Why are millennials obsessed with new age stuff?

Why are millennials obsessed with new age stuff?
They prefer yoga over exercise and meditation over prayer

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Yoga and shit like that is way more popular among Gen X than Gen Y.

this same fucking thread has been made before.

The answer is the same: xenophilia and oikophobia.

Prayer is for Schizophrenics.

why are you obsessed with soe posting?

She's ruined now

She also plays a gnome in WoW
fucking garbage girl

They just want an excuse to wear degenerate yoga pants outdoors.

something something the Jews

Why do you keep posting this useless fuck over and over again?


>Why are people new to the world enamored with new shit
It's like you're criminally retarded.

>She also plays [...] WoW
Why the fuck are people still playing that game?

check the IDs you fucking leaf
and read the fucking posts

I was calling OP a faggot for posting Soe
He keeps posting all of these old Soe picks as if it will get her untattood, grow her hair back and get her to stop playing shit games like OW


Well, Yoga and exercise are fundamentally different. One is a peaceful thing you can do with nice, calm music. The other, typically, is hot, sweaty and got rubbish music playing.

Plus gyms of any kind just have other /fit/ showing off, which I can understand some enjoy being a part of but it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Meditation doesn't quite require there to be focus on a god, if anything the opposite, it requires focus upon one's self. I've done both and I can say I feel meditation to be far more effective because it doesn't feel like as if I'm prostrating myself to some invisible 'higher, omnipotent being'.

Hope this helps.

Gen Z will rebel so traditionally that XY dies from choking on their soy latte when slavery is unabolished.

I want a white millennial waifu.
What do?


Stay in fucking India.

>5.1 will make it better guys
>5.2 will fix it this time
>come on, 5.3 will be the answer
>5.4 will surely do it this time
>6.0 is a whole new expansion, come on!
>WoD was so bad sub numbers dropped below 10mil for the first time since TBC
>7.0 is out guys, Blizzard spent all of WoD fixing wow and it will be good again now in Legion
>7.1 will fix the issues guys
>7.2 is gonna bring us a REAL raid this time guys!
>we're now in 7.2, waiting for the raid to release, which is going to happen in June/July because they had to force out the patch and gate the content to keep subs

user... Gen Y and Z *ARE* slaves.


but the brap post ruined it


Because new age "spirituality" is introspective and narcissistic. With witchcraft and the like, it is seeking power (whether that be over a person, situation, or their own life) where one doesn't already have.

For instance, searching for God within yourself, ultimately supposing that we are gods. Or, the more blatant approach, treating ourselves as gods in the sense that we can create life, thus 'My Will' is self-evident of divinity.

It is narcissism.

>why are young adults obsessed with the fads of their generation

Yeah, I stopped playing just before the launch of BC.
>TFW you play absolutely anything other than Paladin or Shaman

People act surprised when Blizzard can't balance OverWatch or HearthStone...

O shit m8

I'd stuff all her holes, with nail bats

1 post by this ID

>They prefer yoga over exercise and meditation over prayer

Prayer is just meditation done wrong, bro.


Therein lies your answer. Its fucking stupid and held over from a more retarded age.

>implying prayer and meditation are equivalent

christian dumbfuck detected

That's gen X, feeling old and decrepit so taking up something low impact but healthy.

Gen Z is all about pharmaceuticals and irony.

What is more New Age than tarot?

Because exercise and prayer are too western and not "exotic and interesting" like yoga and meditation.

>Meditation over prayer
What's the difference when both are bullshit?
>the yoga/exercise meme
If you are so inactive in your day to day activities and/or eat so fucking much that you need to take time specifically out of your day to exercise you might as well just let yourself become a whale. Don't drive the shortest distances for shit and don't eat like a pig at a trough 4 times a day and you'll be good

Because American movies, hollywood culture and degeneracy.

Yoga means literally "union with god."

Here in the west, we have this idea that Yoga means stretching with Starbucks latte on one hand while phone on the other.

Same goes with meditation. Here people think they meditate when they close their eyes for 20 minutes and do breathing exercises.

Of course, real Dhyana or Samadhi is something totally different.

Keep in mind these "pracices" in the west have nothing to do with original Yoga or Meditation.
They could be compared to hatha yoga practices meant for little children under the age of 5

I'm dropping warning signs, straight from my experience with my sister. Chronological order from 9 years ago

>Tries to sell Mary Kay, brags about how she will become rich and calls us stupid
>Tell her its a pyramid scheme
>She gets triggered and insults me
>Mary kay eventually ends up dusty and untouched
>Suddenly a vegan, like all vegans she starts talking about hurr durr that one vegan bodybuilder, drinking milk is bad, humans dont have teeth for meat (same arguments everytime, hive/drones, eeiry)
>Starts listening more and more to crazy youtube videos about chakra and bullshit
She watches this nignog
and unironicly watches this one and believes it
>Starts reading Reikin asian mumbo jumbo and reading about herbs
>Starts collecting "MAGICAL HEALING CRYSTALS" (huge redflag)
>Does coffee enema like a nasty fuck

Wont be long until the fucking dreamcatchers, and magical statues appear, and 5 middle aged hippie women starts chanting in the living room.

Anyway, whore is 30 years old soon, no career, no boyfriend, soon to be barren, its for the best.

>implying that Christians don't meditate
Yawn, "spiritual but not religious" kiddy detected

I'm dying

Meditation is not necessarily religious though, and there is some science to support its benefits. I don't fucking do it or care about it, but its not really bullshit.

I'm an old millennial, when I was a student there were people who liked very much LSD and Goa-Trance. It looked edgy, bright and cool.


There are benefits to sitting quietly clearing your mind reflecting etc but thinking of it in the context of some supernatural shit is retarded

Getting an om tattoo and greeting everyone with 'namaste'

I'm not spiritual at all. Nor do I meditate or pray. But they're not equivalent.

Yeah, that's what I mean, I agree.

You obviously have no idea about the desert fathers in Christian tradition; or the mystics that were able to do things like bi-locate.

How does that imply that Christians don't meditate?

i weight lift (10 years)
do boxing
do 100 pushups in a row
have a harem of 6 girls
still fuck my main ex 7 years later
have over 100 confirmed lays ( achieved during uni was my goal )
make 6 figures
drive a porsche

t. average millenial

>Does coffee enema like a nasty fuck
What? Hahaha, people really do this? Why?

No wonder she's single
Sounds like a fucking terrible life

Please die from radiation poisoning, your sitting on your ass in yoga pants because it makes you feel special, go for a fucking run or something if you want to clear your head.

Okay, let me clarify for you and any of the other pedantic retards here. In the modern sense, they are largely not equivalent.

But actually new age cult stuff was started by boomers

My mind is a terrifying and chaotic place. Have always wanted to meditate, but honestly a bit scared of silence kek.

>What's the difference when both are bullshit?
*tips fedora*
>If you are so inactive in your day to day activities and/or eat so fucking much that you need to take time specifically out of your day to exercise you might as well just let yourself become a whale. Don't drive the shortest distances for shit and don't eat like a pig at a trough 4 times a day and you'll be good
This is literally the most retarded thing I've read today and I really hope it's bait. Do you have any idea how the human body works? It was evolved to run serveral kms everyday to hunt to survive, the vast majority of people don't and literally just sit for 95% of the day, so no shit they're going to get fat because that's how the body evolved to sort resources. So just because of that, you shouldn't take 30 minutes off your day to not become a hamplanet? Kill yourself.

if your working out to shitty music your working out wrong, I box to folk, I lift weight to classical, I run to nostalgic music from my childhood, if you hate workout music, git gud m8 get music you like

Or better yet stop wasting money on a gym and do running and body weight exercises to hardcore prog metal.

>coffee enema

>do 100 pushups in a row
how the fuck do you do boxing and weight lifting for 10 years and you can only do 100 pushups?

cuz i weigh 100kg u stupid fuck

They're one-armed, clapping push-ups, though.

100 pushups at any weight is still pretty damn good. Ignore the 89 pound fag.

>coffee enema

If you're tired of millennials being average, join my Iron Pill discord.

>book a week
>2 films a week
>scheduled discussions
>fitness sticky
>sense of community

Be the better man and they will follow

Invite allows for 10 uses.

sources on these statements?
>never yoga
>never "meditate" (yes ive thought about shit long and hard before but would never stoop to labeling it as this cuckery)

>i dont exercise because of the bad music
witaf xD
my sides

are you idolizing the literal fucker who said "pray faggots" while simultaneously condemning prayer?

>Why are millennials obsessed with new age stuff?
There's nothing wrong with getting back in touch with your spirituality user. You fags didn't want to do it so we have to instead.
>They prefer yoga over exercise and meditation over prayer
What? Are you saying that there more benefits to lifting weights than meditation?
Have you considered that I might be lifting AND meditating and doing yoga?
btw yoga is an exercise as well.

feminism uses christianity to indocrinate men into being cucks (providers)

most the christian and thiest threads are started by people who want to pull men into a cult of guilt. I dont say christianity itself is a cult but most christian churches are just places for parasites to manipulate people

bad news..
daddies Porsche got you laid senpai
>be me
>actually good fighting weight not like some fatbritfag

sauce 4 science

>bad news, daddies Porsche got you laid senpai
how is that bad news tho

nigga is 16 seconds in and starts talking abo t
>rounding the curve on the procession of the equinox


reverse image search you lazy slob?
here you go, on the house.

she truly ruined herself

Yeah its hilarious, watched it while i was dude lmao weed, it was hilarious and fun to play with ideas (I like rpg games, lore and stuff)

The problem is my sister unironicly believes this bullshit and takes notes. She thinks serious disease can be healed by crystal stones

many things we've been led to be true simply IS not.

the grammar triggers me the most desu, i could take all of the homosexual undertones if he was at least intelligent enough to shape the words correctly.

new age for women basically means "I wanna ride the cock carousel in the woods while smoking weed"

What is this magic?

>She watches this nignog
so it's true that swedish women burn the coal all the time, sad!

when did I say I went to a gym user?

they let Australians own punching bags right? its not that bad yet I hope?

>not wanting to ride the pussy carousel

>Said the stoner living at home posting on Sup Forums.


Don't be a fucking retard of course we can get punching bags, we just have to get our boxing license and own a boxing gear safe.

millenials are mainly fags, present company excepted naturally. But to borrow one of their pissant phrases, here's the thing:
Meditation boosts growth hormone. Everyone physique building should be doing it.

forgot your picture of steve o

>Why are millennials X

Stop posting these threads with the same dyke over and over again you fucking faggot

That husband is a cuck.

Because instructions on how to meditate are clear & defined. When an outsider is interested in yoga or meditation the first thing they tell you is how, step by step. With prayer nobody tells you how to breath, how to focus your mind, what is a good posture and so on.

>new age

Its data mining.
More responses for the same question.

Slide thread. Sage this shit.

> grow up in Southern California
> get into new age "spiritual" bullshit hardcore
> start smoking pot
> crystals, I think I'm literally god and feel amazing
> meditating
> then be 16
> take experimental man made psychedelic
> completely loose it, realize my entire life is a lie, everyone and everything depresses me, can't figure anything out consider suicide
> every picture of me after for a year I look like a crazy person about to break down
> where I lived was all houses that looked almost completely identical
> no one would ever go outside, it was suburban prison
> catholic Hispanic step dad is always yelling at me to get a job but can't because non English speakers hold a monopoly on the shitty jobs in the area
> start collecting and recycling bottles around crazy hobos for money
> get extremely depressed around non whites and cripples for some reason can't figure out why I instinctively get confused about them
> discover Sup Forums
> everythingfuckingmakessense.jpeg
> get super into Nazi shit and Lord of the Rings shit
> tabletop rpgs
> finally start realizing at age 19 that might is right, non whites are literally lesser beings equivalent to animals
> realize most Americans are retarded liberals or fat edgy Christian rednecks
> move up to North Dakota to live with grandpa cuz no jobs in Southern California and dad is in jail 15 to life
> find out my grandpa is exactly like me and fucking hates anyone that isn't decent looking, white, and not fat
> everything makes sense
> realize this whole time I'm genetically an Aryan and might is right kill all cripples, etc.
> I realize it's ok to acknowledge that most people suck
> start doing all kinds of physical labor, love it
> mfw California was the worst possible place for me to grow up in with my pre destined set of genetics
All is better and now I have a sight in mind, hopefully I can get the SS back together within 10-20 years.

Try it, it's actually horrifying.

Stop speaking japanese, I can't understand you.

Same. I grew up in south OC and it is a suburban prison for sure.
