>a nigger just moved to my quiet and pleasant white neighborhood
It's the beginning of the end isn't ?
>a nigger just moved to my quiet and pleasant white neighborhood
It's the beginning of the end isn't ?
Other urls found in this thread:
is it rental or home?
rental usually leave, but if they got a home, it's Detroit in 10 years
how old?
Go meet them and treat them like a human being. He's probably fine.
If you're scared of a black dude, you won't be ready for the race war.
for your dad's marriage? no I'm sure he'd approve of the piping that young buck is gonna give your mom every day while you're at school and he's at work
ranging between 3 and 4 generations in the same house
You need to kill him before he kills you.
im not sure
in his 30s with a gf (and no shes not white)
>meeting people
fuck off
No joke, yes.
Work with neighbors to remove fried chicken by overpricing the neighborhood.
>telling someone to relax around blacks
>thinks *he's ready to give race war tips
If it's anywhere near a metro area, I would bet heavily it is.
its near a train station
you can fix this by keying a swastika into his car
>Thinking one individual black is important enough to swing your dick around for
Suck his cock and give your wife/gf to him and he'll know you're cool and won't rob you.
I've done it and it works wonders! Even my wife doesn't mind it surprisingly so it's a win-win situation for us all.
A black person wont effect his neighborhood very much, if at all.
Black people on the other hand, ruin every place they live, no matter where they are.
Have you learned nothing from history, nigger? >Treating niggers like human beings
Sell your home and move before the situation gets worse.
Theyre not human
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't read the part where OP described a horde of blacks rampaging through his neighborhood.
>Every nigger is Bill Cosby
kek alright
yeah his going to steal every single bike
Burn a cross in his front yard
only one option
is that a taser? kek
ffs just call animal control.
Bullshit. My neighborhood was fine until we got ONE black family move in. Our neighborhood wasn't entirely white but the asians kept to themselves. The black family however started out fine. Then they got worse. First they planted a bunch of democrat shit everywhere. Then they started going "MUHH BLACK LIVES MUHHH RACISM." The head nig is loud... extremely loud. He goes outside for his business calls shouting to the point you hear him across the block. He invites all his nig friends over and they nig out and make noise. He leaves his dogs unattended and has literally trained them to shit on other people's lawn at command. His wife works as some bureaucrat affirmative action hire at a local neighboring city so she is arrogant as fuck. Total bitch.
They don't like me. I finally had it when they butchered one of my trees to the point it basically died. I don't care if they feel like turning their property into Africa by killing all the vegetation, but don't cross the property line and fuck with my plants. His dog shits all over my front yard, they piss on my running shoes if I leave them outside. I tried poisoning his retarded dog but it didn't work. His dog nigs out at my dog to the point where neither of us can walk our dogs at the same time or they immediately try to fight. My dog is not aggressive with other dogs so I think my dog picks up on my nigger hating senses
Everything is typical nig with them and everything is a race issue to play the race card. The second our country goes into anarchy or a race war I'm robbing them and torching the head nigs pimped out Cadillac. The nigger tries to act cool with all the neighbors but no one likes them. Everyone are cucks so they tolerate him because he is black. Except me because I don't give a fuck and as long as I don't call him a "nigger" directly, it can't be said in court anything I do is racially motivated.
how do i report you to merkel?
just burn the house down
I grew up in a poor nigger area and just moved out into a suburban neighborhood. The other day I saw two niggers walking down the street dribbling a basketball. Where the fuck did they come from? There's no basketball court around here, wtf?
I saw two niggers just a little while ago, aggressive.
my sympathies user, it's impossible to know how stressful it is until you've had to deal with them
I had hispanics basically do the exact shit you described for 2 years on one side of my house, then off and on for 10 in the rental units across.
they operate in another dimension
lmao, but have you seen them dribble an imaginary basketball?!
no joke, on 2 separate occasions I saw black guys doing crossovers with no ball.
yes they were also rapping
Yep, that's how it starts, in about decade every white family will move out and it'll just be a nigger shithole
>tfw i live in a 100% white upper class neighbourhood
>tfw i dont even lock my car or my front door
Just be thankful it's not a chinese person OP. They're much worse.
it's ogre
Tfw saw 3 niggers tfw sleep with 3 eyes open
seriously why the fuck should people have to live like this
OP you have to listen to Hans he knows better than any of us.
Embrace it.
Careful the jews have been up to race tricks for ages and now the laws are against you.
>“Blockbusting” refers to the efforts of real-estate agents and real-estate speculators to trigger the turnover of white-owned property and homes to African Americans. Often characterized as “panic peddling,” such practices frequently accompanied the expansion of black areas of residence and the entry of African Americans into neighborhoods previously denied to them. In evidence as early as 1900, blockbusting techniques included the repeated—often incessant—urging of white homeowners in areas adjacent to or near black communities to sell before it became “too late” and their property values diminished. Agents frequently hired African American subagents and other individuals to walk or drive through changing areas soliciting business and otherwise behaving in such a manner as to provoke and exaggerate white fears. Purchasing homes cheaply from nervous white occupants, the panic peddler sold dearly to African Americans who faced painfully limited choices and inflated prices in a discriminatory housing market. Often providing financing and stringent terms to a captive audience, the blockbuster could realize substantial profits.
>Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
>one individual black
It's not the one nigger that moves to your neighborhood. That's always a "good" nigger.
It's the 40 ghetto niggers who visit their house from 1pm to 5am, parking in the middle of the street, honking their horns, while blasting nigger music at top volume.
It's the 18 "cousins" who move into their house two months later; the ones who sit on the front porch all day, waiting for you to leave for work so they can break into your garage. The ones who rape your 96 year old neighbor. The ones who beg for change, yet always have a Glock and $300 worth of drugs to sell.
One nigger moving to your neighborhood is NEVER one nigger.