White supremacist who says there’s no ‘Christian Isis’ gets a history lesson

>Qasim Rashid’s epic response to a white supremacist went viral (Picture: Facebook/Qasim Rashid)

>Some people have a very short memory.

>genocide of Native Americans,
>400 years of the slave trade, >Spanish Inquisition,
>the KKK and
>Salem Witch Trials – to name a few.

>it appears a lot of people were grateful for the history recap after the post received more than 74,000 retweets.


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So, there isn't a Christian ISIS, but there was a Christian ISIS?





>Salem witch trials

This is one of the first memes. Absolute bullshit, and was propagated to establish feminism with an occult edge, then bolstered by (((Hollywood))) films.

Anyone who lives in Brooklyn rn has heard Jewish hipsters gossip and praise about anti-Trump feminist witches. I heard there's a TV series in the works at MTV. Well, it's a direct continuation of witch trial bullshit -- smash the Christian patriarchy of Western civilization

There are no dinosaurs roaming the earth


We're accusing people of their past misdeeds now?

Niggers are in trouble for enslaving 6,000,000 Jews in Egypt.


False equivalence, my good Muslim.

You can't use stuff like Iraq 2003 either as the US and its allies weren't and aren't a Christian state, unlike Israel and Muslim countries which are theocracies.

lmao remember when we were all cave men and raped women and just murdered each other over small things. yeah well that happened in the past, so its okay for it to happen now you fucking alt right Nazis!

Nice ID kid

to any plebbitor unironically buying this blue pill


>implying whites did this
>implying it wasn't jews

We waz kangz

>We wuz good boyz, dindu nuffin.

Yeah, but none of these groups acted in the name of christianity.

Half of these acts were committed in the name of something else, instead of god. Save for obviously in the crusades and the inquisition, but as I see it removing kebab is a just reason.

The differences ISIS clearly shout "ALLAHU ACKBAR" before committing attacks.

No one is implying that crazy shit didn't happen in the past, it's that Islam is the only religion that hasn't been through the enlightenment.

It's the same now as it was 1400 years ago.

Time to grow up.

>all these political things were actually religiously motivated

Jesus Christ no wonder these people believe the msm, they believe everything they read and can't read between the lines.

Die faggot.

But he still doesn't fucking answer the question. All he does is list a bunch of atrocities whites committed in the past. You could list millions of horrible things every race or group of people has done, especially with Muslims.

Worst of all, this pompous bastard screencap a his own posts and acts like he destroyed the guy when he completely ducked out of the question.

Stop making these retarded threads, OP.


>christcucks will defend this

Nazis prosecuted Christians.
And KKK prosecuted Catholics.

You can't into history either, OP.

>Christians biggest threat to American security

Why do they keep trying to push this meme?

Forgetting we were the first race to stop slavery. Britain spent 5per cent of its GDP patroling looking for slave ships


how come they can get away with these list, and still awarded Religion of Peace?

None of those things are equivalent with ISIS.

For the Nazis to be equivalent with ISIS it would have to be actually run by the Pope, with the pontiff as Fuhrer and all Nazi courts would have to be staffed with Bishops as judges handing out edicts for genocide of tribes that rise against them.

The Spanish Inquisition was internal cleansing of political dissent too it wasn't aggressive expansionism and world domination with the chief inquisitor leading an empire.

Oh look, a bunch of shit that isn't happening anymore, guess we'd better ignore everything happening right now.

Wtf I love Isis now

>genocide of Native Americans,
Muslims still genocide all the time. Armenians, Christians, Gays, etc
>400 years of the slave trade
Muslims started the African slave trade, still do it.
>Spanish Inquisition
Sharia court/laws is the same
>the KKK
>Salem Witch Trials
Still stoning women.

Try harder.

>>genocide of Native Americans,
years of the slave trade, >Spanish Inquisition,
>>the KKK and
>>Salem Witch Trials – to name a few.
Where in the new testament does it command followers to do these things?
False equivalency.

>there IS no chrisian ISIS
Had he said that there HADN'T been, this would've made sense.
What the fuck is going on here, though?


Exactly. This is the "original sin" for atheist whites basically. They think they're so smrt but they're more fucking retarded as christcucks

>genocide of Native Americans
>400 years of slave trade
name a race that has never committed genocide or practiced slavery, I'll wait

>Spanish Inquisition
name a religion that didn't have people killing their equivalent of blasphemers, I'll wait

name a nation that wasn't originally founded on ethnonationalism, I'll wait

>Salem Witch Trials
name a culture that has never had a superstitious equivalent to "witches" that were exiled, killed, or otherwise persecuted

Also: there's literally genocide and slavery happening in brown/black nations throughout the world as we speak, meanwhile white countries are inviting millions of browns in with open arms

Why is it only a historical crime when white people did it? How do any of these things hold any relevance to today?


Because every religion is supposedly a religion of peace. Christianity has done the same shit, but people still want to believe it's peaceful. The fact of the matter is that for both islam and christianity, the source texts contain the same contradictions: passages condemning non-believers and encouraging violence against them, and passages promoting peace and forgiveness. Neither is really a religion of peace because there is no such thing as a religion of peace because all religions are responsible for spawning violence.

There were no orthodox ISIS

fuck off wahhabi and latin scum

>most recent is some Filipino group no one had ever heard of that last did anything noteworthy in the 70s
>comparable to isis, or Al qaeda, or even the taliban.


So you're giving us about 4 or 5 examples, two of which were already on OP's list that are historical.


>Christian terrorist groups in Africa.
>No chance it could be Niggers being niggers.

Yeah, not gonna fly here, lad.

try harder faggot

>the most recent event is some random whacko bombed an abortion clinic
>this is equivalent to an organization consisting of thousands of people across multiple nations that is hell-bent on destroying our entire culture and way of life
Face it, you've got nothing.

>The metro

>Genocide of native Americans.
Literally done my germs. A flock of European birds could have killed them as easily.
Not a religious ideology.
Stupid Americans , It does not count.
> Inquisition
The guy is ignorant of historical context.

> But user aren't you ignoring the historical context when it comes to Muslims too.
Except their death cult has always promoted violence against unbelievers. The inquisition happend because something went wrong with Christianity. For Islam the Inquisition is a norm.

>slave trade
muds had the slave trade going for 800 years before euroshits
>muh genocide
muds were committing genocides at the same time, many spanyards who committed native genocide were muds, muds are still committing genocides

muds still stone woman, kill people because they think they are jinns and in general act like pieces of shit in 2017.

too easy

I HOPE WE START THE KKK x 100000000000000
South-East Asian Conservatives can stay.

This thread again?

chill Pajeet

> All acts committed in the west are due to christianity

Still better than mudslimes

What the fuck is on that bacon, disgusting

>doesn't even mention crusades
Cease this heresy, filthy Saracen.

ISIS aren't just terrorists, they are trying to rebuild the caliphate. Every religion has had terrorists but only one has a specific political system with it's own courts/judges, laws regarding all aspects of life and government, and a divine right for a dictator to rule an empire.

why does anyone even read that crap. they are idiots who cares what they "think" or what their "opinions" are

its all just to attack white people so they can manipulate and steal stuff.

they live in shitholes. they just come here to take advantage.

of course we killed the indians. if a bunch of people in loin cloths lived next to you and occasionally raped your daughters or murdered people you would exterminate them like vermin, too.

let's get real. enough is enough.

This is worse than his fake tweet

-The slave trade was about cheap labour, not Christianity. Also look into the Arab slave trade that ran during that time. Far more brutal and still runs to this day.
-90% of the genocide of native populations in the Americas and Australia was disease, not intentional killings. A good chunk of the remaining deaths were from war or in retaliation. Very few of those deaths were unprovoked slaughter.
-Salem witch trails happened over 300 years ago and was a response by the local population to a phenomena they couldn't understand without modern science.
-The Spanish Inquisition also ended long ago. They formally disbanded in 1834, long after they had lost their power as a political force. Whereas ISIS runs today and is terrorising people right now.
-Crusades were a response to the violence caused by the Muslims in the Middle East on the Christian Populations for hundreds of years. Also Muslims were even encroaching and threatening European land, like in the Iberian peninsula . So in short it was the threat of Muslim conquest that lead to the Crusades.

If anything, Jesuit priests actually helped Native communities in Latin America. Shit argument.

When he said "there's no Christian isis" he meant there's no Christian isis in the current millennium. And he's right. Also there's an important distinction to be made between attacks carried out by Christians, and attacks carried out in the name of Christianity. If we wanted to find an example of the latter, we'd have to go back to about 1200 AD. Whereas with Islam, there is no such distinction. Atrocities carried out by mudslimes are always carried out in the name of their false idol, allah (this is why they say "allah ackbar" right as they kill people)

Back when I was sixteen I was liberal, and I was with my mom's friend who was very Christian, right-wing, patriotic, and anti-Islam.
We got into a discussion about it Islamic Extremism, and I brought up the point that historically Christians have been very radical and violent (Or; Being sixteen, I at least tried). Things like the Crusades and the Inquisition being my primary examples as counterpoints to ISIS.

I asked her how she could say Islam was a violent religion when historically Christianity was just as violent
She turned to me and said
>"Yeah, but the difference is that we don't do that anymore."
It's a simple truth, but damn is it a good one.

There IS NO Christian ISIS. Maybe in the past it was but not currently as the title clearly says like there is with Islam. The difference is Christianity had a reformation period. Islam has not and never will. So get fucked commies.

Half of these were responses to Muslim imperialism the other half were wars for land

These modernist christian fags are even worse than the muslims

There is a profound difference between modern Christianity and modern Islam.

One reformed itself, another throws gay off of buildings. The way things are going Islam is getting more and more violent.

>black legend
yeah it was totally real m8

keyword "is" meaning present tense. Fucking muzzies I swear.

Interesting. I guess Germany will forever be the most evil people.

>isis modern day
>history lesson on how Christians were bad.

He's got a point goys
>Lets start another crusade, no diff

why is shit that christians did in the past still a big deal but when you point out shit that muslims are currently engaging in nobody gives a shit?

This is almost too easy...

>genocide of Native Americans

Natives mostly died from smallpox which was introduced by the first Europeans in the new world who were all Spanish Jews. Christopher Columbus was a jew.

>400 years of the slave trade

Most of the slave-ship captains, slave Auctions and Merchant Houses that financed the Transatlantic slave trade were Jewish. Dutch Jews, Spanish Jews and Portuguese Jews. Over 40% of Jewish households owned slaves while less than 5% of gentile households owned slaves. Jews were so integral to the slave trade that slave auctions would shut down and reschedule if they fell on a Jewish holiday.

>Spanish Inquisition

Only a small number of people were sentenced to death bu the inquisition and at this time there were people who were being tried for another crime and would literally give a false confession of heresy so that they could get the trial moved to the inquisition court because they new they would get a fairer hearing than in a normal court.


Literally Dindu Nuffin

>the KKK

An Insurgency formed by defeated confederate soldiers who refused to surrender and continued to fight the Union army in the Postwar south using Asymmetrical warfare tactics. Also they lynched people usually for strategic or political reasons. over 1/3rd of the people they lynched were white by the way. And before you go on about how evil the Klan was for killing a few uppity niggers the worst Race Riots in American history occurred after the Emancipation proclamation in the NORTHERN states. The biggest mass lynching of blacks in US history happened in NewYorkCity and most of the "whites" doing the lynching were Irish immigrants.

>Salem Witch Trials – to name a few.

Corrupt landowners compelled their daughters to claim their neighbors were practicing witchcraft and possessing them in their sleep So they could steal their land.

You should Try reading a Book thats non-Fiction every once in a while OP you ignorant fuckstain.

-Look into Boko Haram, for starters. A little bit of searching will reveal other Muslim extremist groups in Africa and the trail of violence they have caused. Muslim Africans are hardly peaceful victims.
-Also Africa is just a violent shit show. Even without ideology they would still be finding an excuse to maim and kill each other.
-Whites make up over 70% of the population. Muslims make up about less then 1% of the population. When adjusting for population size variance, Muslims are per capita a greater threat to America's security.
-Also I know the last point that is cut off is about the KKK. The KKK has killed less people in the past 30 years then Muslims extremists in the USA have in the past year.

>that makes muslim isis ok
ahh makes sense now herp

Didnt they started slave trade?

there wouldn't be a crew to "make" a new trolley to kill the guy if you hadn't pulled the lever and switched them over with the first trolley. that's retarded 0/10

"there's no 'Christian Isis'
There is. present tense, not past tense.
Shitskin gives a rambling historical account to disprove current status.
And white guilt leftists goes into overdrive ramming it down their own throat, and down the throat of everyone around them.

this. everyone was violent and barbaric in the past. muslims just never shook that habit and technology makes them worse and worse.

>replaces every part
>still no brakes though

You keep fighting a losing battle user.

>Christians should own their past because Islam is currently fucked.

>Islam doesn't need to own the present because Christian's did shit too.

trips of wisdom

Only the Inquisition and the witch trials were done in the name of Christ though. Maybe the KKK too.

This fucking shit right here. They were Christians who did evil, not people who went around killing people while shouting Praise Jesus.
If we're gonna play guilt by association, this shit is never gonna finish. Too much unverifiable shit in the past.

>Spanish Inquisition,

Everyone forgets that the entire reason this happened was because of leftover Islamic terror cells after the retaking of Spain from Muslims.

Most of that stuff is either so far in the past that modern Christians had nothing to do with it. Some had little or nothing to do with Christianity but other factors. As for Nazis and KKK, they lost their power long before I was even born. Also tweeter users are stupid sheep who can't think for themselves. Tweeter users can't distinguish history and reality from their own asses. Not a good standard for quality.

>Christian ISIS? There's no such thin-


As for the rest, they were mostly committed by Protestants. Similarly to Islam, Christianity misses a central authority to demote people who falsely claim to act according to God's will. As such, religion can be used as a political front to cover up one's true ambitions. Manifest Destiny, for example, was about gaining access to the Pacific and ensuring national safety of the United States, not about God's plan. Had the Americans been Catholic, the Pope would've disapproved of their actions and thereby destroyed the front for their political move.

The man's best point are the crusades and the reconquista.

As for the crusades, Pope Urban II, when giving his speech up about fighting enemies of Christendoom in the east, never had the Arabs particularly in mind. That was much more so the doing of statesmen, dukes and kings. After the first crusade, a monk carefully rewrote the script of Urban's speech so as to make it seem like Urban called for attack against Muslims. Yet Urban's original intention wasn't an offensive war of conquest of Jerusalem, but to unite splintered Christendom, in the hands of dukes and kings, by giving it a common foe.

As for the reconquista, I cannot constradict the man because I know too little about it. Maybe a spaniard or portugese user knows more.

>Similarly to Islam, Christianity misses

*Protestant Christianity

He is mistaking present with the past.

Pretty much this

>what muslims are doing in 2017 is ok because christians did the same shit forever ago.

and only 1200people during 800y span were killed

>One terrorist group is so horrible it can be compared to the whole history of the christian west
goddamn, isis needs to be put down like dogs if they are that bad

What always needs to be remembered about the Crusades is that they were a MASSIVE understatement in comparison to what the Muslims did.

All of North Africa and the Levant were Christian. Everyone there became subject to the rule of Orthodox Islam in a matter of generations.

As for La Reconquista, it took 700 years of fighting to retake Spain.

My family migrated to america from germany between WWI and WWII. My family had nothing to do with the holocaust or slavery. You cant guilt trip me. If youre looking for an excuse to get revenge youre a fucking idiot. To me its obvious who the aggressors are nowadays and its not fucking whitey. Its all you shit skinned motherfuckers. If you want to generalize white people for the actions of our ancestors. Then im going to generalize your people for the actions of today. See white people do big shit. Shit nobody can ignore or forget. You coward motherfuckers use gorilla warfare with fucking trucks and shit so its forgotten the next god damn day.

You shit skins are just as bad if not worse because youre fucking cowards and you get a free pass when you fuck up. You seem to forget that most of the people in favor of slavery were killed. So were the fucking nazis. You keep poking the corpse. Blaming all your problems on it. Fuck off already.

Key word faggot, HISTORY

Its obvious all that motivates you is your fucking racism for the white man. Hes already taken care of his bad apples. Its your turn motherfucker.

Is this journalism nowadays? My god.

Yes goy, pay reparations.

Bashar al assad represents civilization. If youre against him youre against peace in the middle east.without assad who the fuck is there? Maybe he gasses his people because they need to be gassed. Just like how mongers of slavery in america were killed and nazis were killed. Al assad is doing what needs to be fucking done. He is cleansing his tree of rotten apples. And the same people who let bullshit journalism like this slip through the cracks probably hate assad because if assad becomes real powerful there wont be a single fucking terrorist for these fucking people to fund. I hate globalists. Theyve got the world flipped upside down and nobody fucking cares because it either doesnt hurt them, or theyre too stupid to comprehend simplicity. Theyve been made to feel like the situations are out of their control or too complicated when theyre not. Humanity needs a cleansing. Everyone has a place except mercanaries. Terrorists. Fucking pieces of shit like that are the reason people are reluctant to unify. And assad understands that. Hes been made out to be a war criminal by the americans because he isnt bowing down to them. And i wonder why. When you got dumb motherfuckers like john mccain hanging out with the fucking terrorists. White people need another cleansing soon too. But we are reluctant to cleanse because we see you wont cleanse. We see ourselves getting weaker for your sake while you become fucking blood thirsty animals.