Sup Forums is one of the last uncucked places on the internet... How did it get to this?
Sup Forums is one of the last uncucked places on the internet... How did it get to this?
freedom of speech is a headache to the jews
chinese and jews
>actually filled to the brim with shitposters and shills
>identity politcs
>"alternative-media" narratives
Kys leftypol straya
This place is more chucked than Reddit. At least they flipped a tit when their shit got censored, you faggots bend to your leftist mods
To thrive in ostensibly neutral territory, left-wing ideas need heavy censorship, algorithmic manipulation, bannings, etc. If they were capable of critical thinking, they wouldn't need all those assists in ostensibly neutral territory.
t. retard that makes "is x redpilled" threads
Go back there retard
What are you talking about...? My wife's son loves browsing here you silly kangaroo dick flicker
>not knowing Sup Forums is often referred to as "cuckchan" by the plethora of derivative chans and far right sites
It's not called cuckchan just to be funny pal
You've got mods from /leftypol/. And they openly raid this board to the point where the shills have a greater presence than actual posters
This board is literally cucked. And it's gone to complete shit in the past year because of complacent idiots
Idk man. I'm a cuck in my heart, but I know better not to act on my cuck impulses.
No one else has the fucking guts or energy to fight.
We will never die.
>one of the last UNKEKED places on the Internet rn
Newfag plz
Wish I could say the same for the rest of Sup Forums. The moment you say nigger on another board, everyone spergs the fuck out.