that if you are in the red tier you will be kicked out.
Daily reminder
Other urls found in this thread:
greece is right, pay denbts you mother fuckers.
>Poland is in the green
Wow, I'm honestly surprised
>paying less than half of its NATO obligations
>HQ of EU
>large imported Islamic population
>only colonial activity was the Congo, which was (and is) a disaster
>lacks a national image, even barrows language from neighboring countries
Is Belgium the shittiest European country?
lol enjoy NATO without Germany and Italy
>implying germany is relevant when comes to military
we'll have 2% next year, so will latvia. So please no bully
until then, I'll require pics of your boipucci.
go on then, post it
"The Responsible Development Strategy Bill includes a provision assuming that defence expenditure shall be increased up to the level of 2.2% of GDP before 2020, and up to 2.5% of GDP before 2030. Antoni Macierewicz, Minister of Defence, mentioned that 3% of GDP would be the ultimate goal."
it's going even higher
>Soon to be carpet bombed.
I pity Italians.
First they get flooded by shitskins and now they will get fire-bombed as well.
Yeah, Germany and Italy are well known for winning wars.
By 2020 not next year.
>that if you are in the red tier you will be kicked out.
Thank god, finally.
Do they also have to pay back what they did not pay previously?
what are you guys even doing in the world?
Greece asking to pay debt.. How funny.
>greece 2,4%
>how much is that, like ten thousand dollars?
>tfw no denbtns
We have the biggest army in EU after UK
So many many billions
Now pay debt you irelevant islamic shitholes
>We have the biggest army in EU after UK
And yet you still couldn't keep those refugees out of europe. What the hell did we sell your goverment military gear until your economy collapsed for anyway?
it really is disgraceful that only 5 countries contribute what they agreed to contribute when signing the treaty. Red countries should be kicked out immediately. Greece Poland Estonia UK, you guys are bro tier. Would definitely kill for greater Israel with u guys
>a german cuck even posting on a board with flags
shameful. contribute 2% or fuck off.
I kow your memeing but there are actually burgers so retarded to not know the 2% guideline is set for 2024, so be careful what you say.
You can't survive on your own, if the ""red"" countries didn't pay money to greece it would've gone to shit and you know it, when are you paying it back? Never? Just like germany at WW1?
>implying anyone outside of your effeminate country follows the inner workings of your alleged governmental "promises"
2% or fuck off. You shouldnt even be allowed to post here if your nation does not contribute the agreed upon amount to their respective defense organizations.
Italians are shitskins though lol
Have fun sitting in your tiny clubhouse playing irrelevant boardgames with third world countries on EU aid then.
not a country.
NATO is dead, if you can't even get our members to pay up it's a flawed system Trump is right to ask them to cash up, why should the few have to compensate for the cheap skade EU cucks.
your nation hasn't been relevant militarily since 1944. literally shit tier.
in 30 years Germany will be a black nation.
Get rekt
I'll take Germany's contribution over Greece.
What % did Greece pay before your GDP collapsed?
Am not in NATO. Can I stay?
>Spain 0.9%
It should be 0
why are these non-countries and islamic rapefugee centers (aka "germany") posting in this thread?
>the few have to compensate
Nobody is compensating.
America and UK are wasting money on their wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.
They don't spend 2% to combat the Russians.
friendly reminder member states of NATO that do not contribute 2% of GDP are NOT WHITE
This is EU's future. Subversion by breeding out the Whites. They should not be allowed to parade waving a roach flag in Germany. Burn the Roach!
What is the context to that video anyway? Wasn't that like the muslim march to show solidarity to the victims of a terrorist attack?
Those are Turkish flags.
Turks support ISIS so the march must have been in favor of terrorism.
Did you click the link at all? That is what I am commenting about, not the picture.
I'm surprised that we almost spend 2% after 5 years of socialism. Socialists keep trimming the military to spend more on niggers (education, healthcare and social housing).
>when an arab cares more about the future of europe than the average european
Just nuke us already
I'm a Britbong m8 here for work.
Been posting daily waiting for Shia's Cuck shed to open so we can troll him some more!
He's no Arab dumbass.
Just a G.I. stationed in durka durka land.
Why? Asshole neighnours can be a good motivator to keep defense up.
A country on the brink of complete financial collapse can still pay for its military. What's your excuse, rest of the world?
How is Greece managing to pay so much ?
If they can pay, no one else has an excuse.
Why is Greece always so butthurt about debts? Is it because their whole country is in debt to us and couldn't survive without our help and now they look for every chance to make their shitty country look good?
t. Turkish rape baby from a Non-white country
Says the 60%
it's taken as a percentage of GDP so they're actually contributing about 12 cents
>how do percentages work?
We literally surrounded by enemies only.Especially the roachland
So we have to spent tons of billions.Like the kikes
>greece is white
nice logic you have right there Mr. 59%
Plus after spending it you get all the money back from us, so it costs you nothing.
t. literally shitskin sperm
stay mad islamic cuckhole
Maybe you shouldn't pay so much for warships and instead work on your huge debnts
says the NON WHITE sub-2% contributing member state of NATO.
>borrow money from the jewish bankers
>buy military equipment with that money from (((them)))
>They come to ask for payment
>Superior Leopard appears and smash them like roaches
We genious
>Latvia and Lithuania so low despite bordering r*ssia
Trump was right, if you dont pay your share you shouldnt expect protection
2 years down the line, all single Mum living of state handouts. The new Detroit.
>it gets worst
they are already in their pathetic germanistan army
You need white women to race mix. Nobody would notice if a turk fucks your women since every Greek looks like one.
its ok ahmed.It will be over soon
Enjoy your caliphate mudskin in denial
>finalnd missing
god dam finns as bad as north korea we should invade them now
>only 0.9%
>get the HQ
u mad real countries?
Greeks don't look like Turks but laugh it up. Your German girls are already being impregnated by Ahmed and white Germans will cease to exist. Nice knowing you. Hitler is spinning in Hell right now in shame.
What are all those Greek men doing in Germany? They should go back to their country working their ass off to pay debts and buy more German guns.
>Hitler is spinning in Hell right now in shame.
And Churchill rubs his hands furiously. It's your countrys fault the situation in the west is that bad right now. And it's not only Germany, Britian is just as bad if not worse.
No fuck off you shitskin, NATO is shit anyway
sorry mudskin.I dont speak arabic
all of your women are whores who would gladly suck dick as long as there is a camera present
also a non-country. youre lucky we even let you niggers in NATO. that's changing though, time to pay up cuck. 2% or fuck off and never post again
Fuck NATO, a decent country should never be part of this organization. Hope Spain drop defence spending to 0% soon and kick americans out of Rota military base.
>when your country has been continually cucked by Britain since the 18th century and now your only "leverage" and national pride is being host to a foreign countries military installations
Your "country" is nothing but a storage unit for bureaucrats and cunts.
>greece has enough money to pay NATO
>but not enough to pay denbts
Fucking roaches, I swear.
no, by 2018.
Yes, yes we are
To be fair, we're Dutch, French and German clay, nothing more
Also bomb Brussels
ITT triggered germans (lol) chimping out over a based med nation
Or what? You are not going to defend us from nonexistent threats like Russia?
Not that your "defence" is anything any country would benefit from, except for South Korea.
Lel, look at what your 2.4% defence spending has brought you, muppet. Your country is in a financial dive, you are being flooded by mudslimes and all that money you blew on weapons are worth absolutely DOGSHIT.
BUT, I do agree that we should spend more on defence then we do now, only, we got bigger needs for our money like our economy. However, we are gradually increasing defence spending, just not all at once.
Romania has 2.2 now
well you have a budget suplus and you decided to pay for the refugees instead of nato. its kinda worse
Self-hate is NOT okay!
It's not even a country and god knows why it even exists, its territory should be split between France, NL and Germany.
How can i pay if our politicians are corupt fucks?
>no aircraft carrier
>no nukes
>shitty 70s rifles
>shitty tanks
They achieved more in WW2 than your country did.
You would be royally fucked if you left NATO though. NATO members on every side and a United Kingdom that will militarily defend Gibraltar without hesitation.
That's irrelevant to his argument stupid paki