One that puts walls on the outside and deports all didndus? One with a strong military and a sense of duty? One with blondes and redheads and laws against obesity and degeneracy?
When will we have a really based union in Europe?
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Let based Brits and Swiss free from Al-Merkel and germanic assholes and their vital space in the East.
I like OP's one better
We get access to the black sea for vacations and also some of Ukraine's fertile lands and Belarus' Forests
Fuck britbongs, nobody needs them
How come you included the Pollocks and the Ukies? WTF? Nordic means no potato niggers!
No need to sweat. The russians want a soviet reunion anyway.
>How come you included the Pollocks and the Ukies? WTF? Nordic means no potato niggers!
White people are white.
Blue eyes, white skin, Christian, based. We need a counterweight to the idiotic SJW Germans in Western Germany.
Fuck off, Fritzl.
We had one
>Being in a union with fucked-up psycho Germans
>Being in a union with fucked-up psycho Swedes
Fuck off, your leaders and the majority of your populations have killed your own countries and you have done nothing to take revenge.
Any based "EU" is one without German.
The one base German history was a fucking Austrian and you lot let him down, Germans are the most useless, retarded and autistic people on the planet.
You should name it the cuck & butthurt team.
No nordic union without Finland so fuck off
>not including fins
>abandoning hungarians
>germany rejected (again)
no love for the kraut
No shit, Germany has always been on the wrong side of history.
t. 53% white
>One with blondes and redheads
Yet you don't include Ireland or scotland
Most of those countries have cuck-genetics
What I mean is : during the war, they lost all their normal people, so only faggots and cuck remained
Why do german people wear socks with sandals?
no, not on the scandi penninsula
Finland, sweden, norway. Brothers in arms.
>Nordic countries need social and racial cohesion and stop mass immigration.
>Baltic countries need economic development and better social welfare conditions to curb ongiong mass emigration.
>Why do german people wear socks with sandals?
because they are not fucking latinos
No one except retard Americans wants this. It goes against anything Hitler, Rockwell, or any non retard nationalist wanted. White nationalism works in America but no where else.
Sweden is corrupting it for everyone else.
Swedes are all right and waking up.
Sweden Democrats is leading party according to some polls (dunno if they could be trusted).
Even cucklord Löfven said that Sweden won't continue with mass refugee acception.
if you wall italy we can't kill your sandniggers anymore germcucks
>Walls off Russia.
>Doesn't wall off Kaliningrad oblast.
Kek, retards.
>One with blondes and redheads
So something that doesn't exist in Germany? I like how you're also including the Balts but leaving Finland out, hilarious joke Abdullah.
>no, not on the scandi penninsula
Lrn2geography, fgt. That's not what qualifies a country as Scandinavian. Denmark isn't part of the Scandinavian peninsula, but it's still Scandinavian.
And yet it's all too little, too late. SD even if they did manage to win wouldn't have what it takes to save Sweden now (ie., mass deportations or extermination camps).
Sweden is dead and there's no saving it at this point.
It depends how close an election is if they are flipping right before one it can't be trusted.
SD will probably win next year, but it won't make a difference. It will just become another Trump-like disappointment when it's revealed that they've just been working with the Jews all along and won't actually do anything they promised.
We won't join.
>dreams of 4th reich
>gets germanistan caliphate instead
Are you fucking kidding me?
Why arnt you including the 4th richest country in Europe?