redpill me about them
Redpill me about them
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Nothing to worry about.
Shitty government agency that pretends to not break any laws despite being repeatedly proven to break laws.
Very nice people
Hire me, OP :)
They're an agency of the government. What kind of thread is this? Redpill you on what? Better go back to the drawing board on this one, Chang.
read legacy of ashes then kill yourself
Fuck my shit up fám on a global scale basically
C'mon user they're a top agency of the best government on the greatest nation on the planet, I think they know how to do their jobs!
You should just get some sleep
An organization created to protect us and given a little bit of leeway on how they can operate, but they've taken the slack given them and pretty much became a shady rogue organization with plans of their own, much like the Psi Corps from Babylon 5.
Rouge agency with its own black budget, little oversight, and a tool for creating new conflicts
killed jfk because he fired allen dulles and wasnt going to invade vietnam and wanted to cut the CIAs budget by 20% in 1966
it is what happens when you have a deep state that intermingles with private industry
incompetent catholics
It's 5pm in South Korea, you go to sleep
Iran Air 655
6:20 mark
They're almost always ITT and one of them is a brony or something.
well their logo is an eagle going through a meat grinder, for one.
the only thing we're fairly certain about is that they handle regime changes, this is documented pretty well
their entire job is to create as many versions of the truth as possible, so you can't figure out which is the correct one
they have a multi-tiered strategy, which includes creating a dialogue that is not precisely oriented on what is occurring, so the subject gets discussed without the important part of the matter ever being specifically mentioned
if the important detail can be framed so that it appears absurd, it becomes even more difficult for an average person to comprehend what's really happening, this is rooted in the individuals need to feel some power over the situation, and being unwilling to appear ridiculous
theres a lot of circumstantial evidence that mossad has completely infiltrated the CIA, and that the CIA is now just a branch of israeli intelligence. This is possible because of the jew's racial solidarity and talent at subversion
>redpill me about them
Jews using stolen CIA mind control to attempt to use goyim to attempt to mind control the rest of the universe to be slaves to jews/rothschilds.
>redpill me about them
About to be converted to non human resources.
Because aliens don't do recon.
They will fuck an enemy's shit up then disappear like a fart in the wind.
Serious BFF material.
Eisenhower should have disbanded the CIA and executed every single CIA employee for treason. Spooks are worthless, globalist, treasonous cocksuckers and the only good spook is a dead spook. Kill their families too.
Every single fucking thing the CIA has ever done has utterly compromised national sovereignty across the planet, including the United States. All people, including US citizens are worse off and more at risk for their prosperity and lives because the CIA exists and continues to exist.
Dr pavel?