Can Sup Forums redpill me on Christianity

Can Sup Forums redpill me on Christianity

I'm stuck between believing in a almighty God, and feeling absolute indifference towards him

Like, I believe in a God, but I just don't think he cares or is actually there.

Also, I've dated plenty of protestants, and they all seem like hypocrites. My mother is Catholic and father was a jahvoahs witness, but I thinks he just hates catholicism now.

What do you think Sup Forums.

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Look mate, I am a believer I am Russian Orthodox however I will not force what I believe down your throat, if you want to find out for yourself attend a church or a couple on a Sunday, talk to the priests see what they believe, ask your friends see if any of them have thoughts on the subject.

It is a big leap to have faith in god but if you truly want to know more then pray and god will guide you down the right path.

God bless user.

>God doesn't care
Why because you aren't a millionaire?
>isn't even there
You sound atheist
>father is jw
Your heretical father was likely an atheist, but who as a jw didn't believe in divinity of jesus, that he wasn't Christ.
>mother is catholic
few catholics believe Jesus was risen. They mourn, not believe.

Perhaps you just have hit the road block most atheists hit, lack of humbleness and unrepentant sin keeping you from God.

You are looking for deism while having natural dislike of abrahamic mainstream religions due to observing thier and human controversy.

Okay, yeah I'm not at the best place in my life rn, but are you really saying most catholics are not believers?

They founded the church, if it wasn't for them protestants wouldn't be around.

there are a majority of catholics that are just "cultural" catholic nonbelievers. Mainline protestantso are the same, but to a lesser extent.

Catholics just spend all their time morning a dead jesus, dead Jesus on the crusifix, dead Jesus on their altars, even their easter hymns are about the death. Most Americans who literally believe the resurrection converted to evangelical in the great revival/awakening in the 60s and 70s.

I'm not trashing the believing catholics, they just have problems in their church and refuse to sort them out out of radical traditionalism... yet seem to have no problem amending their doctrines to current political fads.

God is the original meme, and organized religion is the original shill.

>Your heretical father was likely an atheist, but who as a jw didn't believe in divinity of jesus, that he wasn't Christ.

JW believe in the Messianity and divinity of Jesus. They don't believe he is God himself.
But he is certainly divine, as all spiritual creatures are.

Nah, they don't believe he was God's son, or of the trinity/godhead, they believe he was just a dude with the holy spirit, and do not believe in the literal resurrection, they say the holy spirit was in him and that ascended. They are scientology/Mormon tier and I don't consider them my brothers in christ.