Mexican Drug War

>4000+ police killed in ten years
>100,000+ total deaths
>Zero end in sight
>Never seen a single Mexican protest for this, yet seen dozens against the heroic ICE/USCIS/DHS.

>video related

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Fight fire with fire.








With a blunt blade of course.
With sound it's even worse.

The solution is build wall, or use the cia to instead of helping smuggle and making money off of the drugs, to instead stop them

>be mexican
>protest cartels
>end up with skin peeled off your face
>puts your skin suit in plain view of entire neighborhood
>op wonders why there aren't any protests

i don't know op thats a tough one.

it's not the same without the sound

I love how burguer politicians want to convince they cant stand and watch whats happening in the ME but dont give a shit about all this barbaric crap that happens on their border

protest do happen but the thing that stops them is more along the lines of kidnapping a bus full of children and making them dissappear

Do you think they took their chairs back after?

Is he ok?

Thats because the cartels make money with the politicians, how do you think the cia gets most of its funding, and why at my home along the border, almost every politician with power allows smuggling to occur for a cut, but on the flip side they'll get cut if they try to stop them

i wouldn't wanna alive be if were him

*teleports behind you*

>Aztecs being savage

Lol this is fucking awesome

I don't understand why don't they invoke martial law in the slums and execute every drugdealer.

So these are considered humans?
Even gypsies don't do shit like that.
Are mexicans the most inferior form of life?

Say that to my face fucker not online


DOnt you think I know all that?I just find it amazing how most normies can still believe the government is there to serve its people and not to make a profit with some certain interests groups.

This is why I think the wall won't work
The cartels make a lot of money trafficking people and arnt going to let a wall get in their way
They'll just peel the face off any gard that tries to stop them

You mean protests in the US?
I don't know if you've had there, probably not, the only protests I've seen in the US involving Mexican internal affairs have been about the 43 "students" that got killed by narcos.

But here there have been houndreds, or maybe thousands, of protests since 2008 protesting the governments inability (or lack of will) to stop narco violence.

The problem is that most protests are highjacked by the commies and other leftists and amount to jack shit.
Mostly because their proposed solution is to stop military force against the cartels.
Fuck the left, we could have worked something out if it weren't for them.

nice, also it's one thing that confuses everyone too OP, Mexibeaners just have no balls I guess

>brapposting at dead bodies
stay golden ponyboy

Oh shit, I meant protests in the US. Most of the legal and illegals here have family/friends down south so do they just not care or what?

100,000 of 130 Billion habitants.


We have our differences but I'm so sad to see the cartel violence in your country.

>You will never hear the sounds of the bubbling blood from his throat and the 80's disco hits on a Sup Forums webm
>Why live?

>liberals wonder why Trump wants to build a wall
>omg so racist, you want to keep these "people" out

They are more like a virus.
Not sure what kind of virus,
A short, dark, ugly one that makes your body parts fall off.

Never knew mexicans are actually trash.
I hope Trump deport them all.

Mexicans just get super dedicated to one thing when they get a little bit of power.
That's the way it seems to me, it's like their genetics.

When they're low level they're super lazy and don't do shit for anything.
You give them a tiny bit of power and respect and they do their job super well and take it too seriously.
The guy you were just slacking off with and drinking a beer with at work suddenly wants to follow all the rules and make everyone else follow the rules just because he got a little promotion or a pat on the back.

In the US they make great soldiers, police officers, supervisors, lower level management, etc...
But they make bad low level workers, and that's usually what they are.

I imagine in Mexico when they become a cartel executioner they are treated with respect and take their job too serious, and then this shit happens.

drug dealers or bad hombres, not all Mexicans.

Spanish people are white.
He should go back home, away from the amerindian menace he cannot govern

what amerindian? we the mexican spanish rule this country, why left it?


I'm not sure if you know this, but how many innocent people do they kill? Like, is it true that if you don't get involved in any drug/gang stuff they leave you alone? I know there's been some disappearances and massacres but what about smaller scale.

Also would a Duterte plan work?

Is he okay or did the shot at the eleventh second killled him?

are there any safe cities in mexico for a gringo?

If they tried to do something like Duterte,the American embassy would get busy with CIA operatives if you know what I mean

That looks like a pretty extreme party game.
>Were they ok?



Lazy is not an excuse.
Seeing this shit and doing nothing is not being lazy, it is being souless. The eses have no soul.
I get, it, the cartels, the gouverment, money, and all that shit. Well they should go on civil war then. Noone is safe from skin peeling procedures.

>kids disapearing
>mass graves of students

And we are not talking about 5-10 "accidents". We are talking about thousands of people killed like every year.

No they don't, they are focused on bring their family/friends here, they are incredibly cucked when it comes to the cartel, you cannot believe, Germans are cucked for bid daddy gov, and the Mexicans love their defato druglord rulers

Literally most of Mexico is safe.
Use a plane to go 100 miles past the border and you're safe in the country south of Mexico city.

Queretaro is nice as fuck.
San Miguel is almost entirely White American expats.

>Mexican Drug War
Thank the USA for feeding it billions.
I guess when you have the CIA behind you, you always act like ISIS.

Why indeed.

the more that I think about my tax dollars going towards helping these psychos, the more infuriated I get

The eses have no soul.

why are you assuming that all Mexicans peel off faces? are you stupid or something gypsy?

you live in the most shitty and poor country in Europe, wake up.

No money or power to be had in invading mexico, apparently. Yea this is a massive hypocrisy and show just how much american politics and media are controlled by the secret elite for their own purposes

This, all the fighting is along the border, fucking kids

>Pull yourself together.jpg

I live in the most poor country but im safe. We don't have 10000 killings a year. We don't have choped of legs chilling on the streets. I am safe. You are not.
You are subhuman for just standing there and watch. Not a subhuman even, a worm.
No suprise americans want your kind out.
So, yea, im fucking greatful for my "poor life".

That graph is bogus we both know the grand majority of these crimes don't get reported

They make a shit ton of money dealing with the cartel

>Queretaro is nice as fuck.

yes it is.

Why the need for such overkill?

Fuck, I didn't realize how bad puerto rico was.

Thank God they don't want to become a U.S. state

At least in Juarez, during the worst years (2009-2012) a lot of inocents were victims of extortion, kidnapping, etc.

That was because the larger drug cartel (Sinaloa) stopped the others (Juarez cartel) means of financing and they resorted to other crimes, also corrupt cops used the confusion and made the same crimes and blamed it on the cartels.

Yes, we need a duterte.
The way we stopped a communist revolution in the 60s and 70s was with death squads fighting urban warfare.

We need that but can't have it because of the major but hurt of the lefties that survived those huntings. Also the US and Mexican governments involvement in drug trade is kind of a problem.

>Literally most of Mexico is safe.
Try again.
The police is as effective against crime as a donkey's ass.
Those fuckers don't give a shit about the law they post that shit on liveleak after they've done it and after kill more cops and the corrupt police and justice system do what?
The thing is most shart morons don't see the rekt they just see the beaches and they think it's Palm beach or somethin, or Cote D'Azur.
Most shart are dumb as shit and when they don't come back they're TAGGED AS A MISSING PERSON CAUSE THE MEXISHITS CAN'T EVEN FIND THE BODY.
If you look at those vids and still think you're safe we'll you're dumber than a headless chicken, at least a headless chicken tries to run away somewhere else.

100,000 killings each year but how many mexicans live here? 130 B.

We only have 15 homicides per 100,000 hab. you are retarded and idiot.

I am safe too idiot. Not all Mexico are chopping legs, you are 100% stupid.

nice map,edit indio


pull the majority of the cartels' demand out from under them with blanket legalization

Over a million U.S. citizens visit Mexico every year and only around a hundred die. Try again.

Hey moron, we don't have that butchery in est EU even though we broke, Bulgars round up Shitskins for fun and give them the tenderizer treatment so they don't get in the rape mood like they do in Germany and Sweden.
Fuckers cry when they arrive to Romania, we don't have that ISIS butchery shit here.

Mexico is white, nigger 60%

Studies of the general Mexican population have found percentages with European ancestry of 56%[80] 60%,[81] 64%,[82] and 78%.[75]

I'm not butcher, but that looks like pretty clean work.

Speaking as an Mexican born in the U.S. , they do care but the thing is poverty over there is so bad that drugs are the main way many people find to make big time American money, the upper class of Mexico has it all while the rest starve.
Yea these are those hardcore fucked up Mexicans, a bullet to the head is the best solution.
Duterte solution would just add more deaths which is just common .

> only around a hundred die
How many are documented as missing if they don't return, over the years.
You have no fucking clue you dumb ass.

I really dont give a fuck about your gypsy and poor hellholes.

>i don't care what happens in the rest of my country as long as im safe.

This is exactly why you are a souless garbagre. Like the cartles are better than you, they are just doing their job whilst you just turn your head to the other direction.

Like even the fucking gypsies don't do shit like this. You eses may shower more ofthen than the gypsies but you still smell of blood.


Legalizing drugs in the united states. Not even joking. Cheapest, fastest, most effective way of dismantling the drug war. Then you can redirect resources for fighting drug shit and put it towards fighting human trafficking. And, you know, ACTUALLY applying the law to corrupt cunts in office.

Lazy butcher just worked around the joints.

We may be poor but my head and legs will stay on their places. Can't say the same thing about your cousins. Not that you care about them.

Try again!
1.we have 3% gypsies and your're a double moron mexishit nigger.
2.I would call Mexico a hellhole cause most of it it is.
You have a bunch of aristocrats that live like kings and the rest live worse than most Romanians.

>most inferior form of life

Quite the opposite. They are an amalgamation of European greed and Native fanaticism. They assimilate to European countries with acceptable rates of success and are severely hostile to non-Catholics. They are THE savage army Spain created and dreamed of harnessing to bolster the might of Europe, before their Empire's collapse. Now they just need a leader to guide them.

>How to fix the Mexican Drug War, a quick guide by user

1. Give everything North from Monterrey to America creating a new state of New Texasco
2. Send in National Guard, in force, to New Texasco
3. Slowly edge troops further and further south, while you secretly have tank columns working their way North from Guatemala
4. Slowly establish the whole of Mexico as New Texasco, having the national guard and engineer corps building infrastructure like roads, electricity, water, gas where they go
5. Destroy all and any resitance, even that from the Mexican army
6. Accept no surrenders of drug lords and cartel members, execute all on the spot, or send them to Guantanamo

Simple as that
All America has to do is mobilize almost its entire armored branch and national guard while annexing an entire country and slowly that country will no longer be that country anymore

Portugal? More look like Poortugal LMFAO

We really don't have people hunting for güeritos.
I just was in Cabo in March and everything was fine, a lot of gringos doing coke in the street, cops looking the other way.
But fuck, I just parked 5 minutes in a disability spot and got fined 5000 Mexican shekels.

Priority's man. Gringos are one.

No, idiot. narcos are only in 7 mexicans states of 32, for example in mexico city,baja california, sonora central and south mexico are safe.

This pic states 9-17% are white, also the european ancestory is common because of race mixing. Face it mexico is a metizo nation and no amount of edited maps will change that paco

First of all they need to clean up their streets, as far as I'm concerned with the cartel shit going on they don't even have a country.

also pic related is you

Going to be really hard to justify that though. Plus we'd have to grant them citizenship like the others we've annexed (Philippines, Californa, Texas etc)

>hunting for güeritos
Shut up you bean and cheese wetback sunstroked moron

>you don't get involved in any drug/gang stuff they leave you alone?

They hijack and murder entire busloads of students going to universities because they don't want the other cartels to use them as agents and mules. Same thing with illegal migrants.

sonara safe in anyway

>narcos are only in 7 mexicans states of 32
That's where they have their bases you fucking low IQ rat nigger!
They're everywhere in Mexico.

How would that end the drug war in mexico when the cartels can now sell their drugs officially on the US market? They would still infight to get the biggest slice of the pie. You're just stupid and I guess an addict who wants to get his drugs easier.

Literally never worked a day in the sun in my life, but I do love beans and cheese.

Baja is Tijuana Cartel territory

>a pot calling the kettle black

At least they don't turn sides in a war, twice