Political leader. Warlord. Had many women. Spiritual leader. Inspired billions. Followers conquered Rome. People willing to die in his name to this day. Show me a greater man. Protip: You can't.
Was Muhammad the ultimate alpha?
>Followers conquered Rome.
I knew Catholics were Muslim plants all along.
That's Ali, not Mohammad.
He meants Constantinople, The latin Rome was not roman after infested by crypto kikes
Alphas can generally get some from someone his own age instead of raping a 9yo
Alpha like Genghis Khan, and Alexander the Great. Great leader, but that doesn't mean that his teachings are necessarily is correct.
An alpha wouldn't have to stoop so low as to force underaged children to fuck him. Probably lured children to his camel with candied camel turds.
Who are you?
> Does not know the pleasure of having sex with younger women...
>An alpha wouldn't have to stoop so low as to force underaged children to fuck him.
How do you know he forced? The quality of alphas is people offer him stuff without asking, in this case a young girl...
You won't understand.
We aren't pedos so you're right we wont understand.
Italy, I...
I didnt know muhammed was a tranny
Could you please delete this image?
It's offensive.
>Followers conquered Rome
Are you high?
>We aren't pedos so you're right we wont understand.
It's not about being a pedo. It's about variety. A real man has one woman from every age group.
Muhammad was one of the most alpha men to exist, he succeeded Caesar in empire after Rome fell.
What is a real man for you?
>What is a real man for you?
I outlined it in the first post, you dumb favela money. Can't you read?
he looks like a psychopath and all his actions support and reinforce this notion
A pedo and a liar then.. ok terrone
he married a little girl so yes, i myself plan to do the same thing
Very little men are greater than Mohammad.
lol Achmed confirmed
I don't know what's more depressing an idea; that you're using an Italian proxy or that you're actually a pedo shitskin living in Italy.
By the way Muhammad was mentally ill and probably epileptic, he would often have seizures and then get up and reverse decisions he'd made the previous day, having undergone a personality shift.
His followers would mock this and manipulate him for their own personal gain. He was literally the first puppet leader.
>Shitaly shilling for Muhammed
No surprise there.
>he married a little girl so yes, i myself plan to do the same thing
Actually to be honest that's a bit of a myth. People exaggerated her age to emphasize her virginity. It's not as sure as people jealous of Muhammad think.
No great men as Mohammad exist in many people.
I'm Italian my brother. Convert.
Is this the first settler of our Sup Forumsony?
Mohammad (PBUH) was all right
Iman Ali (as) was truly alpha though
How is it going there?
honestly this. many sources put her at around 14 or so.
but good luck convincing a retarded illiterate muslim that the haddiths may be wrong.
If true then you're first for the fucking rope.
You're like that fucking wormtongue guy in LotR, only he actually got a tiny bit of his dignity back in the end.
You know what? Being an actual pedo as well as a shitskin lover is next-level, so you don't get the rope. We're gonna drag you to the army's latrine pits and drown you in shit.
Disgusting cuck
No greater man than Mohammad exist from English people.
Pedophiles aren't alpha
Why do these rare flags always have these pixels that just look broken?
Lets face it, Muhammed (pbuh) was the most influential person of all the time. Amyone else you name is really just a flash in the pan compared to him. Only Jesus compares and his time of sway is winding down (although Muslims still revere him)
The only religion that will still exist in the year 3000 is Islam. New planets will be explored only in the name of Allah (swt)
Is this you trying to use 9/11 to brag or as a threat?
because I'll tell you what it is; it's the punchline to your entire disgusting bronze age pedo faith.
It's the biggest attack you have EVER landed on us in over 10 years of war, and it was less than 3,000 people.
The MOAB we dropped reportedly killed more, and we basically dropped it as a joke.
You couldn't even pull the attack off yourself; you had to steal planes from Us. This is technology we use just to go on holiday for a couple of days, it's so fucking everyday I hop a plane every time I see my girlfriend. But to muslims it's the most advanced weapons they could possibly think of.
We should fucking glass every one of you and just stop pretending you're worth anything.
>New planets will be exploDed only in the name of Allah
Fucking leaf
I thought the MOAB only killed 32?
If I lived with Muhammed back then I would have joined his army ONLY if he wasn't mentally ill or wanted to start a religion.
Looting and pillaging sounds fun but I don't want to LARP because of some epileptic schizo who can't control himself outside the battlefield.
I've heard about nine different estimates from 0 to 3000, and many of them keep changing. That 32 claim you just quoted has itself jumped to 96
They're probably obfuscating on purpose.
Kek. Half the fun is watching mouth-breathing hillbillies like you get triggered.
yep, a lion of a man.
The problem is, might doesn't make right. Only God does. The Lion submits to the Lamb in the end. If not, it is against God.
Remember the christian god is two, male and female. It's not 'jewish', it's part of scripture, but it's been washed to put man above the divinity of the Whole.
Women don't revolt against a system. If they ARE, it's because there's something deeply sick about the culture. And for us now, that is the Jews. The women are just reflecting that evil in their lives. Feminine is reflective, masculine is source. But it's through reflection that we have creation, but the west has long been slaves to their satanic masters who preach 'man' as the true image of god. THAT'S the true psychological trick of the jews. They make man believe himself to be god, and they teach woman to be a servant of pleasure. This is antithetical to our base nature.
Man wishes to be a servant of God, and woman wishes to make servants of God. Their strengths and weaknesses reflect the divine order of yin and yang, of harmony. But when society turns them away from these goals, they become incredibly destructive. It's been progressing since rome at least.
Holy shit rare