How do I stop hating women?
How do I stop hating women?
Well, just start masturbating in men of shemales
Work against feminism and make them behave respectable
Well, recognize what you hate about them, and then start analyzing whether or not it's justified, and if it warrants you hating all women. That won't solve it, but maybe it could get you started?
fallow my steps and go for little girls
Holding on to hate only damges you. Learn from it then let it go.
Post pics
find women that admit their submissiveness and dont expect you to wrestle them for authority
this is why you have to hit your wife
Find one that loves you and wants to make you happy. I look after her by working and earning money for both of us and taking her on nice holidays once in awhile and she looks after me by cooking and cleaning and a blowjob in the morning and night.
You don't need to hate women, just use them for fun.
Don't give them any power by marrying them.
There are a few good ones out there, but I still don't recommend marriage.
Adds nothing to the relationship anyways.
Compile everything you hate about women, and turn it into a joke. It matters less when you're laughing at the things you hate.
What do you think of that, you
multi-gender theory buying, free-bleeding, wage gap believing, hair dying, Hill shilling, gun control lobbying, sanctuary city supporting, Obama cock sucking, pussy hat wearing, CNN trusting, Trump protesting, virtue signalling, Kinsey Scale wandering, morality hating, double standards wielding, dildo carrying, Huffington Post reading, Black Lives Matter posting, Islam apologizing, terrorism enabling, anal pumping, occupy democrats sharing, fan fiction writing, tinder using, white guilting, victim olympics competing, yaoi drawing, morbid obesity justifying, religion bashing, cross fit endorsing, pride parade marching, Orlando mourning, geek culture attention flagging, Orange is The New Black watching, Bruce Jenner worshipping, pop and rap listening, Lady Gaga obsessing, night clubbing, starbucks drinking, snopes citing, coal burning, tumblr blogging, J.K. Rowling Twitter following, netflix and chilling, open relationship having, promiscuous disease-ridden blue-waffled pansexual degenerate whore?
are you married?
fuck them, literally
You will be cucked by a guy like this
>promiscuity and marriage success and longevity
>damage of single mothers
>intrinsic chad offspring + provider tendencies
>selfishness and modern egocentrism
you fucking can't
women not conscious of their parasitism are unbearable and stupid
women that are conscious of their parasitism are extreme predators (that go for millionaires)
you will never find a complete woman in this day and age m8
not unless you're some rich arab with connections or you're a fucking millionaire (but she will sure as hell take you for a fucking ride)
fuck "mig-tow" but the outlook is fucking bleak
Only an idiot would fall for that obvious trap.
Maybe you're just gay OP. Did you ever think of that? That's not an insult. Gay is a-ok.
Or maybe you get all your information about women from edgy-anti-feminist-mens-rights-atheist-redpilled youtubers who only really make videos about hating women because they know it gets them subscribers?
I love women. Had a few great relationships in my life so far. They're not all bad OP.
>How do I stop hating women?
Why bother? Women are literally garbage and the worst kind of people.
If you need a hole to fuck you would be far better off buying some latex shit off the interwebs.
Women are literally cancer.
By elevating your hatred towards people in general. Women are humans too and most of us are assholes until proven othervice
>let it go
Who hurt you so bad Sup Forums ?
>find women that admit their submissiveness and dont expect you to wrestle them for authority
Problem is that women are great fakers. Sure, she really is into Megadeath and is a die-hard Patriots fan.
As soon as they get the ring on the finger they dump all their bullshit, sit at home and get fat.
Fuck that noise.
Stop going on pol and falling for confirmation bias. The women that are well adjusted and don't fuck every cock in sight don't make the news or end up on pol.
There are still plenty of good women, you just have to weed through trash carefully.
Pretty hard to find.
My wife is great but every now and then she gets stubborn.
Fortunately she's also gracious enough to admit when she's wrong. So, it's not all bad.
>My wife is great but every now and then she gets stubborn.
So she's only a cunt some of the time?
Fucking sign me right up...
Pretty much agree.
A lot of the woman hating fags here are massive hypocrites.
>women are whores
>fuck as many women as you can
What, you think I'm not a cunt some of the time?
And you're probably a paragon of perfection too?
Fug. The autism is real.
Well I copied this to a note pad for future reference.
Is it nice cuddling with her after Mohammeds done busting that pussy wide open?
ITT: Kissless turbo-virgins claiming not ever being in a loving relationship is their choice. lol.
That makes sense, to a degree.
A lot of them just want chad to share his needbux for free in their slum-level apartment and get drunk on local plonk.
Others just want to focus on their career because they've been empowered to do so.
Most of all, they know most guys will keel over, bark when told to and coddle to their every need because men are the ones who should take the fucking risk, emotionally, to open up to a woman if he likes her. Putting himself out there and then forced to accept rejection or worse yet, captured into beta-orbiting her.
They've turned from lively, household managing individuals who would have a warm breakfast cooked and a cleaned house, with a smile. To fucking slutty scum who want Tyrone's cock and neetbux.
Pls NZ, don't project your cuck fantasies onto others.
Shouldn't you be fucking your sister anyways?
S-stop posting that meem
Stop hating yourself.
>S-stop posting that meem
Absolutely. Everyone knows that the Kiwis are into sheep. Their sisters are too fucking ugly.
Pretty much.
Stop fucking your sisters.
Well...I mean if she's all you can get, and the sheep turn you down, I won't judge you.
Never. You probably shouldn't try. I'm pretty sure Chad hates women.
>why can't I hold all those feels?
You have to understand one thing:
80% of people are assholes. That applies for men and women alike.
So while 4/5 females are stupid cunts, there are still an awful lot of brilliant and kind women out there that will make you smile.
The key is, be a better person, someone who is adorable for females. Don't sit in your basement and wait for Mrs. perfect to come over and fix your messed up life.
Even if it sounds cheese, my experience is: You get what you give.
One more thing:
Men and women play games. Both. It's important to know the different games and to keep them separated.
To get in bed with women requires exactly the opposite of what you need to do to have a good relationship. And when kids are involved it all starts changing again. And just when you think you figured it all out, somethings happens and you have to start all over again.
Don't be sad, that's just the way it is. Life is a box of chocolate, but sometimes the chocolate is made of shit.
fug this guy actually gets it.
>muh womenz are mean
And you're a perfect angel? Lmao.
Bad advice. By fucking them, you develop feels for them. When you develop feels for them, it causes pain when it inevitably falls apart because boredom/finances.
>To get in bed with women requires exactly the opposite of what you need to do to have a good relationship.
Can you expand on this
why do you hate women?
do they keep rejecting you or something like that?
By seeing them as the children they are. Do you hate your dog because he'll eat your steak if you leave it alone?
1 in 5 is not good odds, m8.
But your point is sound.
German bro might reply first, but I'll throw in my .02.
Women are attracted to different things for different uses.
>women want alpha stud for fucking
>women want caring provider for relationshit.
To be a successful husband you have to switch between the two when required. Meaning you have to start as one, and end as the other, but be the first guy when required.
Sound fucked? It is a bit.
For example - science has determined that depending on the status of their ovulation, womens sexual preferences demonstrably change. As they become more fertile they prefer more manly, rough men, but afterwards they prefer more intelligent nurturing men.
What about us (many?) that find it quite hard to hide our jaded selves only for it to eventually unravel and put them off anyway.
Be a chav.
>Not over weight
>Fine with pushing their weight around
>Drinks a lot
>Focus more on her appearance and how you want your 'massive dick' inside her 'tight, sexy ass'
Take this with a pinch of salt, different strokes for diff'rent folks. Though you're bound to land some with that, mostly because I don't do any of the above since I just got fedup of faking it out. Worked most of the time when I did, though.
>How do I stop hating women?
By becoming one.
>Bad advice. By fucking them, you develop feels for them. When you develop feels for them, it causes pain when it inevitably falls apart because boredom/finances.
You missed out desire for Chad.
Women are great vine swingers. When she stops fucking you, or you stop getting regular sex and just get reluctant "If I have to" style sex it is because she is already fucking her next guy.
Fuck that noise.
meh, thats wrong. i've even been in a so called "relationship", which involved lots of sex and time spent together and all i needed to get over it was like a day or two. i don't reject the whole idea, but the chance is pretty low at least for me
This cancerous analogy needs to die.
A properly trained dog can do the nose trick and will not do shit without the owner's say. Even dogs understand loyalty. A woman is a human fucking being with self-agency and cognitive thinking, yet they always get free passes to do retarded shit because you're either genuinely stupid or that pussy-depraved.
> muh " be their rock"
> muh "they don't know better"
> muh wimminz can do no wrong
>When she stops fucking you, or you stop getting regular sex and just get reluctant "If I have to" style sex it is because she is already fucking her next guy.
True to an extent. There's usually a tiny window though, where you can detect the switch and start doing something about it.
At the risk of sounding fucked, you basically have to keep your woman well fucked, no matter what. Once you stop doing that, congrats, you're married to your best female friend.
realize you're projecting your resentment towards your single mother onto all women to avoid blaming her for her life choices
True of dogs, not true of cunts.
Dogs don't hang around with cunt bff's who fuck them up and fuck you over when you are not around.
You can't. It isn't called vaginal Jew for nothing. Go back to catalog. Ctrl F for "civic virtue" and read the link that OP gave. Then be gay like Ronaldo and reproduce like he does. This goes for all of you
No one.
But marriage adds nothing to a relationship.
Except for when it goes wrong, 90% of the time she will get half of your stuff.
So, it's a one side3d agreement, wich adds nothing to a healthy relationship to begin with.
The moment my girlfriend starts about a marriage, I'm pretty sure something is up.
Ok, well maybe I'm unique in this respect, but when I have sex with a girl, I usually feel attached to her, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Having that ripped away or defiled is a horrible feeling that I would go to great lengths to avoid.
Fug, you have to be really careful of female influences on your women. Especially single ones.
"come out to the club with usssss"
Fucking whores trying to drag taken women down to their whore level. Merely angry that no man wants to settle down with their diseased cunt.
>The moment my girlfriend starts about a marriage, I'm pretty sure it's over.
Some people (myself included) have a hard time compartmentalizing sex. It's a more emotional thing. Not to say that I don't love the physical aspect of sex, but the best sex I've ever had was with someone I had feelings for.
>Fucking whores trying to drag taken women down to their whore level. Merely angry that no man wants to settle down with their diseased cunt.
It's not that.
Women love drama, they literally thrive on it and get bored without it. This is why they fuck each other over by ruining relationships / marriages and encouraging cheating.
The funny thing is this comment usually has impact, it signalises you that you have been hurt and think that women are shitty because of said experience.
The twist is, it works because a lot of people have been hurt by women because they are shitty, so it relies on what it tries to disprove
Go outside.
>tfw only way to save the civilization is to stop being an otaku and repill the QT?
This is too hard Sup Forums.
stop being a permavirgin
>Be successful with women.
>Find a genuine 9/10 qt3.14 who loves you unconditionally.
>She leaves you after 5 years for a fat nerdy guy who "makes her laugh".
And that's when I gave up.
> be successful with women
> 5 years with the same one
congrats on sticking with your high school girlfriend, kiddo
Heh probably that too. But single friends are something to be very cautious of regardless.
>How do I stop hating women?
Go family court and see justice in action of course.
And if you think that is accidental go to type
fathers children
in the search box, then click on images
See no more white fathers with their kids.
you'll never be a dad.
It is not allowed any more
>How do I stop hating women?
You don't, just at the very least try and find something you can also love them for.
The idea that it's inherently wrong to hate women is pure gynocentrism.
relax poo, your parents will probably fix you up with a waifu at a certain age, or however it works in poo-land. Pretty sure you can still hit your women too.
>Highschool girlfriend
Do you honestly not see the banner at the top that says Sup Forums?
I was shit with girls in high school, only got good in my late teens.
And I cheated on that girl like 3 times, doesn't mean she found out ;^)
My condolences bong.
Why do you hate women?
The problem with being red pilled about women is that you become angry not at women, but at the lies you were told about women. It's not that there's something wrong with them per se, it's that your blue pilled vision of women (sugar and spice, and all things nice) is basically just a lie told by society.
Once you recognize and accept the facts about women, about their ability to lie, cheat, manipulate, ruin children and destroy lives. Then there's nothing to be angry about.
Do you get angry that snakes bite people? No it's just in their nature.
If you're still angry it means you're pretty much purple pill, you're getting there but you've not swallowed the red pill yet, you're still clinging on to hope, you still think that the problem lays with women rather than with the lying and deceit of society to present them as everything they're not.
>And I cheated on that girl like 3 times
Well never mind, you got what you deserved then.
I never pictured Hungarian women to be currupted, you guys are cool on other subjects.
Drop the she and you have a deal
Same here. I had a gf for 10 years and sex with her was the best I had.
Random sluts made me sick sometimes.
Stop watching porn.
Hell, stop masturbating.
Realize that if your life is an embarrassment of riches: There is pussy falling from the sky.
Realize that women, apparently, want to be treated like gutter trash.
Give them what they want.
Find something to laugh about. Have fun, for god's sake.
>relax poo, your parents will probably fix you up with a waifu at a certain age, or however it works in poo-land. Pretty sure you can still hit your women too.
O it won't be long before they have full blown family courts there too.
Don't you get it?
you are all already guilty
you WILL have your property rights and any children you may have removed and degraded
you WILL be criminalised by one means or another
T b h I don't even hate women, I just avoid them, it sounds gay as hell but your best mate is worth more than a nice set of ass and titties.
>stop being a man
>woman makes you man
>get physically ill with various cancers and what not
>for me?
>pretty please?
You don't.
meet some, form your own opinions
>Realize that if your life is an embarrassment of riches: There is pussy falling from the sky.Realize that women, apparently, want to be treated like gutter trash.Give them what they want.
Enjoy your rape accusations and child maintenece
You just have not been lucky enough to meet you new modern wife.
You don't get a say in which women you will spend eternity in court with. She chooses.
>Can you expand on this
Girls are fascinated by the idea to find the mysterious, crazy, tough, hardcore womanizer.. [insert unrealistic expectation here] ..and turn him around, to "save his soul" so he will always and forever love her.
Meh, that doesn't really nails it.
OK, story time:
When I was 20 I tried to be a nice and gentle guy. And I had a lot of nice female friends, but for some reason they never let me get out of friend zone.
Then I started to not give a shit anymore. I went to partys to have fun, I was drinking too much and honestly I was talking a lot of shit.
One evening I was meeting a girl and I was talking so much bullshit it wasn't even funny. But I made her smile. Then I had trouble with some dude and he punched me. Then she took me home. And all of a sudden I was in a relation ship that lasted 4 years.
During this relation ship my gf told me to:
-cut off my beard
-stop drinking so much
-never start shit with other dudes and avoid violence
I'm not an "aplpha" or such a tough guy, I was just a young and stupid person with full of shit in his head.
Fast foreward:
I'm 26 and it history repaets itself..
>go to disco
>have fun
>don't give a shit about girls, just enjoy myself
>have conversation with some girl
>drink too much
>end up in relationship
It difficult to explain. Women are more "romantic" than men, and someone that looks like fun and doesn't take himself (and life) too seriously is something very close to the noble knight on his stupid white horse they dreamed of when they were younger.
Most people are boring and only care for themselves. If you can make a girl smile about you, you're halfway in her panties.
THICCC women within a healthy frame are not bad desu.
I know that feel. I did a few one night stands, but I never got into them. Didn't like it overall. Getting to know another persons tastes and strengths and try new things together is more my style.
If that's the case then I'm just not cut out for it, that sounds absolutely miserable.
I think I'll just resign myself to being a permavirgin and jerk it to 2D until I go insane from loneliness and develop multiple personalities, then I'll never be alone and we can all enjoy my hobbies together in peace and tranquility.
Plus, I won't be broke as a joke so I will have whatever I want within reason.
What else is there to life anyway, but to get off and not be homeless and hungry. I can do all that by myself and spare the pain.
>Women are more "romantic" than men
You are an idiot.
Oh well then, might as well enjoy the blowjobs and cooking while I can.
Change blow to tooth
Men make better chefs. More refined of palates
Good lord, enough with your permavirgin fanfic already, I wanna puke
I'm not even gonna go over the fact that guys who're fine getting girls don't bother fucking someone they obviously don't wanna fuck anymore, the fact that you think someone "successful" with women is the bitchboy who secretly got a bj from a drunk whore, whilst his gf was at home, is hilarious.
Because THAT'S the type of shit you obviously missed out on in high school and tried to roleplay on.