If MWGTOW are right, then why do the majority of men get married?

If MWGTOW are right, then why do the majority of men get married?

you can be a married man and still "go your own way" B^)

Because most MGTOW are just failed normies who would love to have a gf but just can't get it. Instead of improving themselves they just bitch all day long about fucked up women they find on the internet.
This gives a bas rep to the cause, which means that it will probably never get really mainstream.

A good man who follows the MGTOW principles is not bitter, and simply refuse to waste his time just complaining about women. Science, art, businessmaking, philantropy for its own community: this is what a MGHOW should strive for.


Those are all ok except the nigger and second from the left

>tfw no thicc latina gf (number 2)

A lot of guys still feel like they'll find an unspoiled woman who they can be happy with due to thinking women will approach a relationship the way a man would.

It's why MGTOW seems odd, not a ton of men are doing it, but that a sizable number are talking about these problems with women today is kinda novel as it shows they're examining the value of relationships with women.

The 60% divorce rate?

Feminism will eventually backlash.

>literally the second-worst taste

Factually correct rankings:

well said

is the one on the far right supposed to be underage?

couldve just said the niggers

They blind themselves with false claims about the female population and ignore their own flaws. A man get married because that's one of the pillar of western civilization.

Aren't jewish women like the worst of the worst? I feel for you kike bro.

>If MWGTOW are right,

Only if you're a woman though. If you're a man and not 6'2+ with a sixpack making 6 figures and driving a BMW then fuck you, right? Fuck outta here fat bitch

Because MGTOW are the bottom 30% or so of males that never find mates, a characteristic common to all primate related species. They are the genetic waste of their respective species. Most men are not in that category, hence they find mates and in human societies, due to various psychological and cultural reasons, follows marriage.

Most mgtow are bitter, weak, miserable people.

user 8 is a QT

If you're a married man, you do go your own way. In the sense that you stop courting other women. Or at least you should do if you have any principles.

Pol is Natsoc not reddit mgtow faggots. Go to r9k if you want people to defend mgtow.

Natsoc considers the woman ultimate goal of any man. To strive for our women and children, but also to guide them. They are our burden, but also our gift.

everything above 7 is good.

In retrospect, I should have added a power gap.

Roll for your fate lads.

As usual Far Right is best.

>majority of men getting married
>fall in new marriage doubles in one generation
>down from 80% married to nearly 50% married
>divorce rate doubles too, now exceeds marriage rate by 4%

Not entirely sure a minority is a majority?

Don't get me wrong, at least 40% of modern women are okay, and 20% awesome marriage material. If you're an exceptional guy, go for it. Probably not worth your time if you're average, like most guys. Bitches gone crazy, yo, they think "above average looks" is an 8/10.

>no underpants bulge



very interesting
pls tell me more

The pic is pretty silly. Walk down any high street and you'll see lots of women with fat or/and uglymen. Sometimes the women is even attractive.

0 get

Gimme dat 8

come on 6

Probably because the majority of men are stupid, kike.

0 pls


Knowing me I'll get a letter and be rejected by a 2D GET woman just like real life.

anything but a 6

muh kutas

There is no 60% divorce rate, that's complete bollocks. Those stats include all marriages across the entire society, not controlling for class, jobs, race, religion, etc. So what you get is a big bulk of data that mixes criminals, lower class louts, niggers, etc.
Look at the divorce rate for Phds or something like that, and you'll find a completely different story.

Pls god give me 0

FUCK, reroll


Ai papi!

0 please
I'll be happy with 3, 8, and 9 too

you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.

It never will. The eternal vagina has too much power

Even the concubine of the King of Israel could have John the Baptiste executed just because she felt like it. And that was 2000 ago, you can't get more patriarchy than that

If women say they have the right to fuck as many strange men they want, force the husband into a cuck cage, and have black kids, the men will even thank them.

You should stop reading shit on the internet. Most people are in relationships, so by definition they make average money, have average cars, etc. Your comment reads like it's from a mgtow autist manual. You have never even been in an intimate relationship with a woman and you're just repeating shit your read on the internet. We both know that.


They do exist though, it just involves abandoning their liberal degenerate worldview. Conservative communities like churches still have traditional women who want to be a good mother and stay with one man. Too bad, most MGTOW oriented men also buy into ((( atheism ))).

>far right
>uses pic of Christfu

mmm really makes you think


please 0

read that shit out aloud nigga,church is not gonna change a woman's biology.discipline did.women were less likely to cheat because they didnt want to get stoned.

Most women still want one relationship and want to be mothers.

4 or 0, 0 or 4

1 or 0 pls

kek please give me a 8

0 get

3 4 8 or 0 rolling for kek

what kind of girl(?) will be my gender identity today?

The picture does make a pretty good point though. Why are women allowed to choose a man based on looks, but when a man does the same thing he's a sexist pig?

MGTOW is a reaction to men doing something supposedly stupid and detrimental to themselves.


My point is those fat bitches think they deserve the man I described whereas a fat guy is fucked


5 strongfu please

Alright, let's see...8

>beauty comes in all shapes and sizes
except for fat, midget, and deformed

marriage is duality slavery fag, they suck y our tit,and you gotta suck theirs cause if they stop they take all your shit

Number 3 please


8 or bust

That's a lot of saltiness in that pic, kek

>men making comments about how women should have curves in the hope that a woman with curves will pls respond to them

>work out
>work hard at my job
>dont do drugs or drink like a lush
>take care of my self by eating right
>dont want a women who is a shit for brains and a lush
>somehow im a fat virgin neck beard for wanting a women who is smart and not looking for a boogy man
Lost it at 14, spent some years being dumb but im in an alright place to make demands on what I want in a women.

They're not wrong that not every can have that body type and that there are variations in body type. Where there wrong is they confuse being fat for a body type.


Rollin 5 for SNU SNU


Fug it

Not in Japan :^)

Honestly, even if MGTOW mentality was 100% correct you'd expect a few generations to pass before people realize, you don't just overthrow 5 millenia of culture in 1 generation.

> Make threads insulting MGTOW

> lol look at these faggots complaining, they must be bitter

AKA: Ask people how they feel, laugh because they respond, assume that this is how they act all the time instead of in response to a question.

I do think the system is fucked, I do not want to navigate the minefield that is marriage. Doesn't mean I think about it all the time, or that I'm bitter, but if you ask and I answer, don't start acting macho on me, faggot.

Lmao enjoy your twig foursome plumberniggers

The marriage rate has completely collapsed amongst Millenials.

Why do you think they're so terrified of sexbots?


This is why I'm a fucking MGTOW >:(

>The marriage rate has completely collapsed amongst Millennials.

Nope. It's been gradually heading down the toilet for decades.

my eyes are drawn to number two, but let's see what fate say's.


I don't know why you wouldn't want to marry.
If you divorce, your wife takes your kids away and half of your money

Thanks feminism.

This will probably lead to a lot of autistic babie because millenials waited till they were 30 to have kids.

Well, for the married rate to drop you need to die or divorce more than you marry.

It'll take time to stabilize.

I meant to post this graph.

not true anymore for the 20 - 35 yo males here.
Almost all of my friends and colleagues (total about 20) of this age are single without kids. All of the ones who had kids with a gf/wife were dumped/divorced, that's 4 of them.
We are all white males with a degree, 75% working in IT. None are US-class of fat. 2 or 3 are /fit/. Good bye European white race.

Rollin for side chick

>#1. 8
>#2. 10
>#3. 3
========== POWER GAP ========
>#4. 4
>#5. 7
>#6. 9
>#7. 1
>#8. 5
>#6000000. 2
>#6000001. 6


Lets go

>I don't know why you wouldn't want to marry.
I was married

>If you divorce, your wife takes your kids away and half of your money
The cunt did already (or at least tried), kid turns 18 in 2019 so then I can quit paying for her. Haven't seen her since the wife left.

Marriage. Nope. I wouldn't recommend it for any man.

Koreabro has good taste.

if I get a 6 im gonna kill myself
