japan against the Allies, and formed organizations to sabotage the war effort. The most famous one was Shendo Renmei, a terrorist organization.
During the war, actions were very contained, and mostly focused on the local silk industry, which ended up in American parachutes. Japanese silk producers in Brazil were persueded, threatned or sabotaged to stop their production. It was when Japan surrendered that things got very violent. Shindo Renmei didn't recognize Japan's surrender, and hunted down the Japanese who did, the makegumi, who they called dirty hearts.
Shindo Renmei would send threatning letters, saying "Your heart is dirty, so your throat must be cleaned". Those who refused to commit suicide would be attacked and beheaded by Shindo Remnei.
Even though the Japanese were "the good ones", more hardworking, educated, literate and productive than the Brazilians, they were still a major threat and source of terror, simply because they were a different people.
And even as terrorists, the Japanese were very well-beheaved, targetting only other Japanese, and many times even surrendering to the authorities after carrying out executions. What would other groups would do?
how does it feel to know Im not black? Zing. Say what you want. I will always respect black ppl over your mutant dishonorable ass.
immigration is a lie sold to us by jews in order to bring about our demise so israel can rule the world
ever wonder why israel doesnt allow immigrants? hmm.
You're a fucking idiot. The problem isn't their skin color the problem is them not accepting American culture and values and systems of authority. I know plenty of shitskins who speak american, eat american, watch our sports and TV, celebrate our holidays, went to school, have careers and families and contribute to our society. They are just as American as you or I. The ones that don't fall in line are trash, same as welfare queen whites in Kentucky, and they need to be taken out.
I mean, you're already basically doing this. No doubt you voted for Trump and didn't write in Duke. I doubt you walk up to strangers and tell them that we need to have an ethnically homogeneous WHITE population.
I never said don't redpill normies. The point I'm making is that there's a hostility to people who are so close to being redpilled (civic nationalists) that is basically the byproduct of divisionist kikery.
The most important thing right now is to stop the hemorrhaging. That means slowing/stopping immigration and shoring up white birth rates. The former can be accomplished politically (and is on track), the latter is accomplished through economic policy (also on track).
You're not wrong, but the sustainability of any sort of "revolutionary" action requires some kind of reichstag-tier event/biological redpilling. The only thing Hitler did wrong was lose, and it almost cost us the white race due to the fallout and subsequent radiation of nationalism, eugenics, and race science. If we don't succeed the first time here, we never get another chance.
You wanna take a gamble before any kind of decisive overton window shift? Blood's on your hands.
Tyrone, you should stop using the computer and get a job.
I feel so sorry for you. If I were a nigger I would kill myself. I guess you would lack the mental capacity to feel depresses though.
injecting inferior people into a superior culture is just going to end the same way every time
>they slowly realize they cannot integrate on a mass scale
>resentment of the haves
>accusations of "oppression"
>pity by superiors leading to relief of responsibility of inferiors
>inferiors stop trying because they realize they can get a free ride
>muds are freed up to pursue their base carnal instincts
nigger explosion.
>whites are albinos that can tan in the sun
Oh sad sad nigger. You don't even know that those albinos are just niggers that have zero pigmentation. You are actually making fun of the facial features of niggers lol you are making fun of yourrself.
pic related, if he was an albino he would look the same, just pasty white. He would still be a nigger though. It is sad you know nothing of genetics.
their skin colour is a problem too. humans are tribal animals and there's nothing you can do to change that
You're wrong, but even if you were right, what's wrong with being an albino?
Nope, i'm going to keep bullying civic nationalist until they stop being retarded. I will keep going until the point that the only civic nationalists will be blacks desperate to keep leeching off white society.
The best part is even hollywood jews refuse to accept the we wuz kanngz stuff. Maybe its so they can later complain about muh slavery and pyramids without attacking blacks though.
You goyim need to learn to think outside the box, the west is done and if you want to survive in this vulgar new order you're going to have to start using tactics similar to those of Zionist Jews.
So funny your shame old man. ITs going to devour you.
last 2 min
Wait..... Shia?
Shia is that you? DUDE
t. coward conservative
conservatives hang first on the day of the rope
See herein lies the difference between ethnic and civic nationalists: you care that a citizen is white, while I care that they contribute to society. You recognize two classes of citizen, white and colored, while I see only tax payers and beneficiaries. You think removing the colored class will improve the quality of life for the white class. I believe that roving tax beneficiaries will improve life for tax payers. It's as simple as that. I care about the financial and social prosperity of the nation and you care about fucking melanin content you fucking autist. Get over it.
All Plan A got you was a Neocon that rode the wave of white anger into the Presidency
Lol im definitly right. Whats wrong with hmm? Maybe that youre not supreme at all? Your deficient? Thats really it? A deficient. YOU LACK. Imperfect. A fucking disease. And you want to make the rest of teh world bow to it? Nah. Nah youre gonna pay for that assumption.
You should have been humble. Cuz the humbling is coming.
There is a reason why we are called indo europeans smartass.
These migrations occured so long ago that we have split from each other geneticaly.
Tolerating those who have 8 kids in a system where your labor is taxed to pay for their lives does not lead to predominantly white nations.
Have you considered that whatever ""mutation"" we have that has turned our skin light has also contributed to our higher intelligence, better technology, more tight-knit communities, etc etc etc? Mutations aren't always bad, Pajeet. Some make you stronger, more developed to live in your environment.
Youre gonna be so humble.
There is no american culture you nigger. There are no such thing as american values. This is not how democracy works.
>I know plenty of shitskins who speak american, eat american, watch our sports and TV, celebrate our holidays, went to school, have careers and families and contribute to our society.
And yet they are still shit skins, likely have lower IQs and are still going to be more violent than whites. They will ultimately degrade society and vote for their own interests.
>They are just as American as you or I
Nope. They aren't americans the same way a nigger born in Germany isn't German.
>he ones that don't fall in line are trash, same as welfare queen whites in Kentucky, and they need to be taken out.
You'd actually turn on your own race so easily? What happened to that american spirit? They are americans right? Why wouldn't you want to give them a helping hand?
By your retarded definition of civic nationalism you would just kill every body that you didn't like. People that just disagree with you would die. People that don't follow the same religion.
This is a democracy, there is no unifying ideology, and so long as there are so many races of people there will never be a uniting culture and there will never be a united people.
No one's scared of a shitskin, shitskin.
>using videos for "evidence" that have the ratings disabled
You are such an idiot nigger. I can't stress this enough, you are humiliating all niggers right now.
Wasted get.
Albino shitskins are not the same genetically as European whites. You have no argument so fuck off now.
you're a moron that doesn't give a shit about his own people, and the main reason whites are dying out
look in the mirror
that's what you are
Are you seriously that slow in the head?
>Still thinks race is just skin color
You have to go back.
Why are you ignoring me you dumb nigger. What the problem? Have fun sleeping with this. This is the best black people have. A 10/10 for your people if we don't include white rape babies.
Tight knit communities? Then why youre whore of a mother file for divorce white boy? Too bad the color of your skin couldnt fix that? Too bad it didnt count where it mattered cracker. Now drown in your own fucking hate. You will find the taste of your poison cold as it suffocates you.
But day genetics thang just be some whyte voodoo magic shit.
Your nigger asses are about to get lynched. Starting a race war when you make up only 13% of the population is suicidal. Not to mention you all have double digit IQs and the majority of US fighting personnel are white. The majority of whites are also gun owners and their will be millions of rifle owning rednecks ready to drive on down into your slums and exterminate your ass.
lmao. Poor white boy. Fucking. Broken.
the jewish fiction version of skinheads dont really exist
>LARPing as a negro on the internet
re-evaluate your existence
Youre mad ashamed of who you really are. Lmfao. I love it. MAd SHame. SHAME SHAME SHAME. Youre gonna drown in it XD
crackers and muh technology, like thats the end all be all of existence.