Men of Britain we need to be more like this guy.
Men of Britain we need to be more like this guy
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yeah, maybe, but you also need to get people together because pack animals like to swarm divide and abuse. Need to get people out of the degenerate "afrocentric" culture industry and replace it with something else.
More zionists? No thanks
We need to be more like an MI5 spy trying to quash any conservative movement before it gets going?
He looks like he has down syndrome.
cool story bro
No we fucking don't.
Found the mi5 spy trying to divide and subvert
He told MI5 to fuck off twice and it cost him hundreds of thousands.
He's got some major stones, I'll say that much.
Unfortunately he's CIVIC as fuck.
I wouldn't be scared of getting fined either if I knew they were just a facade
It's a start. The unbelievable amount of shit he gets from the establishment is a normie redpill by itself
Tommy Robinson, EDL, Britain First and even UKIP are all Zionist subversion.
And now he's shilling for the shekels on Rebel Media for (((Ezra Levant))).
A cuck?
Being openly anti-Israel is a really stupid idea though if your plan is to redpill people, say one thing that could be perceived as anti-semitic and people will turn their minds off instantly.
Subversion groups have arisen that only mention Islam and perpetuate the notion that (((Israel))) are our greatest ally. If they don't criticise Israel, they're either shills or have no integrity.
What, a football hooligan convicted of fraud?
A manlet ?
Tried to find it
but we should be more like that dude during the war
Who beat to death X amount of Jews was it? smashing their skulls in with a huge iron bar - the pic was beautiful, a handsome fella with a giant bar, the streets littered with dead kike; so beautiful
Wait - Englands cucked - itll be Islamists caving in the skulls of those who dont convert..
And i heard, Tommy Robinson - is really Stephen Lenon-Yaxley; a relative of David Camerons.
I think (most) people that do this are not shills, I think they just do it to convince the average bluepilled normie that, they're not racist. They parade around secular Arabs for the same reason.
A lot of them are. A lot of them aren't, but are pushed by (((them))) regardless into the public view.
You might say this is all the /pol would like to be he has balls and he really does something
smurf roleplaying day?