Start a new age fertility cult

File as a tax exempt religious organization. Disregard degeneracy. Acquire virtue. Rebuild society from the inside out. How is this different than what the Amish and Mennonites have done for centuries? Now imagine if technology wasn't shunned in these organizations. If these sprang up all over the place an entire movement could get started.

Other urls found in this thread:

>starting a cult
>having no charisma
>watching anime
pick one

The problem is civlization

A fucking old ass piece of shit convinced a classroom of kids to drink poison kool-aid to commit suicide with him because of some LARPing alien story and you think this takes charisma?

The fight against degeneracy is a low-level surface problem. Starting a cult does nothing about the new world order and globalist infilitration of the military and intelligence community.

No the problem is degeneracy being marketed to the youth non stop

You basically answer your own question. That takes a SHITLOAD of charisma. I don't think you understand what charisma is.

No well maybe it takes some Charisma you have to talk to people, but here's the problem civilization causes low fertility and race mixing it is a life support system that creates our dysgenic future. You can have all the children you want it wont change dick shit because all the race mixed mulattoes living in their liberal metropolitan life support systems will still keep fucking your shit up.

You're confusing charisma with made up bullshit.

Are you nuts? You know that nightmare goggles nothing's changed pic? That is this thread in fancy new wording. The ultimate how to piss off homosexuals thread. Even more than your usual ones

If Charles Manson can do it, you can do it. I believe in you, user.

All race mixing does is create mongrels who lack a true self identity so they turn into selfish hedonistic nihilists. How's that saving civilization?

Without cities how long would africans survive in Europe, would they last the winter or would mother Europa kill their weak inferior negroid genes?

You should listen to the Last Podcast on the Left episodes about different cults.

It takes lots of charisma, just not in the way you probably imagine it.

Happy families would be overflowing with all the charisma you ever need.

Could we make it a libertarian paradise? I'm sure we could lure in a couple thousand mainstream libertarians with the promise of tax exemption.

Varg pls go.

watch this OP

He's not wrong. Urbanisation needs to be limited and controlled with rigorous eugenics while a large pure strain of ethnic peoples live off the land.

Yeah, you know this is kind of an interesting idea..

Btw something like this
The idea is to get 20k libertarians to move to New Hampshire and start seriously pushing a secession movement.

Maybe we start the fertility cult in NH?

There are entire abandoned towns for sale in random parts all over the country. Some for as low as $250,000.

>If you have ever dreamed of owning an entire town, it may be more achievable than you think. For as little as $250,000, you can buy an abandoned town and shape the next chapter of its already interesting story. You would be hard-pressed to find a more alternative investment than a ghost town, and these three may just fit the bill.

>Cabin Creek, Colorado
People who are browsing items for sale on Denver’s Craigslist site are likely to notice one listing with the headline of “Ghost Town For Sale!” Indeed, for just $350,000, you can own the entire town of Cabin Creek, Colorado, which is a one-hour drive east of Denver.

The secession part is gay.

We would definitely need to try to get our own police force. In Alabama they ruled to let just a mega church form it's own police force. No idea how far tax exempt status can go for religious organizations. It might just be for property tax.

There are ghost towns everywhere in America. This needs to be acted on. Fertility covens could be everywhere and even be suitable as marriage retreats too.

Have our own militias

Thats pretty beautiful, it calms the demons in my soul to see a mother with child. Feels too good, feels like the world is all right.

Have another for double the hope

Just join quiverfull if you want this that bad.

Yeah that seems to have a good message all in all. It looks more of a lifestyle choice church families take up on their own though. I wonder if they ever thought of making a quiverfull based community.


>Implying I'm not watching anime while also having no charisma