
>The Holy Fire is the oldest attested too miracle in Christianity, having been performed annually since at least the 9th century, with possible references dating back to the 3th century. On Holy Saturday, at Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulcher, all lights in the Church are extinguished, and the church as well as those present are thoroughly searched by Jewish Israeli authorities to ensure no means of lighting a fire is present. Then the Orthodox Patriarch, accompanied by the Armenian, Coptic and Syriac Patriarchs (the Roman Catholic Patriarch used to participate as well, however stopped doing so during the crusades) enters the tomb and a flame mysteriously descends and lights a candle he is holding. He then emerges from the tomb and lights the candles of the crowd, and soon the pitch-dark church is glowing with light. The miraculous flame is then transported by aircraft to many Orthodox countries, where it is greeted at the airports in formal ceremonies by heads of state.

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First for tourist money

the fuck

are they white i can't tell

Those are Palestinian Christians, they have a thing for partying with their crazy drums at the ceremony. Slavic qts will be broadcast once the stream switches too inside the church.

>fire summoning
Okay so how is this considered a holy miracle rather than a satanic ritual?

>Then the Orthodox Patriarch, accompanied by the Armenian, Coptic and Syriac Patriarchs (the Roman Catholic Patriarch used to participate as well, however stopped doing so during the crusades) enters the tomb and a flame mysteriously descends and lights a candle he is holding.
>a flame mysteriously descends and lights a candle he is holding.


>turn off all the lights
>'magic' happens

Simple senpai, the Catholics stopped participating so it can't be satanic

pls do not bully the mentally disabled

put the phones away


>Implying you'll ever do miracle and be greeted with a lavish ceremony from Putin

Nuking a fat gook doesn't count

We catholics do it on our own on Christmas, without pretending that the fire happened by a miracle.



I'm interested. Bump.

In recent news, fire broke out in Jerusalem's Church of the holy Sepulcher during an annual performance. Firefighters were unable to quench the inferno. Resulting in the loss of another building. Eye witness say "We got the watermelon. Mother fucking bootleg fireworks. Shit."

>not the holy light of the logos

>kebab raving

Just get Skrillex to dj the ceremony and you've get a classic spring break in germany

how are the orthodox so based?

When does the weird stuff start?

13:00 Jerusalem time, in 4 minutes.

>that based Russian flag

Putin will be proud


Daily reminder that Judaism and Christianity are essentially the same thing

Protestantism christianity > Rest of Christianity

What is with the middle east and the complete lack of order or decorum there? This looks more like a football match than a religious ceremony.


You're sounding awful Zoroastrian there, Mr Christian.

They're actually not.
Take Polish Catholics for example, also very traditional. And that's because they got the redpill about leftwing egalitarianism and atheism shoved up their ass with a pointy stick by the sovjets. Not because some inherent basedness.
Whereas the west got the slowly boiling frog treatment and is still suffering.

You can almost see the look in the Jewish cops eyes, thinking to themselves "why the fuck didn't I exterminate these people when I had the chance"?

Did I miss it?

Both Judaism and Christianity teach that God has a special plan for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.

I see what (((you))) did there.

Also, did it already happen? I just got in.

Nope. Ceremony starts now, actual fire will be in a bit.

catholicucks and all their derivatives are a fucking joke

>a flame mysteriously descends and lights a candle he is holding
>Guy walks into tomb with other patriarchs
>"Nobody else can look cause um that's the tradition"


Oh, for fuck's sake GET ON WITH IT

Was thinking the same thing.

Truth is common property.


When will the terrorists attack? If they do, we must STRIKE!

>lack of order or decorum

Do these genetic throwbacks not realise they are in a church and not on a soccer field celebrating their team winning the game?


It's Palestinians mang, there's a reason why the Greeks don't let them get anywhere high up in the church.

I miss Monty Python..

>lemme just go into this room where you can't see where the miracle happens and I'll bring it out and show you noooo peeking ;)

it's a mix of confessions

you think you're hot shit?

This is one of the funniest things I've read in a good while because exactly the comedic thing you imagine is in fact happening for real.

But everything changed, when fire nation attacked...

seriously tho, theres a small iconostasis with eternal fire inside. theres no magic or firebending about it.

I'm too drunk for this, when it's going to start?

>38Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.
>39But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
>40For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Christians by large aren't white, so no

I'm tired of waiting, I think I'll go get some sleep now.

What? So are all there people screaming "Forgive me, I masturbate constantly!"


>eternal fire

The tomb isn't an iconostasis tho

These are some extremely explosive looking Christians

An eternal flame is a gas-fed pilot light kept in a sacred or memorial area.

honestly it is a beautiful thing to see christian arabs mourning the death of jesus, and expressing their love for him. lord knows this really triggers the jew.

deus vult!


For the millionth time: Palestinians.

Meanwhile protestantism contradict the early christians

And Orthodox countries experienced just as much shit, along with the fact that they dealt with muslims for centuries.

God Bless Based Cyprus :'3

Well, no one has had it quite as bad as Cyprus.

Why do you care about this ritual?

Protestants contradict this

"Since then these things are manifest to us, and we have looked into the depths of the divine knowledge, we ought to do in order all things which the Master commanded us to perform at appointed times. He commanded us to celebrate sacrifices and services, and that it should not be thoughtlessly or disorderly, but at fixed times and hours. He has Himself fixed by His supreme will the places and persons whom He desires for these celebrations, in order that all things may be done piously according to His good pleasure, and be acceptable to His will. So then those who offer their oblations at the appointed seasons are acceptable and blessed, but they follow the laws of the Master and do not sin. For to the high priest his proper ministrations are allotted, and to the priests the proper place has been appointed, and on Levites their proper services have been imposed. The layman is bound by the ordinances for the laity."

Source: St. Clement, bishop of Rome, 80 A.D., to the Corinthians

"Our sin will not be small if we eject from the episcopate those who blamelessly and holily have offered its Sacrifices."

Source: Letter to the Corinthians, [44,4]

Yeah imagine being conquered by Muslim shits for 700 years and still holding onto your faith (like Greece/Byzantium, Serbia and other countries not even to mention Coptic church)

But wait, the same happens to Belgium right now and you just fucking quit

We had both Mudslime neighbors and we were commie state too...
at least cyprus had only one of those

Why does he care, OP?

are muslims being killed in the video?

At least your land isn't occup-


No but the fire appears after they sprinkle the Christus tomb with Muslim blood

This is getting ridiculous. They look like they are making this up as they go along, with the police standing around trying to decide what to do and the clerics standing around chatting instead of beginning the ceremony on time. They are meant to have been doing this or hundreds of years, has nobody thought of some form of organisation?! Put crowd control barriers up at least!

No wonder the Catholics left, they are probably still waiting for the ceremony during the crusades to start.

>And Orthodox countries experienced just as much shit
That's kind of the point I am making.
The "basedness" is due to having experienced godless modernism first hand and unadulterated.
That's why both Catholics and Orthodox from former Sovjets countries exhibit the same level of traditionalism.

>christ cucks will defend this

Are you implying there's no such thing as Israeli Christians?


Did the fire light yet?

You are a Christian?

Oh cool, the Special Olympics are starting soon.

Pretty good, but can any of them do this?!



The attempt to repress has the effect of exciting.

The west have been sliding voluntary into modernist materialism. Getting that shit rammed through your throat makes you go the opposite way by yourself. That's just how humans work.

I don't see how this statement can make you so assblasted and defensive.
Or do you think the Polish are some superhumans able to resist where others could not?

>American atheists

I hope Russia bombs you to hell.


Fuck you Christfag. Israel belongs to the Jews



How much is the crown worth?

>God is performing a miracle here!
>But nobody can watch it happen, its behind this closed door you can't go in. Don't worry goy we will be back with the fire.

This desu. I want to believe but c'mon man a miracle in the dark behind a closed door?

t. Schlomo

Schlomo is more common name for older (50+) Jews.

I cry everytime ;_;

Truly they are our intellectual equals.

Do you think you could even fool a classroom of white 5 year olds with this trick?

Even Jesus said that he does everything in the light because he has nothing to hide and people who remain in shadows are something something bad or something like that

>and for my next miracle I will use the power of the magic Jew to make a quarter appear from behind your ear!

lmfao ancient people were dumb as fuck to buy this shit

google messianistic Judaism, cuck